
Chapter 299 - What Could Have Been

Cassidy was starting to get tired at this point, but Adrian just would not admit defeat. 

"We should really go home now, dear. Let\'s just give up already…" she told him after almost an hour of going around the mall in circles. 

"Let\'s face it. We lost them. They probably noticed that we\'re following them. We ruined everything without realizing it."

Shaking his head, he finally stopped walking - but not without letting out an annoyed groan. He looked around a bit more, puzzled as he scanned the whole area. Eventually, he let out a sigh and placed his hands in his pant pockets. 

"I don\'t get it. We\'re just right behind them, and we\'re pretty far away…" he started. 

"There\'s no way they would\'ve noticed us. Besides, it\'s not like we\'re doing anything wrong."

At that, Cassidy let out a sigh of her own. Upon spotting a nearby bench that was leaning against the wall, she walked towards it and sat down slowly. She then let out another sigh, propping her chin on top of her hands. It was not long before Adrian joined her there. He made his way to the bench and took a seat next to her. He crossed his legs as he settled down, eyes ahead. 

From that point on, they simply looked out into space. 

"Yeah, right. We\'re spying on them. Well, I guess I was kinda curious too. I want to see how those two get along together…" she said then trailed off, giving him a scolding look. 

"But it seems that this is what we get for intervening."

"Hey, those guys loved playing tricks on us, too…" he huffed, quickly coming to his own defense. 

"I\'ve known my secretary for many years, and this is the first time he\'s ever gone on a date with the girl he likes. I swear, even though he gets on my nerves sometimes, he\'s still my friend. I want to see him happy."

"Aww, Adrian~" 

She smiled at him and sat up straight. Reaching out her hand, she then grabbed his and gave it a squeeze. 

This is one of those small things that Cassidy loves about Adrian. 

"You are such a good friend and boss. Charlie is lucky that he has someone like you."

"Well, I\'m doing this for Olivia, too. But yeah." 

He looks in another direction, a little embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he then intertwined his fingers with hers. 

"So, what are we supposed to do now? I don\'t have to meet up with Edward until later. I still have a couple of free hours."

Cassidy pretended to think about it, but she already knew what she wanted to do. She grinned to herself and stood up from the bench. After doing a small twirl, she clasped her hands together and looked at Adrian. He blinks at her with a questioning expression.

"I know! We should go on a date of our own, and since we\'re at the mall, we should go shopping!" she enthused ecstatically.

"Shopping? I didn\'t know you\'re into that. You just don\'t seem like the type that would like to go shopping and stuff," he teased, causing her to flare up in annoyance.

"What\'re you trying to say? Just because I look like this doesn\'t mean I don\'t like to shop and look around. I\'m still a woman, you know. It\'s okay, though. I was just suggesting. We should go home. Our departure\'s just around the corner, and there are things I need to finish for my own work anyway."

Cassidy was about to turn around and leave him. But Adrian suddenly grabbed her wrist. 

He then pulled her back, which nearly made her stumble. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he locked her in an embrace and put his head on top of her shoulder. He then gave her a peck on the cheek before he whispered in her ear, "I\'m just kidding, love. I really don\'t mind as long as I\'m with you. Let\'s shop as much as you want. I\'ll buy you anything you want."

Cassidy can feel her cheeks flush red then. Embarrassed, she gently pushed Adrian away.

"O-Okay, then…" she stammered out, trying to act unaffected. 

"Now, where should we go first? I mean, this place is huge. It\'s no wonder we lost Charlie and Olivia so easily. I do remember them saying that they\'re going to see a movie together. That\'s probably where they\'re at. They must be in the movie theater on the top floor."

"I don\'t really understand why he would take her out to a movie…" he told her as they began to walk around. 

"You can\'t even talk while you\'re in there. How\'s he supposed to make a move when he can\'t do that? He should\'ve taken her out to eat or something - anything other than the movies."

"I think it\'s sweet. They\'re probably watching a romantic movie, or they may have picked a different one. Still, the point is that they\'re spending time together. Who knows? He might even ask her out right after."

Cassidy continued to look around as she talked. Perhaps, Adrian was partially correct about what he said earlier.

She really wasn\'t a fan of shopping. But she did enjoy it every now and then. 

He didn\'t say anything as they went on with their stroll. Then, moments later, he suddenly stopped in front of a big, wide window. His wife looked at him in confusion before she turned to see what got his attention. She\'s taken aback once she realized that he\'s staring at this white wedding dress that\'s on display. 

Cassidy gulps, suddenly feeling like losing her balance. Adrian, on the other hand, just continues to behold it with wonder.

"Hey, Adrian…?" she blurted out, making him snap out his daze.

"What\'re you looking at?"

"Cassidy, love…" he called in a small voice that was barely audible. 

"I\'m sorry I wasn\'t able to give you the wedding of your dreams. Sometimes, I just really wanna hit myself. I still regret everything I did to you. But lately, instead of loathing myself over and over again, I just try to imagine what could\'ve happened. I try to imagine traveling back in time and marrying you once more. Do you think I\'m stupid for thinking something like that?"


Not understanding what\'s going on, she takes a look at the dress herself. She\'s got to admit it\'s quite exquisite. Still, it was nothing compared to the one she wore during her wedding. While she kind of gets it when he said he\'d like to imagine the things that could\'ve been, she still wouldn\'t trade what she has now for anything in the world.

So, with a smile, Cassidy looks back at Adrian and says, "Of course not, silly. I don\'t think it\'s stupid at all. But it\'s okay.. I\'m happy with the way things are now."

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