
Chapter 226 - Conversation On The Abduction

Cassidy\'s voice is loud enough to catch Ray\'s attention, and at his astonished expression, Aira only grins and ends the call.

"I know I haven\'t talked to him in the past couple of years or so, and since it\'s his brother I\'m working together with on this case, I have only contacted his secretary at most..." he commented wryly.

"But that didn\'t sound like President Millicent at all."

"That was his wife, Cassidy..." she explained, a little embarrassed.

"I forgot to tell big sis that I was coming here."

"Oh, is that so? Make sure not to do that next time. She must\'ve gotten worried about you."

"I know. Sorry. I wasn\'t thinking properly when I came with you. I also doubted she\'d be as considerate as Sir Adrian, so I didn\'t tell her."

"Well, at least you\'re with me and not with some stranger."

His grim implication is clear enough.

Both of them settle down in the living room to wait for Cassidy and Adrian to come. Aira seats herself at the couch as what she is told while Ray hurries to make his apartment as clean as possible. She offers to help but is turned down. He looks, for all intents and purposes, quite embarrassed.

True to their words, Adrian arrives in only five minutes or so with Cassidy in tow, much to Ray\'s exasperation. He buzzes them up while simultaneously attempting to hide his trash under the couch. Aira giggles at his antics.

The couple enters the apartment without knocking - or more like, Cassidy bursts through the door and Adrian does nothing to stop her. Aira stands from her seat to greet them, but before she can get a word out of her mouth, she finds herself being scooped up in her arms like she weighs nothing.

"I was worried sick, you know!" Cassidy chides, and Aira hugs her back apologetically.

She hears Adrian let out a relieved breath from behind her. He then reaches out his hand and pats her head. She moves to hug him too, and for a long while, they stand in the middle of a sea of garbage bags, holding each other.

Aira buries herself in their embrace, inwardly glad that despite their busyness these days, their care for her has not dwindled in the slightest. She pulls away when she can\'t breathe anymore.

"Hi guys," Aira greeted sheepishly.

"Don\'t ever do that again..." Cassidy admonished, setting her back down.

"And answer your phone when we call, will you?"

"You gave us quite the fright, Aira..." Adrian said gravely.

"We thought you\'d been-"


She finishes for him. The couple blinks at her before sharing a surprised look. She then continued, "I\'m not stupid, guys. I know that people are getting kidnapped."

"It\'s not that, Aira. We\'re just being cautious. Those who\'ve been looking for you are worried as well," Adrian cleared up. 

"Oh, right! Did you tell Asher and Bryan where I am?" Aira asked.

"Yeah, I did..." Cassidy muttered before plopping down on the couch.

"So, prepare your bum for some spanking-"

"A-As if they\'d do that! Stop kidding around, big sis!"

"Oh, they will. Just watch."

"I\'m too old for a spanking!"

"Who says?"

Aira blanches, mentally preparing herself for a scolding at the very least. Cassidy recognizes the look on her face and pulls her to her side, patting her shoulder in mock sympathy.

"It\'s been a while, Sir Ray..." Adrian started.

"Thank you for doing your best to find and free the kidnapped victims. I believe you\'ve already received the latest information from Charles."

"I did. We\'re grateful for your findings..." Ray replied. 

"I know the police are competent, but even they have expressed how difficult these cases have been. Your nephew\'s kidnappers - they\'re very elusive."

"Not for long..." Cassidy remarked, her gaze darkening.

"We\'ll put a stop to them."

"A noble cause, Ma\'am Cassidy. I\'m still wondering just how large the Millicent\'s network is, though. We didn\'t get to use it much in Grisham Donovan\'s case, which could mean that it\'s become more widespread than before."

Aira notices Cassidy and Adrian glance at each other, their expressions unreadable. Somehow, she gets the feeling that they\'re communicating with each other telepathically, though the notion seems outright ridiculous.

"I can\'t say much, Sir Ray..." Adrian trailed off slowly. 

"All I can say is that it\'ll definitely help us get Damien and the victims out of this. As for the leads, there have been some, though Edward still has to speak with the police."

Aira frowns at that.

Having known this couple for a long while now, she\'s getting the feeling that they\'re keeping a lot of information to themselves. She recalls the night before - Cassidy\'s tired eyes, Adrian\'s strange attire.

He wasn\'t wearing a suit like he normally does. 

Aira narrows her gaze at the both of them, wondering what they\'re up to. They talk about the cases like they know much more than they\'re letting on. When their conversation continues, however, she listens avidly and is not so surprised to note that Ray is hanging on to their every word, not questioning their information in the slightest -

Or rather, their lack of information.

\'Big sis and Sir Adrian know something.\'

Aira is sure of it. As for what it is exactly, she doesn\'t know. These two are good at compartmentalizing things.

Eventually, there\'s a lull in the conversation.

Cassidy suggests that they all go home since it\'s getting late. Outside, the sun has just set, and the streets are starting to get dark.

"Cassidy is right..." Adrian seconded.

"It was nice to speak with you, Sir Ray-"

His sentence is cut short by a loud boom.

The apartment building shook in the aftermath of an apparent explosion, tremors climbing up the floorboards and cracking the walls. Cassidy and Adrian, on instinct, take hold of Aira\'s hands, pulling her close to them protectively. The entire establishment shudders, the glass ornaments on the shelves falling to the floor and breaking into pieces.

"What was that?!" Cassidy cried over the chaos.

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