
Chapter 379: rescue!

  Terminators can communicate with each other directly, Li Yin frowned and said, "Why did they detain our people?"

  "People from the transitional government said that we were thieves who stole the equipment of the people of country M, and forcibly confiscated our firearms and Hummer military vehicles." Kumasi said.

"Thief? I think they have taken a fancy to our weapons and equipment, right? This **** transitional government really likes to use chicken feathers as arrows. Who do they think they are?" There are many armed tribes in Somalia, large and small. They often go to Mogadishu to purchase supplies. They have never encountered such a thing, but Li Yin has encountered it today. It is impossible to believe that it is not aimed at him.

Kamasi said: "This possibility is not ruled out. This is an anarchic country, and the transitional government is nothing more than a warlord who occupied Mogadishu. In fact, it is still bigger than anyone else\'s fist. This transitional government has done a lot of robbery. The only thing is that they have the support of the government of country m, and in a blink of an eye, the warlords became a transitional government."

The more Li Yin thought about it, the angrier he became. He didn\'t want to stir up trouble, but he was really kind and was bullied. He had been recuperating in Gadaro for three or four months. Others thought he was a coward. He said: "Bring three hundred I went with me to Mogadishu to get him back. We want the soldiers to understand that we never give up on a single soldier."

"Yes, chief, I\'m going to organize the personnel now." Kumasi said and turned and went to the barracks, while Li Yin took out an automatic rifle. He might not have to exercise this time. With this comprehensive protective combat uniform , he was a lot bolder.

  Kumasi went to the barracks and told the soldiers about the situation, which immediately aroused a strong reaction among the soldiers, and the crowd was excited. These days they live together, they regard themselves as a group, and they all shout to follow Li Yin to Mogadishu, but Kumasi still only selects 300 of the best soldiers, a total of one battalion This is a surprise attack, not a large-scale battle, and the emphasis is on quickly rescuing the soldiers.

  After hard training, these soldiers are no longer the stragglers they used to be. Three hundred people quickly assembled in front of Li Yin\'s office. This time they planned to dispatch twenty Humvee military vehicles and ten Mustang trucks.

"Soldiers, you already know the injustice we are facing now. I will not say the rest, follow me to rescue our soldiers, and let the rude officials of the transitional government remember the name of our peace front .” Li Yin said, looking at the soldiers.

   "Yes, chief!" Three hundred people made a loud voice. It caused the refugees in the distance to keep looking here.

   "Let\'s go!" Li Yin waved his hand and said.

   Following Li Yin\'s order, the soldiers quickly boarded the car, and Li Yin and Kumasi drove to Mogadishu in the same car.

  The Presidential Palace in Mogadishu. This is a two-story Italian-style building. Buildings like this in Somalia, which used to be an Italian colony, can be seen everywhere, but because of the devastation of the war, most of the buildings have been dilapidated, and there are few intact buildings left.

Outside the small building that massacred the yellow paint is the African Union peacekeeping force with live ammunition. They set up fortifications outside the small building to protect the head of the pro-M Somali warlord supported by the M country, who is now the president of the Somali transitional government. In the city of Mogadishu, the peacekeepers only occupy a small street, which is the sphere of influence of the Transitional Government of Somalia today, while the rest of Mogadishu is mostly controlled by other warlords, and they maintain a small relationship with each other. There is a balance.

"President Dahein, you can\'t do this. They are soldiers from the Peace Front who escorted us. They didn\'t break the law." Elizabeth said to the Somali president who was sitting on a leather chair and smoking a cigar. Like a jerk.

Breathing out a puff of thick smoke, Dahein glanced at Elizabeth\'s plump chest and said, "Miss Elizabeth, I am the president of Somalia. I have the final say on who breaks the law here and who does not. Except for the transitional government, any armed forces They are all illegal, I have the right to confiscate their weapons, and as you have seen, they are holding weapons from country e, but driving Hummers from country m, I doubt that they are armed with the support of people from country e, and these The Humvee was snatched by the army they attacked country M."

"Forget it, there are arms dealers everywhere in Somalia, as long as you have money, you can buy tanks. What\'s so strange about these second-hand Humvee vehicles? Hmph, why don\'t you just say that you look at these Humvee military vehicles." Elizabeth said directly: "But I have to remind Your Excellency the President that this peace front is very strong, otherwise it would not be so easy to defeat the Al-Shabaab and detain their vehicles. You have to think carefully about the consequences."

