
Chapter 531

Sasha’s sweet, erotic moans were accompanied by the sound of her hips being thrust by Desmond, and with how energetic and passionate the moment was, one would have a hard time believing it was so early in the morning.

The only thing more hypnotic than Sasha’s moans and her beautiful face filled with ecstasy was her breasts bouncing off with exquisite grace every time Desmond thrust into her.

After exchanging a look of consent, Desmond picked up the pace, ravaging Sasha’s insides hard, sending endless gusts of pleasure through their bodies. With a final effort, Desmond pushed his manhood deep, depositing vast amounts of his fiery seed inside Sasha.

The burning sensation in her belly caused flames to leap from Sasha’s hair for a moment. Reaching a huge orgasm as Desmond filled her insides with white, Sasha collapsed helplessly and exhausted, her expression tremendous with satisfaction and infatuation.

Desmond looked at the artwork in front of him and couldn’t help but feel blessed; it was hard not to feel that way when the woman he had just made love to was so beautiful. Added to her natural beauty, Sasha’s current appearance was erotic to the extreme, causing Desmond to be tempted into a second round.

Unfortunately, Desmond and Sasha could not continue enjoying the carnal pleasures; It couldn’t be helped; at first, Desmond had initially just stopped by to say good morning. He didn’t know that the kiss he started as a greeting would end in passionate and intense sex.

To tell the truth, Desmond didn’t expect things to turn out this way, but he wasn’t too bothered either. For him, being able to take these kinds of liberties was the definition of a happy life. Of course, Desmond had a lot more on his list of requirements for a perfect life, and sex was far from the only thing on the list, but it would be hypocritical to say that he didn’t enjoy it very much.

Whatever the case, Desmond still had things to do for the rest of the day; since taking advantage of the vacation he got from his assignment in the army, Desmond was more than ready to take another trip.


“Desmond, you’re hard again.”

Sasha’s breathless voice interrupted Desmond’s thoughts, who had barely realized that he had forgotten to bring his manhood out of Sasha.

Pulling back gently, Desmond watched as a waterfall of viscous white liquid spilled from Sasha’s private parts. Still, he ignored the exciting scene and instead just kissed Sasha before bidding his farewell.

Clearly exhausted and showing a tendency to want to spend the rest of the day asleep, Sasha asked. “Where will you go?”

Desmond answered as he dressed again. “For now I have to go to Garden and leave some instructions, after that I’ll go to Silvia’s house to leave some things. I plan to stop by Athena’s tree house for a bit; Kyuru says that little harpy has been asking about me. I can only be thankful that she forgot about the whole thing about wanting to be a mom.”

As Desmond pulled on his pants, a flicker of lust and affection flashed across Sasha’s eyes, and she got up and leaned back to plant a couple of kisses on Desmond’s bare abdomen and chest.

Sasha responded by barely resisting the drowsiness and the remnants of pleasure still coursing through her sweet body. “That little harpy is too energetic; she sure would go crazy if Kyuru and Cecilia didn’t visit her. Also, she is too fond of you, but only god knows how her little head works. One day she says you are her husband, only to forget about it the next day. Though I must admit, it was funny how everyone looked at you on your birthday when she said she was having your kids.”

Desmond refused to comment on the matter; enough he had with the look everyone gave him that day. What he didn’t expect was that Sasha didn’t seem to have finished; she continued to occasionally kiss his body, tenderly and with a hint of lust as she spoke.

“Still, that’s not what I meant. I want to know which world you plan to go to and what your mission is this time. I am worried, but you refused to let any of us accompany you.”

Not wanting to go back to having the discussion about bringing a chaperone, something that had ended with no results last time, Desmond decided that he could give in a bit and reveal some information, not that it was much of a secret, either. Desmond just didn’t talk about it because that was his personality; he used to keep a lot of things to himself to avoid worrying Claire and the other girls.

“Originally, I didn’t have a mission that interested me, and I planned to let Elaisa do some research, but she contacted me recently. It seems that an assignment came up that suits my tastes quite a lot, the pay is quite generous, and the mission will be nothing difficult to complete.”

Believing Desmond’s description sounded too good to be true, Sasha probed some more. “You know I would never doubt you, but that mission sounds too easy; you’re not the type to pick targets that offer no challenge.”

