
Chapter 357


Thousands of troops advanced in orderly lines while facing the hot wind. The sun was just about to disappear into the west.


The soldiers guarding Fort Bellint looked anxious as they observed the enemy soldiers. Until yesterday, they saw a luscious green forest. Today, there stood a countless number of enemy soldiers.

The most frightening aspect of it was the griffons. The ferocious creatures were flying over the enemy soldiers with their wings spread wide. After the Pendragon Duchy defeated the pirates and Toleo Arangis’ fleet in the inland sea, the empire was shocked to discover the methods that Raven and Isla utilized with the griffons.

Everyone was well aware of the mighty power of the griffons, but until that point, the majority operated the flying creatures in a similar way to a knight order. Dozens of griffons would be ordered to fly at unbelievable speeds to carry out a powerful charge attack to devastate the enemy camp.

However, the Pendragon Duchy was different. Their methods of utilizing the griffons were unconventional. Having the griffons drop barrels of oil, then throwing torches or shooting flaming arrows…

It was so simple that people could not help wonder why no one had used such methods before, but it was still a novel tactic that no one had thought of before.

Eventually, even the tactics of the imperial army’s griffon unit underwent a massive transformation after the incident, as well as the griffon units of some of the wealthier great territories.

The Great Territory of Alice also adapted. Count Louvre was blinded by revenge. He scraped together all the capital he could find to hire griffons and riders, and in just a year, he successfully formed a unit consisting of fifty griffons.

Naturally, they were nothing compared to the griffons of the Pendragon Duchy, but the presence of griffons contributed greatly in a territorial battle. Most importantly, there were only about 20 griffons stationed in Bellint. It was well worth a try.


Amid the tranquility, the army of the Great Territory of Alice stopped their march. They were stationed about 300 yards from Fort Bellint. It was a distance that was just outside of the longbow’s shooting range.

Count Louvre gestured from the back, and a trumpeter resounded a long note on his instrument.


The sound of the horn rang high above the tense sky. Soon after, the same sound resonated from Fort Bellint.


The tightly closed gate opened, and knights carrying the flag of Pendragon came forward on their horses. Soon, Baron Stones and other territorial knights of Alice directed their horses forward as well.


The knights came to a stop at the midpoint between the two forces.

“I am Baron Billiot Stones, a vassal of the Great Territory of Alice and the head knight of His Excellency Loure.”

“Elwin Jade, a knight of His Excellency Duke Pendragon.”

Baron Stones gave his greeting, and Jade returned a light bow with his hand resting on his pommel. The two knights silently gazed at each other for a while, then Baron Stones broke the silence.

“We have come all this way to level a charge for the death of the successor of the Great Territory of Alice. We would like to meet His Excellency Duke Pendragon in Conrad Castle, so open the gates and make way for us.”

“Impossible. His Excellency the Duke is currently in the Royal Batallium, so I cannot allow it. More importantly, you, sir, and the army of Alice crossed the border of the duchy without permission. If the high lord apologizes personally and withdraws the troops, I will plead with my duke to show leniency.”


Sir Jade spoke in a solemn voice, and Baron Stones maintained his silence.

The declarations were obviously a formality and an act, but it was a custom that needed to be followed before a territorial war could officially begin. Therefore, Sir Jade suppressed the desire to unsheathe his sword and take the head of the enemy knight as he spoke once more.

“I will give you one hour. If you do not return in that time, you sir, and all the troops of the Great Territory of Alice will not return home alive. I swear on it as a knight of Pendragon.”


The eyebrows of Baron Stones wriggled. Although the fort looked quite sturdy, a fortress of that size would not have more than 1,000 troops at the most. The troops of Pendragon would be nothing but a flickering flame in front of a storm. Allied forces possessed more than five times their number.

Perhaps the odds could become unpredictable if reinforcements arrived from Conrad Castle, but it would take them at least three days. In other words, Bellint Gate was destined to be occupied within today or tomorrow.

“Hmph! I understand. I do not think we need to share any more words, since it is obvious that we cannot come to an understanding. I wish you the best of luck, sir, and the cowards of the Pendragon Duchy.”

Even as Baron Stones directly insulted the duchy, Sir Jade’s expression remained unchanged. He was the least talkative and most calm of the Pendragon Duchy’s knights, and his response was to everyone’s surprise.

“Could mutts, even if they number thousands, leave even a scratch on a dragon’s claws? A mutt should live a life suitable for mutts, eating shit until it dies. There is plenty of manure in the fortress, so just say the word. It will be provided within the hour I gave you to withdraw.”


The eyes of Baron Stones and Alice’s knights filled with agitation. However, they were not the only ones who were shocked by the insult. The other knights of Pendragon also realized for the first time that Sir Jade was such an impressive speaker.

“Let us return. It is hard to breathe because of the smell of dogshit.”

“Ye, yes!”

Sir Jade pulled on his reins, and the other knights hurriedly followed behind. It was only natural that they could not hide smiles from creeping on their faces.


Baron Stones could do nothing but stare at their backs with a face as red as beets. He had suddenly been reduced to a mutt.

“I will cut off his head myself. Do not kill him. Capture him and bring him back to me!”

After shouting in an angry voice, Baron Stones returned with the knights. Thus, the short, formal meeting between the Pendragon Duchy and the Great Territory of Alice came to an end.

Baron Stones was filled with extreme anger as he rode back towards Count Louvre. He burst out as soon as he arrived.

“Your Excellency! That bastard…”

“Shut up. I do not care.”