Dahin\'s dark face suddenly felt a little unnatural. He actually knew his family background. He was able to occupy a block in Mogadishu because he relied on the peacekeeping forces of the African Union. Without these people, they might be killed in less than a day. The other warlords were driven away, but in fact, every day when he went out, he was reminded of fear, because since the transitional government was established, the officials around them changed two or three batches, and they were either shot to death by black guns or bombs.

Although there are such worries, Dahin still has a fluke mentality. Gadaro is 800 kilometers away from here. It is impossible for them to cross the jurisdiction of so many warlords and come to Mogadishu. "You don\'t have to worry about Miss Elizabeth. , let\'s talk about having dinner together tonight!"

   "You\'re just an asshole." Elizabeth pointed a finger at Dahin and left the presidential palace. He felt very guilty that the people from the Peace Front were detained, but the African Union didn\'t seem to care about it, and didn\'t bother to care.

  Looking at the back of Elizabeth leaving, Dahin sneered, thinking that if he hadn\'t played the presidential card, he would have forced her to bed with a gun.

  Leaving the presidential palace, Elizabeth went to the African Union headquarters again, but it still didn\'t work. She went to the cell where Li Yin\'s soldiers were held in a slump, and said to the leading soldier, "I\'m really sorry, we have troubled you."

Fifteen soldiers in the simple prison were stripped down to their underwear, but there was no trace of panic on their faces, and they all showed resolute expressions. After Elizabeth said this, the leading soldier said: "Don\'t worry about us. Worry, we can go out soon, Miss Elizabeth should go back to your hotel now, remember, no matter what happens outside, don\'t come out."

   "What!" The guilt on Elizabeth\'s face turned into surprise, and he couldn\'t believe his ears, "What are you talking about?"

   "Go back to the hotel, don\'t come out." The soldier repeated, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

  Elizabeth became more and more suspicious, but she suddenly trusted the soldier blindly. After leaving the prison, she returned to the hotel. At the same time, she also began to write articles to report back to the agency what happened these days.

The 800-kilometer journey made Li Yin\'s convoy drive at high speed for ten hours. They encountered five cars of armed men on the road, but after seeing Li Yin\'s convoy, they wisely chose to flee. Attacking this convoy was no different. Yu courted death, and the journey was smooth. In the evening, Li Yin\'s convoy arrived at the outskirts of Mogadishu. Li Yin asked the convoy to drive to a hidden place and stop. He decided to attack at night, because their equipment was carrying With sights, they can take full advantage of the night to free their soldiers.

In the middle of the night, the sky was pitch black, and Mogadishu was completely in darkness. In Li Yin\'s opinion, Mogadishu was not as good as a small town in country Z, not to mention the city that never sleeps. .

   "Bring on your night vision goggles." Just after midnight, with the skies over Somalia still tinged with daylight heat, Kumasi gave the order to fight.

Li Yin was also wearing night vision goggles at this time. These night vision goggles were all produced in the Australian base. Li Yin has never been stingy with equipment for his army, so he gave Kumasi a batch of night vision goggles a long time ago. The technological content of these night vision devices is very high. According to Li Ran\'s words, it can surpass the active equipment of country m. In order to prevent these equipment from being obtained by others, this night vision device also has a self-destruct program. Once lost, it will be immediately ablated by some kind of chemical substance.

  Bring on the night vision device, the surrounding darkness immediately fades away. If it is not for the stars in the sky, the world in Li Yin\'s eyes is no different from the dawn before the sun rises.

The soldiers were obviously familiar with the effect of the night vision goggles. They were all calm and organized their equipment. Each Terminator led a ten-man team. This was assigned, because they had all the information in their minds. Follow the map so you don\'t get lost.

"Start action!" Li Yin and Kumasi led the soldiers to Mogadishu, leaving behind the soldiers guarding the vehicle. In Li Yin\'s view, there was no one on the streets of Mogadishu city at this time. They had already Obtained the location where they were imprisoned from the leader of the Terminator, and after entering the city, they immediately dispersed a dozen teams in the city and went to the prison. (To be continued..)

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