
Chapter 57

′′ What are you talking about Desmond? ′′

′′ Nothing special Claire, just go to your room, I’ll go out and see what’s going on. ′′

′′ Desmond you have to be crazy if you think I will let you out. ′′

Not caring if Claire was still behind me, I went to the small closet that I had placed inside the basement, when I opened it, my hunting equipment was exposed, I took the blizzard wolf skin armor, taking off the elegant clothes that I had on at the moment I proceeded to put on the armor, while Claire looked at me doubtfully, I adjusted all the armor straps.

Having placed the back sheath for my twin daggers, I put in a quiver full of black arrows, these were part of the extra request I had made to Miss Rossi; they were nothing from another world. . . well, they literally were, but these were made of a special type of wood from somewhere whose name I can’t remember, the material was only zero star class, low-level, but it has exceptional hardness and a great affinity with dual mana wood- metal. What makes it the perfect material to make arrows for my gentle bow-fox is an inexpensive and practical way to increase the lethality of my archery. With all that equipment already prepared, I only had to take my bow and the other request that I made to Elaisa.

Claire perhaps sensing with her keen feminine senses that she was about to finish my preparations and leave, approached me and expressed what she had in mind.

′′ Desmond, where did you get all this? What do you plan to do? ′′

′′ Claire, I will explain everything when I get back, everything. For now, I need you to trust me, stay home, I will go out to make sure everything is fine, this area has quite a few mutant beasts, but they are all low level, I can handle them, for now, don’t ask anything, just wait for me to come back and no get out of the house. ′′


Looking me straight in the eye for a brief moment, Claire nodded softly, kissed my lips sweetly, and made a rather alarming statement.

′′ It is better for you to return safely because I would rather die with you than live without you. ′′

Swallowing hard with the chills that Claire’s seriousness caused me right now, with the energetic and sweet personality that she normally has without seeing herself anywhere. I did not bother to issue another answer because at this point the words were already unnecessary, I placed my bow on my shoulder and taking out a black robe wrapped over another object, left my home without looking back.

(Third person POV)

On the outskirts of Green Seed town, dark shadows rushed straight to the walls that surrounded the town, flashes generated by all kinds of weapons and even some Esper abilities constantly knocked down the shadows belonging to the mutant beasts that were carrying out a night attack against this human settlement.

The human front seemed to be able to defend itself with relative ease, but the front of the beasts did not seem to give way one bit despite the time that the conflict had dragged on, the men in charge of the defenses of the walls were beginning to worry about the resistance of the soldiers because the battle was intense and they had not found a cessation in it.

′′ Sir, we have to call for reinforcements, the ammunition will only last a couple more hours, the soldiers are tired and the beasts have not weakened their offensive one bit. ′′ A soldier with a tired face expressed before the officer in command of him.

′′ I don’t need you to remind me, Gonzales, I have already requested reinforcements, but they will take a couple of hours to arrive, we have to resist until then; tell everyone to keep the defensive lines and not to try to play heroes, right now our job is not to kill mutant beasts, our job is to resist. ′′ In a strong and impassive way, the commanding officer passed his orders while he looked at the horizon.

′′Yes sir. ′′ Making a military salute, the soldier withdrew quickly to pass the orders.

′′ I just hope nothing else happens. ′′ The impassive aspect disappeared from the commanding officer, as he exclaimed helplessly.


A strange screeching drew his attention high up in the sky, when he saw a small flock of gigantic mutant birds heading towards the northern defensive wall, emerging from the nearby hills, the soldiers had no time to react. Watching desperately as his defensive line seemed about to be destroyed, a loud hiss passed him and he saw one of the birds fall in the distance.

′′ When you say things like that out loud, bad things happen, you know? ′′

A strange mechanical voice came out from a nearby place, the officer in command of this defensive battle turned to see the origin of this voice, behind him was a man in a black robe with a bow in hand, he wore a mask that seemed made with the scale of some kind of beast with striped patterns of orange and blue.

who are you? ′′ Asked the soldier confused by the appearance of the stranger in front of him.

who I am? Mmmm let’s see. . . I am only your friend and neighbor, the subject whose name does not concern you ′′

Issuing a phrase that almost plagiarizes the motto of a certain arachnid subject, he added a strange ending, then proceeded to ignore the soldier while placing an arrow on the bow and shooting another beast in the sky.

′′ Stop looking at me like an idiot, tell your men to keep defending while I take care of the aerial threats, you are lucky that I stopped by to save your ass. ′′

Watching the soldier leave, the masked man shot a third arrow and muttered something to himself.

′′ Great, I was already bored of training like a machine, it’s time for action bitches. ′′

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