
Chapter 96

The truth is, no one could blame Desmond for his lack of enthusiasm at Sasha’s request, after all, the prey he was looking at right now wasn’t something as weak and pathetic as a rabbit here or something So; quite the contrary, his appearance was so threatening that he might as well have the word “danger” written across his forehead and no one would be surprised about it.

This is what Desmond obtained from using analysis on the creature, the simple fact that the hunter’s book classified this beast as immensely dangerous was enough to alarm the poor hunter, after all these types of descriptions were independent of the level or kind of a way of life. . . In other words, this indicated that this dark-edged creeper tiger was considered immensely dangerous compared to other creatures that shared the same class level as a high-level star.

And honestly, Desmond did not need the notebook to tell him that, the appearance of said feline spoke for itself.

Resting quietly in a slightly rocky area of ??the forest with few trees in it, one could observe a four-legged beast whose general appearance was that of a tiger, measuring at least five feet tall while lying down and the length from its head to the tip of the tree. the tail was at least five meters long, in its four extremities it was possible to see a dense amount of well-defined muscles that revealed the hidden power in them, the rear legs had the typical shape and arrangement that they usually have in feline creatures but the front legs they seemed more oriented to attack movements than displacement, this probably due to the great width of the beast’s diaphragm which slightly resembled in structure the type of diaphragm one would normally see in a primate.

Sure if it was just the sheer size or obvious physical strength that was unique about this beast, then Desmond wouldn’t be so self-conscious about fighting it, but the real reason Desmond was reluctant to start a conflict With this dangerous feline, was because he was the type of enemy that Desmond had the most difficulty dealing with; not being fooled by his strong and agile appearance Desmond could see that this creature was actually of the Defensive / Offensive type, prioritizing the defensive side of this.

As for how Desmond could know that this was because, in addition to the visibly strong and resilient muscles that covered the largest of the beast, there were other areas of it, its vital points more specifically which were covered by what appeared to be plates of armor that Desmond could identify as incredibly robust bark plates that seemed to protect this beast from most attacks that could do significant damage to it.

The bark plates covered certain muscular areas of its hind and front legs as well as the sides of its abdomen, a plate that seemed even denser and darker almost completely covered the area of ??the beast’s chest, a series of transverse plates with only a slight space between them to ensure movement completely covered the area of ??his back bulging in muscles that correspond to the area that runs along the spine of the beast; As if that were not enough, its face was covered with multiple protrusions of bark that made its face look like the tribal mask of a tiger as well as a pair of wide and sharp antlers that played both as a defensive medium and as an attack medium.

Of course, a beast classified as extremely dangerous by the hunter’s book not only played defense, in addition to claws and teeth that were clearly razor-sharp, the beast had other offensive means that made Desmond distrust them.


The first of these means would be the series of wooden spikes that protrude from the back of both front legs of the tiger-like blades, they were not particularly threatening, but they made it clear that the beast had some versatility in close combat.

On the back of the beast you could see two protrusions that came out from the lateral base of both sides of the neck, they followed the rear silhouette of the beast down and joined in the tailbone of this, these protrusions seemed to be something like a pair of wide vines with very sharp thorns that reminded Desmond of the sharpness of the discs of an electric lock.

And as if God had said “to hell, why not?” the tiger also had a strangely designed tail that appeared to be for offensive purposes as well, it came out of the rear of the tiger in two parts that twisted in a spiral with each other so that they looked like a spring under pressure and came together at the tip where what looked like a wooden shovel was located.

Faced with such a killing machine that surpassed him by at least two levels of strength, even Desmond had to admit that he was a bit shy about choosing her as prey, in words Desmond himself would use to describe this situation if he could.

′′ It would be the equivalent of being the ugliest man at a party and trying to ask the most beautiful girl to dance, a girl who turns out to be a lesbian. . . Turns out she was with her girlfriend when you asked her to dance. That’s how self-conscious I feel right now. ′′

Unfortunately, Desmond was in no position to make such an analogy himself, as he was arguing with Sasha about the whole business of going to be killed by her. . . in the clutches of a giant killer tiger, you can call him picky but he didn’t feel like being torn to pieces by a tiger today

′′ then . . . How why do you want me to go and fight that thing? ′′

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