
Chapter 58

′′ They need more ammunition on the north wall. ′′ As soon as I catch my breath, I spoke to the officer in charge of military supplies.

′′ All the damn walls need soldier ammunition, we cannot allocate more resources to a single wall, fix them however you can. ′′

The subject did not even turn to see me before rejecting me, it is not that he did not understand his point, the battle had already lasted a couple of hours and the ammunition began to run low, it is normal considering that attacks of this scale are incredibly rare in this area, so military supplies are generally assigned to higher priority locations. To be honest, this attack cannot even be compared to an insect bite when contrasted with what humanity’s main lines of defense see, but the lack of personnel and ammunition is making things too difficult.

′′ Do you have at least explosives or at least tell artillery to soften things up a bit on that side of the wall? ′′

I could only ask for at least a little help, anything would help the defense line of the north wall, being on the side of the hills we have less room for maneuver before the beasts reach the walls, that’s why the ammunition has been exhausted faster and we even have a couple of men fallen into the hands of beasts that managed to climb the wall.

′′ Sorry kid, we used all the explosives against a couple of mid-level beasts that rammed the east wall and artillery ran out of ammunition twenty minutes ago. ′′

′′ You have to be kidding me, the north wall won’t last long without support. ′′ At this point, I was already begging for any help I could get.

′′ Look, we don’t have any more military supplies, but I can mobilize a couple of Army Espers, they are somewhat arrogant so don’t expect courtesies, but they are walking weapons, they will help the north wall to survive long enough. ′′


I didn’t want to have to see the faces of those arrogant bastards, but neither did I want to see my comrades being torn to pieces by mutant beasts, also at least they are Army Espers, they are less arrogant and unbridled than civilians.

′′ Ok, Evans, Karson, go to the north wall and help them maintain the defense line, be careful anything could come out of those hills, no playing hero, understood? ′′

A rather stocky tall blond man approached followed by a slightly shorter and thinner Caucasian man.

′′ Sir it will be a piece of cake, if he wanted he could burn those entire hills and reduce them to ashes. ′′ Exclaimed the blond man, I could only curse my luck to have Evans’s pyromaniac as a backup.

′′ Ask if I understand soldier. ′′

′′ Yes sir, understood. ′′ Karson answered while Evans just shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

′′ So what the hell are you waiting for, move your fucking ass to the goddamn north wall before I kick you all the way there. ′′

Coming back to the north wall, things were looking bad, more men had died fighting on top of the wall, the beasts began to overwhelm our firepower little by little, but before I got too worried Evans and Karson jumped into action.

In an arrogant and showy manner Evans leaped onto the battlefield, after making a couple of pistol gestures with his hands, blasts of fiery flames erupted right in the forefront of the pack of mutant beasts, killing dozens in the blast and leaving Heavily wounded dozens more, in a matter of minutes Evans that conceited bastard had slaughtered hundreds of mutant beasts barely sweating.

Karson’s work was less showy but no less important, each time a particularly fast or agile beast advanced into the area where the soldiers were giving covering fire, Karson would slide and stomp in the direction of that beast, the next second. a spike of earth emerged from the ground impaling the beast, leaving it fixed where it was. When they went in the herd he would take a position on horseback and as if he were raised with his own hands raised, a wall of earth emerged from the ground, slowing the advance of the beasts.

I hate to admit it, but with Espers on our side things were much smoother and the defense line finally stabilized, despite this the soldiers did not dare to lower their guard even for a moment, maybe we were not elite soldiers, but we knew at least that you always have to keep your guard up for any unforeseen event.

Unfortunately, there is always an idiot who thinks differently.

′′Did they have enough stupid beasts? Does your daddy Evans have a little more where did that come from? ′′

′′ Evans take cover, this is not over. ′′

′′ Relax Karson, they can’t touch us up here, hey what if after we finish here, we are going to look for some pretty and sexy schoolgirls so they can “thank us” intensely all night, so they can try some hot brand liquid Evans. ′′

Bastard still dares to say it out loud, it is an open secret that Evans likes young girls, not so young to be girls but too young for a bastard of almost forty like him, on more than one occasion there have been complaints of **** against him by the families of the girls who find them beaten and devastated the next day, but Evans is not only an Esper but he belongs to the army so he has never been punished for what he does, but that does not mean that we approve of this beast.

′′ Evans come down from there and take cover, by the way, shut your damn mouth, one day you’ll end up dead with that attitude of yours. ′′

′′ Who me, dead? As if someone could kill me, I am fucking Evans Fireblast and if someone wants a piece of me they will have to come for him. ′′

And they came, after what was some kind of very loud screech, a shadow swooped down on Evans from the sky, before anyone could say anything the shadow took him and raised him quickly.

′′ What the hell? Let go of me daughter of ′′

Those were the last words we heard from Evans before a disgusting tearing sound followed and Evans’s corpse fell into two separate pieces, spilling his intestines and other organs all over the floor. The resulting rain of blood-covered several meters of the north wall, the lights of the wall quickly pointed to the sky so that we could see our new attacker.

′′ We are screwed. ” Was all I could say when I saw a flock of ripper crows.

I don’t think I have to explain the reason for their name and the fact that they are not harmless creatures, they are fierce, bloodthirsty and what’s worse is that their speed is only overshadowed by their stealth at night. The moment I saw them, I knew we were all dead, the north wall was going to fall, at least I thought so until a playful voice interrupted my thoughts.

′′need help? You have to know that I charge per hour. ′′

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