
Chapter 51

It’s been a couple of weeks since I came back from the world of Serefia, things have been quite peaceful since then, Claire and I have taken it easy; so apart from a little make-out session here and there, nothing else has happened.

Well to say that nothing has happened would be somewhat inaccurate, have you ever seen a fighting anime and have noticed that when the protagonist is beaten with his life, they resort to doing ridiculously difficult and complex workouts; What are usually shown in a quick short film?

The sad truth is that life is not an anime and you cannot skip training with a short film. Now someone might be wondering: Desmond, why the hell are you telling us all that? The answer lies in the scene that unfolds right now in the backyard of my house.

The patio was covered by lush green grass, despite its general lack of care; There was no hiding the fact that it was a well-thought-out patio. With some wildflowers growing around the edges near the fence surrounding the property, it was a fairly peaceful scene.

In the center of the backyard there is a small, but well-designed stone kiosk, going up a couple of well-chiseled stone steps, you will find a hexagonal floor covered with a stone slab, in each corner of this a stone pillar with chiseled patterns They spiral upward until they meet the roof of the kiosk; It was a standard roof with blue tiles on top, the only thing special were the 6 jade bells placed on the 6 points of it.

Inside the kiosk, sitting on the newly polished floor, Desmond was in a butterfly position; with closed eyes breathing calmly. If one paid enough attention one might notice that the air around Desmond was slightly distorted and if an energy-sensitive creature was here; you would notice that a gentle stream of energy swirled around Desmond.

In these weeks that Desmond had spent at home, in addition to cultivating his relationship with Claire; he had also been training the skill he had acquired as a reward for his training mission: Ascendant Mana Whirlwind.

In less than two days he had been able to feel the mana around him without Kyuru’s help, at the end of the first week he began to be able to mobilize the mana; By the second week, he could make the manna swirl around him and before the second week ended he could already guide a part of that manna and store it inside of him.


By this time he had already reached the limit of mana, which he could store inside of him so now he was trying to increase the amount of mana manipulated around him. With this, it would be possible to pass to the training of the concentrated mana shooting technique, which he tried to train before; but due to the energy consumption, he was forced to prioritize the training of the technique for the manipulation and gathering of mana.

On a side note, little Kyuru met my sister the second day after I returned; I had originally been frying my brain in search of a possible explanation for the origin of the little fairy, but it turned out to be unnecessary when Kyuru’s cuteness was the only explanation my dear sister needed to adore our new tenant. Since then when Kyuru is not eating or sleeping she usually goes to play with Claire so that I can focus on my training.

Returning to the place where she was meditating, the mana whirlwind strengthened as time passed and soon it was so intense that the anomalies caused by it became apparent even with the naked eye; feeling a slight headache I knew I had reached my limit and stopped my meditation.

′′ Hell how I hate training, it’s boring like watching a rock grow; also my progress is slow like seeing the grass being eroded by the wind. ′′

Desmond was not only ignorant of how bad the sayings he used were, but he was also ignorant of how ridiculous his talent was; one had to know that a talented person would find it difficult to reach Desmond’s current stage in less than 6 months.

′′ Well at least now the fun part of the training continues. ′′

Taking his bow- Gentle Fox, Desmond walked to a clearer spot at one end of the courtyard and pointed to the other end where some practice targets had already been placed for this part of his training.

After making a few practice shots, he took a new arrow and placed it on the bow, then trying not to infuse it with the dual mana of the weapon; Desmond proceeded to gently channel the rising mana storm ability and in conjunction with the focused mana shot technique, he infused the pure mana into the arrow. When he felt that he was beginning to lose stability, he stopped both technique and skill and fired the arrow.

Unlike the previous shots, this one didn’t just hit the practice target, no; it made a fist-sized hole in the bullseye. Comparing it to the times he infused the weapon’s dual mana into the arrows, he noticed that his earlier shot actually did less damage and required more time. But that didn’t seem to bother Desmond, he knew this was because he was a long way from mastering the technique and that once mastered the shots would not only be much more powerful but would also give him a chance to infuse mana from specific items into the arrows for various effects.

′′ Desmond it’s time to eat. ′′

Seeing little Kyuru flying excitedly towards him, Desmond stopped his training and prepared to return inside the house; when a slight sound stopped him.


Feeling the notebook tied to his waist vibrate, Desmond took it and checked what had happened.

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