
Chapter 132

′′ You know which one I’m talking about, don’t tell me that you really are in love with your own brother? ′′

Only then did Claire realize that she had talked about more while she was in her own world of cupcakes and now she did not know what to say to her friend, she could tell her that it was just a misunderstanding, but she did not feel comfortable with herself rejecting her relationship with Desmond. But neither could she say that she was in love with her brother; no one in her right mind would think highly of her if she said that.

So Claire decided on a third option, which was, to tell the truth, or at least part of the truth in any case: ′′ He is not my brother. ′′

Melissa who did not expect that answer at all was silent waiting for Claire to continue what she was saying.

′′ You know what my full name is, right? It’s Claire Lynwood, the name of the person I call brother is Desmond Astryd and we don’t share any blood ties. ′′ Claire exclaimed with great seriousness.

′′ I understand, I think. . . waits, but how come he appears as your guardian? ′′ Noticing an inconsistency Melissa couldn’t help but ask again, after all, it was a fact known to many that Desmond was the one she had enrolled in the school.

Hearing her friend retain some doubts, Claire gave a helpless sigh realizing that she could not get out of this without telling a bit of the story that was between Desmond and her, the truth is that like Desmond, Claire did not like him Much talk about her past, but this time her options were somewhat limited.

And so Claire spent the next hour telling Melissa her story with Desmond, from how they met because of her parents, how they grew up together, the death of their parents, and their life after the catastrophe; Although Claire had kept many of the darkest details to herself, it was still enough to give one an idea of ??the difficulties that Claire and Desmond’s couple went through overtime.


′′ I see, how should I say it? Sorry, I didn’t know you had that kind of past. ′′

′′ Don’t worry, nowadays, who doesn’t have a past like mine? Nothing has been the same since that day five years ago. ′′ Claire said with some sadness.

′′ I suppose you are right, even so, not many would have done what Desmond did for you, I mean don’t take it the wrong way but you said it yourself, you are not family, and even so, he has taken care of you since then; I understand that you are in love with him. . . hell, it would be weird if you didn’t feel something for him, after all, even if you ignore all about your past together; he still is devilishly handsome, god only knows how many girls in our school sigh every time he comes to school to see you. ′′ At this point, Melissa no longer found anything wrong with the relationship between Claire and Desmond so she was able to speak more freely about it.

Little did she know that Claire was not at all happy with her last statement, Claire may not be a possessive girl but as mentioned before she felt jealous; furthermore she believed that even if she would one day share Desmond’s love at least she should be with someone that could give Desmond the love and support that he needs instead of just being hormone-filled schoolgirls.

′′ If you understand then well, the truth is that I feel a little better now that I have someone to talk about it with; but still, you shouldn’t tell anyone. . . I don’t want weird rumors to start at school, I like the way things are now. ′′ Although she sounded relieved, Claire was still quite clear with her warnings to her friend about keeping her private life as such: private.

′′ Ok, ok, don’t worry, I won’t talk about it, in any case, I originally invited you to come so that we could talk about something else, but you just walked in and focused all your attention on eating. ′′ After clarifying things Melissa did not miss the opportunity to complain to her friend for being an inconsiderate glutton.

Hearing her friend mention her lack of self-control around desserts again, Claire felt a bit embarrassed, but she suppressed that feeling as she asked her friend the real reason she had her. invited to talk.

It turned out that Melissa was worried about the awakening ceremony or rather the possible consequences of the awakening ceremony, it was well known that having an esper power was good for anyone, but with recent events, normal people were afraid of awakening an ability that could attract the attention of the military.

Although being realistic Melissa was exaggerating, it was well known that 75% of the population was esper, but this was a misleading number because it specifically referred to the population that met the age requirement to awaken an esper ability during the day of the awakening.

In other words, only 75% of the people who were irradiated by the original energy of the meteorite during their adulthood awakened an ability and although the awakening process was infinitely slower than that devised by humans years later; at least the success rate was much higher.

5 years later much of the original espers had died in one way or another, adding to that the awakening method that humans invented only had a 50% success rate, the actual population of espers was lower than expected that it liked to show off to the government; one must take into account that less than 10% of the esper have abilities powerful enough or adequate for combat so that the real combat power of humanity was not 75% as they always said but 5%.

Of course, not everything was as bad as it seemed since human beings had learned to strengthen the espers and thus turn that 5% into the greatest weapon of humanity.

It was for all those reasons that Claire believed that Melissa cared too much, since unless Melissa consumed special resources from her, her chances of awakening an expected ability that would interest the military was only 5%.

Even so, it took Claire the rest of the afternoon to comfort her friend and convince her that everything would be alright, on the other hand, when Melissa asked Claire about her own situation, Claire was very vague about it because she didn’t want to worry her friend by telling her that she expected to be part of that 5% and she also had no way of explaining where the resources she would use came from.

Thinking about it, that mischievous fairy mentioned that she would help me make sure that everything would go well in the awakening ceremony. . . Claire wonders what she plans, ¨well everything should be fine; after all, Kyuru is more trustworthy than she seems. ¨

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