
Chapter 15

Poor Desmond had no way of knowing that his hunt would be interrupted entirely after debuting the gentle fox bow and shooting a single arrow to hunt down a nostalgic aqua rabbit. He would have to postpone all of his targetings to the next day.

(Desmond POV)

“How does a weak little mana reinforced arrow feel? You weren’t acting all big and powerful a few minutes ago; If it weren’t for your bravado, you wouldn’t even be worth my attention. “I exclaimed with the attitude that troubled teenagers have in high school.

Having finished being an idiot, I left alone the poor corpse of the aqua rabbit that was blind enough to provoke him.

“In any case, I do not understand why these rabbits are so aggressive; they are probably the weakest animal in the forest, so they attack everything they see. You know what? Forget it; I’ll just start collecting the horns; his back legs look pretty appetizing. Mmmmm, I’ll take them; I also took the hairiest parts of the skin. “Even though I was still in the process of deciding what to do with the rabbit, my hands never stopped moving.

In the few days I had been in the forest, I had learned several lessons by hook or crook, one of which arose from a mistake he made on more than one occasion. Staying long near a corpse or failed at taking too much in collecting the materials I needed.


Skillfully storing the materials I had just collected with complete lack of skill, I considered whether to devote myself to the annihilation of these aggressive but weak aqua rabbits. Before I fell into the jaws of the anti-cute warriors, I heard what seemed to be unfriendly human voices.

“Find that little bitch and remember not to hurt her too much; she is worth her weight in mana crystals. ”

Hearing that voice full of aggressiveness and bad intentions, although logic dictated that I should stay away, my instincts told me to get closer to the source of this voice. My instincts had never failed me, so I decided to follow them one more time.

(Unknown POV)

I had to run away, go as fast and far as possible; mom was right. I should have listened to her; humans are evil monsters full of lies, and I should never have left home.

sob * sob *

Calm down; this is not the time to cry. I have to go to a safe place.

“Find that little bitch and remember not to hurt her too much; she is worth her weight in mana crystals. “A harsh voice full of anger and greed could be heard only a few meters away.

By the great Serefia, they are reaching me, I do not want to fall into their hands, they will do all kinds of nasty things to me, they could even. . . could. Thinking about the stories I heard in my village, my tears began to fall from my bright purple eyes like amethysts.

Flees! Faster! Don’t let them find you!

Thoughts of the horrible fate that could happen to me if I fell into the hands of my captors filled my mind with only one emotion: Fear.

Unfortunately, fear can cloud one’s judgment. I don’t realize that one of my captors sees me.

“I see her, boss, I’ll try to immobilize her with an arrow” A man with an appearance shouted: I am a villain; Without waiting for the boss’s confirmation, he proceeded to shoot an arrow at the fleeing little stranger.

“You idiot, don’t shoot; you could kill her and ruin everything.” The boss exclaimed, furious at his subordinate’s stupid and reckless attitude.

Feeling the pain in my arm, I knew they had hurt me; I was desperate, but I never stopped running. I believed that I still had even a slight chance of escape, but the reality was cruel. When avoiding the tree in front of me, I saw him, another human only slightly younger than those who followed me was in front of me, he dressed differently, but that was not important to me; the weapon in his hand felt dangerous.

The color disappeared from my face, my heart threatened to leap from my chest, and fear began to overwhelm my mind completely; I didn’t want to be captured. For me, there was only one option left, one last attempt to preserve my purity and hope that a miracle would save me later.

“I will never let them take me and turn me into a toy; someone will come one day and save me; then all of you will pay. “Screaming all my feelings from to the world, I observed the landscape one last time before my senses began to fade. The mana started to swirl around me, my body began to feel heavy when the crystallized mana that started to cover me became too much, and after. . . there was no later.

(Desmond POV)

When I finally found the origin of the voices, I witnessed a scene that embodied both beauty and tragedy. The girl I still could not observe carefully began to gather a tremendous amount of mana; I could see how it crystallized around her. When the process finished, I observed how a multicolored prismatic crystal floated for a few moments before falling to the ground.

Thinking a bit about the things I had heard while on my way to this place, along with the girl’s last words and the scene I had just witnessed, I concluded that the girl was a victim hunted by a group of bastards.

“To think that slags like you exist in more than one world′′Exclame.

I began an attack without waiting for them to acknowledge my presence or process my words. Trash like this doesn’t deserve any more words from me; no, they only deserve arrows.

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