
Chapter 598

Curiously, Claire and Revna, the most possessive girls in the group, showed no reaction to Xiauyue’s clear affection for Desmond. This was because Xiauyue spoke of Desmond as a family member rather than a friend or lover.

Leaving the gala, Xiauyue passed by the side of the crater that her half-brother had left behind her, but she completely ignored him. Instead, she continued to focus on her conversation with the girls. “I hope you will seriously consider my offer, Fei Long, and I would be delighted to have you as our guests. You may not believe it, but our lives are a bit lonely. It’s something that happens when you become strong enough for everyone to fear you; Fei Long and I would really need the company.”

In addition to politeness, a genuine touch of loneliness in Xiauyue’s tone made the group change their plans and agree to her invitation. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the emotional reasons, another factor made the group make that decision; the offer was too good.

“In that case, it would be our honor to be your guest.” Claire accepted after getting the tacit acceptance of the rest of the girls.

Xiauyue was immediately overjoyed by her positive response, believing she could have fun with the girls as she and Fei Long once did with Desmond. Just as Xiauyue said, the duo’s life had been quite lonely for the past few years.

While the love between her and Fei Long blossomed beautifully in the past five years, it was also true that the only thing both girls had was each other. Due to constant conflicts and wars, the duo had spent too much time on the battlefield or training. There was little of a social life to speak of.

After the war, both girls became living legends, too dangerous or influential to be overlooked. Any interaction they had tended to be tied to all sorts of political and occult agendas. Apart from the forces she had personally raised and trained, both girls could trust almost no one else.

That was why meeting her friend’s wives made Xiauyue very excited. Xiauyue could already imagine how excited Fei Long would be. Knowing her, there was no way she wouldn’t toast the meeting with a few drinks.


When all was said and done, Xiauyue couldn’t wait to return to her personal residence within the sect. “I am delighted that you accept the invitation. Fei Long will also be pleased; follow me. We will deal with my stupid half-brother later.” Xiauyue was in the middle of saying something else when she stopped suddenly to let out a rather exasperated sigh.

Seeing Claire and the rest of her giving her strange looks, Xiauyue realized they hadn’t noticed their situation. Not wanting to cause any misunderstanding, Xiauyue explained. “I hope you don’t misunderstand me; I was just expressing my anger at the assholes hiding in the shadows who think they can kill me.”

Realizing that they had been detected, a group of people dressed in black with black masks came out of multiple alleys surrounding the girls. The group’s sudden appearance alerted all the girls, well, all but Xiauyue. Xiauyue acted as if the group of people did not exist.

Paying no attention to her attackers, Xiauyue turned to Claire and the girls. “Sorry, girls, I hate to admit it, but the city isn’t exactly what one would call an impenetrable bulwark, not currently, at least. It seems that some vermin made their way here. I usually spend most of my time within the sect with Fei Long, so these idiots must have thought this was their chance to catch me off guard in a place where I have no reinforcements at my disposal.”

Unlike Xiauyue, who took things extremely calmly, her attackers did not wait to start their offensive. As Xiauyue spoke, the group of people, just over a dozen, threw knives and darts at Xiauyue.

To the surprise of Claire and the girls, Xiauyue didn’t even need to move a muscle to defend herself. The Aura spread from Xiauyue outward in ripples like a drop hitting the surface of the water, and when the thrown weapons met the Aura ripple, they stopped.

Giving the girls an apologetic look, Xiauyue decided to deal with the problem before continuing the conversation. From one moment to the next, Xiauyue’s friendly and calm countenance completely changed, turning cold and indifferent. The next scene would be one that Claire, Cecilia, Revna, and Sasha will never forget.

Xiauyue’s heavy wooden sandals echoed as they hit the cobblestones on the floor. Her graceful yet curvaceous figure hid well how insanely powerful it was the owner of such a sensual body. Xiauyue didn’t even bother to exchange words with her attackers. She immediately sprang into action and snapped out of it, giving it all. ” ”

In an instant, Xiauyue disappeared from where she was standing and was replaced by what might as well be a small army of projections of herself made of navy blue Aura. Each projection had a translucent yet realistic appearance, not to mention brimming with an incredibly dense and pure Aura.

Given the number of Aura’s projections, the people in black were outnumbered two to one, and that was just the beginning of her nightmare. At the same time, the palms of all the projections were filled with a pink Aura. In the next instant, each projection fired a barrage of palm strikes. Even a high-caliber machine gun would have been kinder than the palms raining down pain and fury on the black-clad figures.

Out of nowhere, all the projections stopped and converged to a point where a second later, Xiauyue appeared, looking not at all tired from the absurd show of force she had just done.

After that... Well, there was no after, at least not for the people dressed in black. Three seconds was all it took for Xiauyue to take down the black-clothed people. She not only did it quickly and efficiently, but she even did it effortlessly.

Sasha was perhaps the only one of the group who saw past Xiauyue’s absurd martial prowess. And she saw the girl’s true level, but that didn’t make her feel any better. “Three-star class, probably somewhere between medium and high level.” Sasha muttered as she analyzed the fluctuations of Xiauyue’s Aura.

From Desmond’s mouth, Sasha and the rest knew how huge the gap between the two-star class and the three-star class was, so it came as a huge shock to the girls when they heard what Sasha had just said.

What Sasha didn’t mention, and the rest of the girls didn’t remember at the time, was something Desmond had once told them about the sovereign martial world. This was a world where they revered martial strength.

This made the martial prowess of the users there far exceed other users of the same level that one would find in other worlds. Hence why, Xiauyue seemed so overwhelmingly powerful.

The girls were getting ready to say something when they saw Xiauyue take out a beautiful Tang-type sword from behind her back and swing it forcefully to one side. Revna had barely detected the disturbance in the shadows when they all saw a black-robed figure materialize in front of Xiauyue, clashing swords with her.

It took a second for everyone to realize that this person had been hiding all this time, waiting for the right opportunity to ambush Xiauyue with the intention of killing her in one move.

Although it saw itself revealed, the black-robed figure refused to give up immediately, unleashing a storm of silver sparkles as Xiauyue’s swords and the figure collided in rapid succession.

Seeing that none of its attacks could break through Xiauyue’s defenses, the figure realized that the opportunity was lost and it was time to retreat. As if she read the mind of the clothed black figure, Xiauyue smiled. “Who has given you permission to go?”

For a moment, it was as if Xiauyue split into three copies of herself, all brandishing a sword filled with an icy blue glow that traveled at a chilling speed toward the black-robed figure. ” ”

A gasp filled with panic and pain came from the black-clothed figure as it had to sacrifice one of her arms to escape the deadly triple attack and thus survive. Aware of what was in store for him if he stayed, the figure wanted to use his stealth special ability to run away, but it was too late.

A sudden sensation of pain was accompanied by a sword whose tip protruded from the chest of the black-robed figure. Then, he saw Xiauyue in front of him and the two projections of her crumbling into flashes of Aura.

Appearing like a ghost as her Aura projections crumbled, some words came from Xiauyue’s lips. “Don’t feel bad; you’re not the first to fall for my . It can be quite an unfair combo when used with .”

It was a pity that the person in black was too dead to answer. And as Claire, Sasha, Revna, and Cecilia watched all of this, they shared a common thought. “Are we supposed to save this dangerous woman and her wife?”

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