
Chapter Volume 15 4.1

An unusual feeling welled up within Feng Ming as he looked at the steamthat was slowly evaporating. Even though he was simple, by no means was heconsidered an idiot. Thinking of his servants strange behaviour, he couldn’thelp but harbour a sense of hope.

“Rong Tian?” He couldn’t help but to call out in a barely audible voice.

But there was no response.

Feng Ming’s speculations caused him a bit of excitement as he slowlyapproached the big tub. Inside his mind, he was imagining Rong Tian’s healthyand strong body submerged inside in an attempt to mess with him.

Feng Ming felt a bit anxious, however he pretended to be calm andsnorted, “I know you’re here. Stop trying to scare me. I’m telling you now, Ihave been travelling for a while and my courage is not as lacking as it wasbefore. It has increased by a lot…”

Reaching the bathtub, he craned his neck closer to peer inside. Alas,within was only hot water. Not even a shadow of Xi Lei’s king could be seen.

He stopped talking immediately and stood there dumbfounded.

His excitement died off, and in a blink of eye, he felt so empty, andunexpectedly, mournful and lonely.

Standing there in a daze, all he could dowas scoop up some of the water and wallow in misery. He used his fingers tostir the water around until only the sound of violently churning liquid couldbe heard. Gritting his teeth, the words “Hateful! So hateful!” could be heard.

“Who’s hateful?”

All of sudden, the sound of a familiar voice entered his ears, bringingtears to his eyes.

In the midst of his sadness, the voice brought a profound sense ofhappiness that could not be expressed.

After feeling at lost, his instincts suddenly woke him up from hisstupor. However, a strong arm quickly caught his waist from behind in a hugcausing him the inability to move.

“How unexpected. So you find me to be hateful during the times I amabsent?” His nape suffered an assault as Rong Tian ruthlessly teased it withhis tongue and teeth.

It was a simple action, but it was enough to completely paralyze FengMing.

Even his “little brother” stopped listening to him.

Rong Tian…

Feng Ming felt so excited as his heart pumped faster. All he wanted todo was cry out from happiness, however his cry instantly turned into a moan asthe sounds of “Mmmm” and “Ahh” filled the room.

Familiar with the sound, Rong Tian’s wicked laughter penetrated his earsas the man whispered, “Your moans are really pleasing to the ears. How aboutyou let this king reward you?”

Using both hands, he lightly supported his beloved person. He thenquickly turned his lover around so that they could be face to face. Rong Tianattacked Feng Ming’s delicate and tender red lips, licking thoroughly, as if hewere something delicious that had been laid out before a starving person.

“Mmmm, ahh… Rong… Nnh, Rong Tian!”

Feng Ming was left panting after being kissed. His hands and legs hadalready gone soft, and all he could do was lean his body in Rong Tian’s embracefor support. Allowing himself to be treated as the main dish at a banquet forthe other man to enjoy.

Catching his breath, he opened his misty, bright eyes. He looked incrediblycute and adorable as he stared at the handsome and unyielding king of Xi Leistanding in front of him.


“You…You…You pervert!”

Right now, he could see Rong Tian’s expression clearly. Those wildkisses made him feel muddle-headed and disoriented. He felt as if he wastricked by the hugs and afterwards reduced to a puddle under the touches andkisses.

As usual, embarrassment took over his emotions,leading to Feng Ming expressing his dissatisfaction in words.

Pointing at the naked man, his heart beat accelerated and his eyes frozeon the man before him. Fortunately, he still remembered to breathe and sharplyasked with as much dignity as he could muster, “How can you go around meetingpeople like this? Where are your clothes?”

Rong Tian looked down on his own body that he proudly showed off. In anextremely unrestrained and shameless manner, he pointed towards the tub andreplied, “Who would bathe while wearing clothes?”

Feng Ming was tongue-tied.

A moment later, face red due to embarrassment, he pointed at Little Tianthat was fully exposed and retorted, “You say you’re going to bathe while thatthing is erect??”

“En, of course it is because this King knows Duke Ming has really missedthis little brother of mine.” The laugh that left his mouth could only bedescribed as wicked as he continued speaking. “That’s why he got up, so DukeMing could see him clearly.”

(TL : Coz thiscouple so cute so I can’t help using cute terminology. Vulgar words don’t seemto measure to their sweetness. Awww..so shweeet they gonna give me diabetes!!

ED: I think I’mgonna die of cringe reading Rong Tian’s words. )

Feng Ming almost made a face plant on the ground hearing those embarrassingwords.

The so-called “A dog’s mouth grows no ivory” could be used to preciselydescribe the current situation.

TLN : He meant - a filthy mouth cannot utter any decent language. One cannot expect tofind elephant tusks in the mouth of a dog - a mean fellow never speaks nicethings.

Rong Tian, seeing Feng Ming’s reaction, still continued to act innocentand laughed. Stretching out his hands to embrace the smaller man, he proceededto throw him into the bathtub, causing a shout to come from Feng Ming as hefell into the water. He entered the tub as well and quickly wrapped his armtightly around Feng Ming in a tender manner. “Allow me to present to you thegift I had prepared for you.”

Feng Ming blushed and appeared a little impatient as he untied the waistbelt on his clothes. Rong Tian couldn’t hold back from kissing Feng Ming’s napeand softly praised, “Good boy…”

Biting his lips, Feng Ming turned to look at the king with his eyesreflecting the happiness he felt deep within his soul.

The two were inside one big bath tub, with bodies extremely close, yetthey had no need for word and just silently embraced each other. Eventually,Feng Ming breathlessly whispered, “You… give me that gift you have prepared forme…”

TL: Awww.. Feng Mingyou so naughty!!

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