
Chapter 653 - 653 Chapter 653 Titania, the Endless Edge.

“There is also evidence of many of the illegal activities that this organization has been carrying out, but that is just the icing on the cake.” Commented Titania after reappearing in the room. Returning to her throne, Titania put on her most dangerous and playful smile and commented. “I must say this was a great deal, all I had to do was squash a little bug, and with that, I got the help of one of the few beings in the multiverse who could sneak into the association. Although I am powerful, that place has too many barriers, and its ever-changing and isolated location makes it untraceable.”

Casting an appreciative look at Katya, Titania added. “Even though I can cut my way through space, I needed a target to aim for. Luckily, the archangel of balance is a master of the law of destiny, for her to navigate her way through the fabric of space-time comes very naturally; the only irony here is that she suffered from a similar problem to mine.”

“That thing was naturally immune to Katya’s tracking abilities, so she didn’t have a target to cling to, which is why you needed me. She used me to track the blood that thing took from me and used on itself.” Lilith added, realizing what her role had been in all of this. Smiling wryly and helplessly, Lilith continued. “And to think that for a moment, I thought that what happened to my world, my people, meant something to any of you, but it turns out you just wanted a tracker.”

Katya immediately responded to Lilith’s comment with a tone of anger that hadn’t been there before, even as they fought each other. “What happened to your world is just the tip of the iceberg. The number of innocent lives saved today thanks to his death far exceeds any number you can imagine. I feel your loss and pain more than you think, so don’t you dare imply that I don’t care.”

There it was again, that pain deep in her eyes, the same thing Lilith had seen in Myrilla. Even the brilliance of a thousand suns within Katya’s eyes could not hide her tormented existence, so much so that even a person with zero social skills like Lilith could see past Katya’s mask of stoicism.

Despite her anger and impotence, Lilith could not reproach Katya; she just didn’t feel right doing it. On the other hand, Titania kept her playful smile, the emotions within Katya and Lilith were clear to her, like an empath; the hearts of others were always open books to the fairy queen.

Amid the moment’s tension, Titania’s mocking voice reached the ears of Katya and Lilith. “Alright, girls, you are both very cute; there is no need to fight.”

Instantly, Katya and Lilith looked at the fairy queen straight but were greeted with an annoyingly mocking smile. Not wanting to deal with the fairy queen any longer, Katya turned to Lilith and extended her hand. “We’re leaving; our business here is over.”


Of course, Lilith didn’t agree without thinking. “Wait for a second. Where are you going to take me?”

“I will take you to some world suitable for your development, probably in an intermediate or higher dimension, far from the border between the faction of chaos and order; Someone like you shouldn’t have to see more wars.” Katya replied. Surprisingly, the Archangel of Balance had actually thought about the matter, and she had been considerate enough of Lilith’s past.

For a second, Lilith fell silent; below her elegant and combative exterior, the former empress genuinely tired to the point where she had no interest in becoming stronger or further delving into blood magic. Lilith was tired of conflict, war, death, and even blood.

Without any fear of interrupting or watching the world burn, Titania said, “If you’re thinking of a quiet place to take her, I happen to know the perfect place.”

Seeing the wary look that Katya and Lilith were giving her, Titania just smiled as if she was immune to everything they thought. “The place is called Eternal Night. I thought Katya should know it. Isn’t that where that girl, Soi Fong, lives? That place is dragon territory and is under the protection of at least three overlords like me; very few places are as safe as that place in the multiverse.”

Not buying what Titania had to sell, Lilith questioned her. “What’s the trick?”

Titania shrugged and answered. “There is no trick. Eternal Night is an artificial world created by people like you for people like you… Bloodthirsty monsters with inordinate power who got tired of the violence and darkness out there. In essence, it is a retirement home for old monsters. A little paradise for those with an almost endless life expectancy who prefer to spend their days in a place so quiet that you want to die of boredom; I thought you would fit in perfectly.”

Despite Titania’s irony and taunts, Lilith was indeed interested in the place, a dull and quiet life was precisely what she wanted, no more fighting, no more death, and no more blood... well, besides what she needed to survive.

Katya hesitated for a moment but finally took Lilith’s hand and left. Deep inside the archangel, she was interested in going to that place and seeing Soi Fong. However, she was most likely unaware of it.

After Lilith and Katya’s departure, Titania was left alone in the throne room, but that didn’t last long. Just a couple of seconds later, hundreds of copies of herself flooded the throne room.

At some point, it got absurd how the copies of Titania kept coming, but the throne room never seemed to fill up. Under Titania’s influence, her metal palace was molded to her will. A minute later, copies of Titania stopped flooding the room. Still, a quick glance around would show that the numbers had already reached an astronomical sum.

Although it was a bit strange, being the eccentric person she was, Titania addressed her golems as a general to her troops, even though they were only an extension of herself. “Alright ladies and… Well, more ladies, we’ve spent too much time sitting comfortably on the sidelines, looking after our sanctuary, our precious daughters. When I created this place when I sacrificed my wings to create the barrier that protects our beloved Avalis, I made a promise to myself, I swore that I would dedicate my life to our daughters, but I have failed that oath. Out there, in the vast universe outside Avalis, my daughters, our daughters, still suffer. The hunt continues, and it is time to remind the entire universe that I, Titania, will not tolerate my daughters, scattered around the cosmos, being bullied. A new era approaches, the tenuous balance between the factions of order and chaos will soon face turbulent times, and a war is at our doorstep. Before this war starts, before the curtain rises, I want to make sure that none of my beloved daughters are used as a weapon during this war. Who’s with me?”

Immediately, cries of fury and support filled the throne room, thousands of copies of Titania shouting in unison. “For our daughters, for Avalis.”

Titania smiled, quite pleased with herself in more ways than would be normal for a sane person. A second later, when the throne room fell silent, Titania stretched out her hands to the sky, and the entire world of Avalis was covered in a light screen. The light screen looked like the most beautiful mosaics made of all the precious metals of the known and unknown universe, a true work of art born of nature in more ways than one.

Looking at the brightness in the sky, Titania sighed with nostalgia. It had been a long time since she had fully activated Avalis’s defenses, and she was looking at that beautiful landscape she had previously carried on her back in the shape of a pair of wings.

Pushing away feelings of nostalgia, Titania’s heart filled with resolve and combativeness. Her beloved daughters had suffered too much, and it was time for Mom to bring them home, no matter how much blood she had to shed.

Raising her right hand to her chest, Titania stabbed herself as if she were trying to take her heart out, but instead, what came out of her was a beautiful sword. The sword seemed made of particles of thousands of different metals, like Titania’s eyes. It was precisely from that sword that one of Titania’s titles came, the endless edge.

Looking at her sword, Titania’s gaze turned sharp. All it took was a flick of her wrist, and the sword shattered into dust particles. Then, each particle of dust turned into a sword. Millions of blades, all similar but slightly different in shape, all made of different precious metals.

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