Desmond smiled, knowing that Sasha knew him well enough, but he still clarified. “Normally, that’s the case, but this quest offers quite an attractive reward, even if it’s in pure credits. Also, part of my reason for going is the destination, which is a place where resources and beasts abound that will be useful to us. I plan to complete my mission and spend a couple of weeks training there.”

Succumbing to exhaustion, Sasha planted one last kiss right over Desmond’s heart before collapsing onto the bed. However, her eyes still gazed with infinite fondness in Desmond’s direction as she rubbed a very suggestive part of her belly.

“I see; in that case, I can’t wait for you to come back to tell me everything. Just don’t forget to say goodbye to the rest of the girls... You haven’t told me the place’s name yet.”

Resisting Sasha’s seductive and tempting appearance, Desmond replied wryly as he finished dressing. “I would never forget to say goodbye; after all, Claire would rip my manhood out of me if I did. As for the place, let me check.”

Picking up the hunter’s book that he left on a nightstand in the room, Desmond checked the quest information one more time for the name of the world he was going to. Being quite familiar with the interface, it didn’t take long for Desmond to find what he was looking for. “Here it is; it’s called Visteria G-153.”

Receiving no response, Desmond turned around to find Sasha sound asleep. Smiling fondly, Desmond moved closer to at least shelter the girl, but on the way, he couldn’t resist touching her soft curves a little more. No matter how much time passed, Desmond couldn’t get enough of Sasha’s body; he didn’t think such a thing was possible.

Knowing it would be wrong to get carried away, Desmond just stole one last touch from those plump, round breasts before kissing Sasha on the forehead and leaving the room. As Desmond stepped out of the room, Revna’s voice rang in his ear.

“For a second, I thought that the Master would spend the whole day enjoying the body of our dear Sasha. It’s good to see that you still remember that other things are on the agenda.”

As Desmond’s self-proclaimed servant and secretary, Revna was always on top of the schedule and tasks waiting for him. Revna always supported Desmond’s efforts from the shadows, sometimes taking care of problems and functions before she was asked. One can imagine that she grew impatient when her Master took over an hour and a half to give his women a good morning kiss.

This time, Desmond felt quite helpless; it was his fault for not having any self-control, so it didn’t seem strange to him that Revna was upset even though she used to be too tolerant of him.

Seeing that her Master seemed somewhat embarrassed, Revna changed the subject. She was here to serve him; her judging him was a bit out of character. It’s just that she had been waiting almost three hours to start with the day’s agenda. That’s right, three hours, in addition to the hour and a half Desmond spent filling Sasha’s insides with her manhood, Desmond had also spent a similar amount of time making love to Claire as soon as she woke up.

Resisting the jealousy and envy that washed over her like a tidal wave, Revna started on her morning report. “Garden’s activities have gone into a standby mode, for the time being, strengthening our surveillance in the city as you ordered. Even with the expansion and recruitment, we’re short on agents, but I figured it wouldn’t be necessary to increase our numbers. For now, we’ll stick to our canaries for passive intelligence gathering. Following Sara’s suggestion, the project to install surveillance devices around the city is going quite well; since we want to do it discreetly, the pace has been a bit slow, but we hope to complete it in a month or two.”

Desmond nodded, quite satisfied with Garden’s performance, feeling very happy that he had decided to form such an organization since he would never have been able to do all those things on his own.

“What of our unfortunate prisoner?” Desmond asked with a bit of teasing.

Revna stayed in her secretary role and answered thoughtfully. “As you requested, Ana took care of him. The news of his death will be on the news tomorrow; country C will appear as the culprit. Natalie has already notified her contacts on the other side; everything should go according to plan.”

Desmond understood but couldn’t help but comment. “And here I thought you didn’t get along with her.”

With a bit of awkwardness and embarrassment, Revna replied. “It’s not that I get along badly with her; it’s just that she’s too flirtatious with Master.”

Desmond gave an awkward laugh and changed the subject. According to Revna’s report, going to Garden might not be necessary anymore, and since he had already said goodbye to Claire and Sasha, there wasn’t much left to do besides playing with the harpy in the woods. Making a mental note not to forget to say goodbye to Cecilia, who wasn’t home now, Desmond headed off into the woods.

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