
Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Kyon took two thin bracelets out of the ring delivered from Dantes.

The first one could fake the soul cultivation. It could be set up to the royal phase inclusive, and no one below the imperial phase (7) would ever suspect anything. However, as soon as the bracelet owner used a tiny bit of energy, everyone would die of laughter. Anyway, it could also be considered a weapon. This item was sold for 13 million spheres. Even the Grands would find it rather costly.

The second bracelet was designed to replace elemental vibrations. If the bracelet owner used the earth, the water or the wind elements to raise the battle fist level, everyone in the royal phase inclusive would feel, for example, pure energy and wouldn’t recognize the heavenly genius, or the goddess’s messenger. Kyon paid for this bracelet 9 million spheres, and there was a story behind it. Some bright sparks in the Golden Pig guild had put a tracking formation inside to spy on Kyon.

Lovr put on both bracelets, wrapped them in the impenetrable cloth and hid them under his skin using the earth element as he did with the spatial ring once. Now even monsters wouldn’t detect them with scanning.

Next, Kyon took out a fragrant cultivation accelerator pill. It was more difficult to get than he had thought, and its price was outrageous – 16 million spheres. With its help, his cultivation would boost for the whole two months! However, he couldn’t take more than one pill per phase. By the way, once he got a pill like this only much cheaper from Yegorka Stone, who wanted to give it to his beloved Juno as a gift. The medicine was called Soaring Angel, but somehow Juno didn’t get it.

Lovr was about to swallow the pill when he remembered that he had been meaning to finish upgrading his head. The body of the void had whispered to him that he would be defenseless for a while, so it was only logical to assume that he would be unable to upgrade. It would be reasonable to take the pill later.

Finally, Kyon took out a few tons of different herbs to complete the last stage of the body of the void. He had paid for them 40 million spheres. He had spent the remaining 18 million out of the $ 96 million order on ingredients for various medicines he was planning to sell later, as well as for the enzymes for Triana, the royal phaser.

Kyon walked over to one of the twenty heaps of herbs and held out his hand. As if by magic, it turned to dust. His hand turned into grey dust everything it approached. An unknown force drew the life out of the herbal medicine and sent it to his soul and nucleus.

Ten minutes later, only one heap remained intact. Lovr had filled the core with elements up to 99%. The last percent would mark the completion of the 2nd stage, but he had a pressing matter to attend to.

Kyon entered the next room, where the charming girl was scratching her razor-sharp tiger claws on metal plates.

«Finally!» – Triana turned around and seemed to have teleported to her master. She was eager to taste the delicacy she was already addicted to. She wasn’t keen on the unusual treat known at first, but now she could no longer imagine her life without it.

«Well, I’m waiting! Come on!» – She demanded impatiently, kneeling down.

Before Kyon took out the blindfold, the tigress had already covered her eyes with it.

And then it was treat time.

Triana enthusiastically swallowed the sweet reward, savoring the delightful hot, viscous liquid flowing down her throat, trembling with pleasure, when suddenly she frowned: «Hmm, what the hell! You can’t do this to me! I need more!» – She resolutely grabbed the thick “bottle” and eagerly sucked on it.

«Wait… Ahh…» – The wet enveloping, pulling sensation in his delicate place made Kyon double over. He lost the ability to think and move. An electric-like shock went all over his body, even his fingertips trembled. It was a delightful feeling.

«Huh?!» – Triana suspected that something was wrong and pulled back, removing the blindfold. She was stupefied by what she saw. The tigress plopped on her bottom like a rock and slowly crawled away. – «What? Did I drink…» – She couldn’t finish the phrase. The realization that she was drinking the wretched human’s seed and the understanding that she was really enjoying it defied her worldview.

Back at home, her sisters used to offer her to try this delicacy. They said it was an acquired taste and could be appreciated with time, but she always refused. It was unacceptable for her to consume despicable humans’ or demons’ disgusting seed. Her sisters did not share her opinion. It was food, after all. Insects, blood, eyes, limbs… Was there any fundamental difference? Not at all! Nutritional value was the only thing that mattered.

Kyon lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. She would have found out sooner or later, anyway. He had no regrets. It was time to move on to the next level of intimacy between them.

The tigress wiped the foul moisture from her lips and yelled with hatred: «Have been lying to me all this time, ugly monster? It’s no crème fraîche but your semen!» – Her body had digested and assimilated the owner’s genital secretions. She refused to accept this!

«It finally dawned on you… You’re so naive.» – Kyon said casually.

«I’ve had a bad feeling about all this, but I couldn’t even imagine that you could be that insane! I wouldn’t even think of that!» – The tigress exclaimed angrily.

Kyon chuckled: «You jerked me off while washing me for several days like it was no big deal, and after we finished with this and I began to feed you some “mysterious delicacy” you didn’t suspect anything! Holy naivete! You don’t have to be a mathematician to add two plus two. Or maybe you thought I could just ignore a juicy, attractive piece of meat walking in front of me? Supreme beasts are so stupid.» – His tone was tinged with scorn and even pity.

«Don’t you dare to talk about supreme beasts like this, filthy human!» – Triana bared her teeth, almost trembling with anger. Her eyes sparkled, her fists clenching violently. She had been insulted and humiliated like never before. It was outrageous!

«I’ll tell you what – you know what you have to do if you want your favorite massage. You can have your cake and eat it, so to speak.»

