
Chapter 50

There was a note of sadness in Claire’s voice now that was rarely an emotion she displayed.

′′ So you knew. ′′ Desmond exclaimed mechanically and with an empty look.

′′ I know more than you think, I know about the murders and why you killed those people too, I know about the treatment you had with the rich women of the base; I even followed you a couple of times and saw what you were doing. ′′

′′ You did what? ′′ Emotions returned to Desmond for an instant just to express his disbelief at this moment.

Too bad Claire didn’t bother to answer her question, she just continued where she left off before being interrupted.

′′ I know that somehow you blocked everything that happened back then, I know about the nightmares and I know why you preferred to drown your worries between the legs of other women. ′′

This time Desmond said nothing, only discomfort and embarrassment were to be seen on his face now.

′′ Desmond, I always knew and that is why I love you. Because we are not brothers, because you had no obligation to protect me or raise me as you did, because you made all those sacrifices and did all that damage to yourself because you decided that you would protect me regardless of the cost; Because beautiful words are said by anyone, but only you went through hell and came back forth for me. I love you Desmond, not despite who you are; but because of who you are. I have always loved you and I have always expected you to love me. ′′


By the time Claire confessed for the last time her deepest desire to be loved by Desmond, her voice had lost its firmness, she began to tremble, warm tears full of emotion fell from her soft chin; now her expectation was all that was left in her.

′′ How can you love someone like me, my hands are full of blood, I lost my dignity long ago, and even knowing that you were in love with me. . . How many times do I betray you by sleeping with any woman who could satisfy my lust and ease my pain? ′′

But Desmond didn’t give her the answer she expected, denial was all that came from Desmond’s lips.

′′ There is nothing more worthy than sacrifice, the blood that stains your hands also stains mine Desmond; for it was poured out in my name. Nor do I care how many women you have slept with or how many you slept with in the future, all I want and what I have always wanted is a place in your heart; not like your sister but like your wife. I don’t need reasons to love you Desmond, or reasons to forgive you; all I need. . . it is you. ′′

Silence, only silence followed from Claire’s final passionate confession; while she hoped at last she had reached Desmond’s heart. And she did, like a broken dam, the emotions that he had tried so hard to suppress, to seal in a dark corner of his soul for fear of dirtying his beloved Claire; they sprang up in one fell swoop.

With a speed that would put a Skyr Ventis to shame, Desmond took Claire into her arms, circling her waist gently as the heat transmitted between them; With one hand he moved Claire’s curly brown hair that covered her face and slowly but firmly placed a kiss on her lips.

Time stood still for both of them, for both the over-experienced Desmond and the first-time Claire; the softness and warmth of this moment was something they had never felt in their lives.

To Desmond, Claire’s lips were the softest and sweetest he had ever tasted, they were like a juicy and addictive peach that he could never get enough of.

To Claire, Desmond’s lips were as warm as sunlight in summer, and through them, she could feel Desmond’s “hunger” for her. That drove her crazy, feeling that she was wanted to that extent by Desmond was her dream made of her reality.

Then time continued its course, one kiss became two and then went from units to dozens; a touch became a caress and a caress became a fire that could not be extinct.

They went through the basement, then the living room, and ended up in a room lying on the bed, they never stopped kissing, Desmond’s weapons and extra clothes fell along the way; while Claire’s clothes became just his underwear.

Looking at her silky white skin now full of blush, her glassy eyes and panting lips, those plump breasts, her shapely legs, and a rear that she would tempt even a Buddha; Desmond watched God’s masterpiece in front of him, only wishing he could enjoy every corner of it. But in addition to the desire in Claire’s eyes, there was also a bit of fear and doubt, Desmond understood that for a woman; Especially for one like Claire, the first time was special, it was something they valued and treasured what this meant.

′′ Let’s stop here Claire. ′′ Desmond said softly.

′′ I can do it. ′′ Claire said firmly.

′′ But I don’t want you to, let’s take things easy; for the first time in my life, I want to know what it is like to have a normal love relationship. ′′ Desmond exclaimed, using a fairly valid and half-true excuse so that Claire would not feel guilty.

′′you’re sure?′′ Claire exclaimed nervously.

′′ Of course, I am, then. . . there is something I wanted to ask you.′′

Leaving a couple of kisses on Claire’s bare belly causing her to giggle a bit, Desmond followed up with less intense kissing and fondling session with Claire as they chatted.

′′ Hahaha, first stop tickling me, you fool Desmond. Whoa, ok now yeah, what did you want to ask me? ′′

′′ Claire Lynwood, do you want to be my girlfriend? ′′ With a serious smile, Desmond asked his question.

′′. . . Of course, I am Desmond; I will be your girlfriend. ′′ At first, she seemed somewhat surprised by Desmond’s question, but she wasted no time in giving her answer in an incredibly exciting way.

And in that way, Desmond Astryd achieved the dream that many bastards died without being able to fulfill. . . Dating his sister.

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