After carelessly dismissing Baron Stones’ anger, Count Louvre turned his bloodshot eyes towards Fort Bellint.

‘Keheuheu! This is just the beginning…’

His body trembled with unbearable ecstasy. He slowly raised his golden baton.

“Advance. Hang the flag of our great territory in that fortress before sunset and burn the dragon’s symbol.”

“Yes, my lord!”

A master responded in a loud voice, then started playing on a large drum.

Dooong! Dooong! Dooooong!

“Forward! Advance!”

Flags were erected at the forefront of each squad, and thousands of troops, including spearmen, archers, and mercenaries, slowly began to advance with the shield bearers leading the march.


“The enemy has started their advance!”

Jade pressed down on his helmet and shouted in a calm voice in response to the soldier’s report.

“Have the griffons stand by so that they can sortie as soon as the enemy griffons make an appearance! Load the catapults! Archers, ready your arrows!”

Large, black boulders were loaded onto the catapults. The structures were pulled back tightly, ready to fire at a moment’s notice.

“Heave-ho! Heave-ho!”

The soldiers loaded the boulders using a large lever, then stepped back. Soon, they took their respective positions behind the catapults, axes in hand.

The soldier with the best vision was stationed on the spire of Fort Bellint. He raised his voice.

“Enemy soldiers approaching a distance of 200 yards (about 180 meters)!”

“Good! Ready!”

The soldiers raised their axes high into the air at the knight’s order. At that time, the soldier on the spire shouted urgently.

“Ah! The enemies are suddenly running! Their leading troops are within 150 yards…”

“Hit it!”

The commanding knight shouted as soon as he heard the soldier’s words. Dozens of axes whistled through the air and struck the ropes.

Booom! Booom! Booooom!

With a loud roar, black boulders were fired from catapults. The machines were known to possess a range of up to 300 yards (about 270 meters).


“Oh, by the gods…!”

When dozens of rocks suddenly appeared above the fortress walls, the soldiers of Alice hesitated. They had not imagined that the enemy would have catapults stationed in a fortress of that size…

“W, watch out!”

Someone screamed, but it was already too late.

The boulders typically weighed around 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Although they weren’t terrifyingly large, they were imbued with a massive force from gravity and their momentum. They created paths of blood while crushing dozens of soldiers.



A horrifying scene was created by dozens of rocks, and the camp of the Great Army of Alice was greatly disturbed. Some soldiers were fortunate enough to survive the encounter with the rocks, but they screamed with pain and shock after having their limbs crushed.

“Advance! You fuckers, run! Catapults are slow to reload!”

The soldiers finally resumed their attack when the knights creamed.


The sight of thousands of troops charging was truly spectacular. In addition, their gazes contained murderous intent, perhaps because they witnessed the deaths of their comrades.

However, Bellint Gate’s commander, Sir Jade, maintained his composure.


The flag bearers signalled at his command, and flaming arrows were fired from the longbows.


“Hmph! Raise your shields!”

Baron Stones spoke with disdain. An attack composed of a hundred or so flaming arrows could not possibly cause much damage.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

The arrows transformed into a shower of red, then soon fell to the ground near where the black boulders had landed.


Flames erupted all over the place.


The dark red flames quickly passed by the startled soldiers, then arrived at the rocks.


Fractures began to appear on the surface of the black rocks. The cracks rapidly spread and engulfed the boulders.


The rocks exploded with a roar.



The surface of the rocks became heated by the flames and smaller shards of stone blasted toward the nearby soldiers. In an instant, hundreds of troops collapsed with holes all over their bodies.


Count Louvre’s eyes were filled with shock after witnessing the devastating attack. He had never even heard of such an attack. It was already amazing that there were catapults in the small fortress, but to think the rocks would explode after catching fire!


Count Louvre grinned while watching the dark red smoke, as screams of pain resounded along with the smell of burning flesh.

This was only the beginning.


Baron Stones hurriedly repeated his orders with an urgent shout.

“All troops! Advance! Advance! It’s over if we take over the wall!”

Only a small portion of their entire army had been sacrificed in the first attack. The knights of the Great Territory of Alice shouted crazily and hounded the soldiers.

“Mercenaries, charge! If you successfully occupy the fortress, all the wealth and the women of the villages in the duchy belong to you! Griffons! Turn that damned fortress into a sea of fire!”

More than a thousand mercenaries charged toward the wall while shouting. They had been hired with a large sum of money.

Griffons flew into the air while holding wooden crates. They were escorted by other griffons who were being ridden by riders.


“Griffons, go!”

Sir Jade raised his voice after seeing the enemy griffons. The Pendragon griffons flapped their wings and flew into the air. They had been waiting inside the fortress until the enemy griffons appeared. Although they only numbered around 20, the griffons of the Pendragon Duchy were larger and faster than their counterparts. They pushed their sharp beaks and claws while flying toward the griffons of the Great Territory of Alice.


The griffon riders of Alice fired their crossbows. However, the Pendragon griffons leisurely avoided the projectiles before attacking the enemies from above.

Kiyaaaahk! Kiyaahk!

The battle of the skies had commenced. Feathers, lumps of flesh, and blood started to descend from the sky. The griffons of the Pendragon Duchy were strong, but they could not overcome the difference in numbers.

While a portion of Alice’s griffons dealt with the Pendragon griffons, the dozen or so creatures carrying wooden crates flew towards Fort Bellint while flapping their wings.

They began to drop the packages above the fortress and over the walls.

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