«You are so…» – Triana shook her head and spit with disappointment. – «I swear by goddess Ceres that I will kill you if I get the chance.» – She sat in the corner of the room and stared at the wall, looking hurt. The owner was right, she was terribly naive, but it ran in her blood! She was born like this! Was it her fault?

Kyon shrugged and went to the next room. The tigress would eventually go along with it just as she did with bathing together. She just needed some time alone. In a couple of days, she would come for more. The supreme beasts couldn’t go against their nature and they had never been known for being picky eaters.

Lovr’s unique body’s absorbing power turned the last heap of medicine into dust. The elements rushed into his soul and core, filling it up. He had met all the conditions. The second stage was over!

The nucleus in his soul vibrated and started spinning. With each turn, it emitted spatial flashes, or to be more precise, time distortions. Kyon felt dizzy as if from drug intoxication. He had a fiery urge to sneeze.

{Stop!} – Kyon ordered the body of the void and, to his surprise, it obeyed. The accelerating rotation had slowed down significantly. He couldn’t do it before he had completed the first stage. Had the body of the void become smarter or more obedient?

With his willpower, Lovr appeared in the gray world created by the body of the void. There was dynamite with a timer for 30 seconds at his feet. Last time, he threw it up before the explosion, and all the collected elements rushed into his head, upgrading it and nearly killing him.

{What part of my body should I upgrade now?} – Kyon has been thinking about this for a long time. His intuition, or rather the body of the void, suggested that he could choose only one option. It was either the head, or a leg, or an arm, or the body. A total of 6 variations, one of which had already been completed. Did this mean that the body had only six stages of evolution? The devil would know!

Lovr took some time to reflect on the decision: if he chose the body, he would be able to take blows from powerful opponents with no harm to himself. However, would it be pointless if he was slow and his attacks were weak? It made no sense. He could significantly accelerate upgrading one of his legs! But something told him that after completing this stage, he would be able to escape from almost any creature on this planet. What was left? An arm! It would definitely help him defeat stronger opponents.

{What the…} – Kyon frowned when he tried to toss the dynamite up. It just wouldn’t go anywhere above his head, which meant that he couldn’t upgrade the same body part twice. When he realized it, Kyon resolutely threw the dynamite to the right.


The explosion threw him out of the illusory world. The elements collected from the medicine rushed from his soul into his right arm in a stormy stream. The limb got instantly covered with red spots. Veins bulged to the surface, swollen and visible above the skin. Even the carbon bones cracked and itched.

Kyon groaned in pain. Thousands of worms seemed to wriggle inside his arm, myriads of ants crawling over the bones. Pain and itch mingled together. However, Synergy had instantly suppressed them.

After waiting for three hours, Kyon opened his eyes. The right arm upgrade had been complete! Its strength and durability had increased by an indefinite amount that he had to determine yet.

Kyon took four spheres out of the ring. The translucent one was of the base phase. The amber one was of the advanced phase. The purple sphere was of the superior phase. The pale green one was of the noble phase. Each sphere was ten times more durable and more expensive than the previous one. Using pure energy, practitioners could crush with their hand only spheres of the corresponding phase. The lower the stage, the less obvious the destruction.

Lovr took the base phase sphere with two fingers and instantly turned it into dust. The amber sphere followed its example. The purple sphere shattered into pieces. Incredible! Being at the first stage, he was supposed to crack the sphere, not turn it into crumbs! Kyon held his breath and took the pale-green sphere. He infused it with pure energy and squeezed it as hard as he could.


He couldn’t believe his eyes when he opened his hand: the sphere broke into four pieces!

{Amazing…} – Lovr took a deep breath. Being at the 1st stage of the superior phase, he did what only noble phasers at the 1st or even the 2nd stage could do! Technically, his physical strength alone was on a par with those a phase above him!

Kyon took the Scourge in his hand and waved it for a few minutes. Surprisingly, his arm did not feel any tension or fatigue as if it were a twig, not a hundred-kilogram sword!

Once, at the Stones’ party, he could barely defeat Tsayan, giving him only harmless bloody scratches with the adamantium sword. He could not harm Princess Kara at all, he could only cut her clothes, sending her into a rage. However, if he could go back to the past with his upgraded arm, he would have turned both of them into a bloody mess!

{Wait… Can it be possible…} – Kyon had a sudden feeling just like he did last time: the arm could be upgraded even more! It could become even stronger! He just had to devote some time to upgrade it!

Meanwhile, the nucleus rotation in his soul had reached a dangerous level. Judging by his sensations, the body was going to make a breakthrough! And it involved the flash that had distorted the space and the place around him last time!

Kyon remembered that he was underground and quickly rushed outside to find a safe place. Triana followed him under the order not to lose sight of her master. He did not have any reason to stop her.

Lovr left the building and rushed to the nearest abandoned construction site five kilometers away. The nucleus in his soul was emitting strong chronotic pulsations. Just a little more and…

As soon as Kyon ran into the deserted site surrounded by a thick wall, it all started…


Triana’s pupils narrowed. Her senses heightened, her instincts kicked in. The aura emanating from the owner was breathtaking and amazed her to the core. It could not be suppressed or surpassed as if it were at the very top of any hierarchy, which was its rightful place! It lacked arbitrary, unbridled energy or mortal danger, but its power was undeniable! There was no doubt that this aura can only belong to the Sovereign!

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