
Chapter 235

Desmond even had flashbacks for a moment of his escape from the military barracks a couple of months ago when he faced a fleeting hail of bullets on the way out, the difference was that on that occasion Desmond knew what he was up against and had prepared a suitable skill to deal with such an event not to mention that he was even wearing armor on that occasion.

Knowing that he was at a disadvantage Desmond took an alternative course of action ... apologizing, as it was not a stealthy super-assassin or anything else who was attacking Desmond but Mei who was looking at him with eyes full of fury and shame.

what? Did he sound too cowardly? Fuck that, Desmond didn’t have the ability to defend himself against someone like Mei and that was especially the case when she had lost her mind due to her jealousy.

Plus Desmond wasn’t in the mood for a free beating either, he didn’t have that kind of fetish and if he had it, well, he didn’t want to find out today.

Unfortunately, Mei refused to listen, in the end, Desmond spent almost five minutes playing catch while he ran for his life from Mei, only then did Mei’s fury subside and there was a real conversation between them.

It turned out that the reason why Mei attacked Desmond nonstop was to take it out on him for embarrassing her in front of Miao Xiauyue, a reason that left Desmond speechless because from his impression of the meeting it was obvious that the opinion and interest of Xiauyue for Mei was quite big.

The only thing more ridiculous was that Mei herself didn′t seem to have the slightest idea about it, Desmond wanted to find a stone to smash his head against it when he heard what Mei said.

It was just ridiculous that Mei’s super instincts could pick up on the subtle lies of an experienced liar like him, but couldn’t pick up Xiauyue’s obvious interest in her.


It was the equivalent of having the best detective in the world solving the greatest mysteries and murders in history but being unable to find his car keys; he was just too ridiculous.

“What are you talking about? There’s no way she’s interested in me. “Such was Mei’s response when Desmond tried to explain.

Desmond almost wanted to yell at her that this was not a romantic comedy where the protagonist would attract an army of beautiful women by being a knucklehead, in real life you had to be a little more direct and a little more assertive if you wanted to achieve love or Someone else would end up marrying the girl you like.

It is worth mentioning that Mei’s reaction to Desmond’s advice was unique, at first she seemed to be paying close attention like a naive disciple listening to the profound wisdom of her master, but after a few moments of thinking to herself the girl blushed completely and like a cat whose tail was stepped on, she leaps to the side looking at Desmond nervously.

“What are you talking about? You say it as if I was in love with Xiauyue ... that’s ridiculous ... she is a girl and I am a girl ... also she is as beautiful and delicate as a real lady while I am just a wild woman who only knows how to fight ... she is the most adored girl in the sect, while I... well you’ve seen my situation... “in a chaotic, choppy and unconvincing way; Mei tried to explain herself.

Desmond just looked at her with such dense skepticism that it almost caused Mei physical pain to be looked at that way.

“it is not weird?” Mei asked.

Finding the question itself strange Desmond replied: “What thing?”

“That I like a girl” Mei replied, her fists clenched tightly, both her voice and her eyes trembled slightly as she spoke; it was obvious that it took a lot of courage for Mei to bring up the subject.

Faced with such a question Desmond was not entirely sure how to answer, one thing was to give his own opinion and another thing was to give a responsible answer, after all, Desmond did not know enough about this world to formulate that kind of judgment; for all that he well knew they could burn homosexuals along with heretics in this world.

But looking into Mei’s eyes, Desmond understood that she did not want an elaborate and responsible answer; she just wanted to hear his genuine opinion.

“Why the hell would it be weird? You like her, don’t you? Why would there be something wrong with it? ” Desmond finally answered seriously.

“But we are both women,” Mei replied.

To which Desmond replied nonchalantly, “So what? Where I come from such a thing is not strange and although some have an opinion on it, at the end of the day it is none of their business. I understand that this place is different, but at the same time, it is better. ”

Mei slightly excited and intrigued by Desmond’s speech couldn’t help but ask, “Why is it better? Here it is not well seen that two people of the same sex have a romantic relationship ”

Desmond nodded briefly and replied: “It’s very simple, you just have to be stronger than the people who have to say something about it, in this place only the strong have the right to speak, only the strong can do what they want; you are strong so just do what you want and if someone has something to say about it you just have to beat them until they shut up ”

Ridiculous, unreasonable, and domineering, such as Desmond’s attitude and opinion on the matter, in his opinion there was no need for society to accept you as long as you were strong enough for society to fear you; such was the nature of this and other worlds.

But there was something in his words that resonated deep within Mei, that unreasonable and arrogant dominance was something that she found ... charming and unknowingly her heartbeat strengthened, the blood in her veins increased in temperature and her pupils began to turn more and more like those of a feline or reptile.

Desmond who noticed the subtle physical change in Mei approached touching her shoulder as he asked: “Is everything okay?”

Desmond’s question seemed to be enough to bring Mei out of her strange trance, her heartbeat that had already begun to reverberate in the environment relaxed and her pupils returned to normal.

Ignoring her previous state, Mei commented differently from what Desmond expected: “So... do you think should I tell Miao Xiauyue how I feel?”

Desmond was silent as he watched Mei who had returned to normal, he was not carefree enough to ignore the strange state of the girl a few moments ago, but he was also aware that he could not simply ask Mei to reveal all her secrets so he made a mental note about it and answered the girl’s question:

“Of course not, leaving aside whether she likes you or not, it doesn’t seem like your relationship is that close yet, why don’t you try spending time with her first? Find some excuse to see her, tell her that you have problems with your training or something, that way you can not only spend time with her, but you can act with some physical intimacy without anyone being able to say anything about it and you can also see how she reacts to that intimacy “Desmond explained naturally.

Even if Desmond himself didn’t know many couples who were the same gender, he still understood some rules or strategies about courtship so it was not difficult for him to give Mei a bit of advice or two; after all, Desmond had a good impression of her and didn’t mind helping her.

On the way home Mei kept asking Desmond some questions about how to subtly woo Xiauyue, what kind of activities they could do together; among other things and Desmond responded with joy.

And for the first time in his life Desmond found himself playing the love counselor, the strangest thing is that he does not dislike such a role, only then did Desmond realize that perhaps if he had had the opportunity he would have been a great fan of romantic movies; At least it was entertaining for him to watch the romance slowly unfold between Miao Xiauyue and Mei Fei Long.

By the time they got home Mei was looking at Desmond as if he were the new messiah and she would follow his every word, if Desmond told her to fight buddha she would fight buddha and if he told him to fight the devil she would too.

There was even a time when Desmond wondered if he should open a girl courting advice seminar, but he quickly dismissed that idea for two very simple reasons.

First of all, he had heard of such seminars in the past, and from what he knew they were places where all kinds of losers and perverts went; secondly, he didn’t like how they talked about women as trophies in those seminars.

So he decided better to focus his mental energy on more productive things like planning what to do next after all his advances so far were ... none, he had only just begun to adapt to this place and he had a lot to learn; although Desmond was at least positive about it.

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