
Chapter 30

Having a viable plan formulated, Desmond proceeded to withdraw from the cave area and return to the place where the spiders’ corpses remained; perhaps due to the poisonous nature of spiders, no beast had approached the remains until now.

Desmond with his steel dagger now badly damaged from the previous battle he proceeded to dismantle the back of the deep bark spiders’ carapace, revealing the organ where they store their webs; the organ that possessed a strange, bag-like appearance made from dark-hued tree bark was just what Desmond was looking for.

About half an hour later in a small unmapped section of the Serefia forest, there was the disturbing sight of a field littered with mangled spider corpses with no culprits to find.

Desmond was now sharpening his worn steel dagger for the next part of the preparations necessary for his great plan.

” Hell the poor dagger took too much punishment in that last fight with those damn wooden spiders, I can’t blame the weapon for giving in little by little considering how ridiculous the spiders’ defensive capacity was; after this, I’m going to need a much stronger weapon Mmmmm maybe a little longer too; I’m good with daggers and all that but it would be better to increase my range even a little in close combat. After all, unlike most of the creatures in this forest, my body cannot take so much damage; and then simply lick my wounds and continue as if nothing had happened. ”

While voicing his thoughts out loud as a way to deal with boredom, Desmond finished sharpening his knife enough for his next target.


In what would be one of the most arduous, tedious, and honestly boring tasks that Desmond did since he came to this world; he spent the next hour and a half cutting branches and bushes like a novice boy scout.

After the anticlimactic task above, Desmond finished recovering all the necessary materials for the plan he had in mind; With all of this finished, it was time for him to get down to work and truly begin to implement the plan.

In an extremely cautious manner he slowly entered the cave, making sure not to make the least noise possible, he managed to advance a couple of meters into it and proceeded to set his trap.

′′ At least the part of setting traps for my prey makes me feel like a real hunter. . . Maybe I should learn more about it when I have time; some stealth technique or method would also be nice. ′ ′

Taking and braiding long strips of the spider silk that he collected from the deep bark spiders, he began to lay out an intricate formation of webs connecting them across the edges of the cave; By the time he finished an area about 3m wide, 3m high, and 2m long was covered in a large number of cobwebs. Due to their dark color, they were a bit difficult to see in this part of the cave; Desmond went a little deeper into the cave to achieve just this effect as the sunlight did not reach the area where the trap was placed.

Of course, Desmond supposed that although the vision of the Skyr Ventis would not be exceptional, he would not be so blind as to walk directly into the huge web that he placed; so the next part of the plan was meant not only to make the Skyr Ventis walk in the direction of the trap but should also obstruct the view of it.

Carefully retreating from the cave, Desmond gathered all the branches and shrubs he had previously collected; he placed these just a couple of meters from the cave entrance.

“Let’s hope this works,” Desmond exclaimed with a slight hint of uncertainty before it faded as he proceeded to set a highly flammable segment of spider silk on fire and toss it into the mound of flammable materials that he placed in front of him.

Seeing the enormous amount of smoke that was generated since the wood and bushes that he used were still fresh; He turned his gaze a little and seeing the backpack with the lazy fairy inside it and he approached her.

′′ Kyuru my little fairy princess awakens′′

′′ umm, what happened? ′′ Kyuru said with a sleepy face.

′′ I need you to do me a favor and then you can go back to sleep′′

′′ What do you need Desmond? ′′

′′ I need you to make a small stream of wind and make the smoke enter that cave′′

′′ mmm ok′′ Nodding very nicely, Kyuru proceeded to play her role in Desmond’s plan.

Kyuru’s sleepy expression remained as she made some gestures with her small hands and the light green mana gathered in them; bringing her little hand covered in manna from the wind to her sexy lips she gave a single breath and a gentle stream of wind emerged carrying the smoke into the cave.

Seeing that her work was done she just went back the way she came and went back to sleep in her new favorite material possession. Desmond a little helpless in the face of the lazy lifestyle of the little fairy, just took the backpack and put it in a safe place.

Watching the smoke fill the cave further obstructing the view into it and probably rapidly depleting the oxygen within it; Desmond braced himself for the final part of his great master plan: The Ambush.

While squatting atop the cave entrance, Desmond wrapped a segment of flammable spider silk around an arrow; he muttered to himself as he waited for his prey:

′′ Most say that revenge is a dish best served cold, but for me? . . I prefer it on fire; So come on little bitch I’ll show you that you should never have messed with an Astryd. ′′

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