avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 116: I, Your Father, am a Benefactor...

Chapter 116: I, Your Father, am a Benefactor…

As it was already 3:23 PM by the time he finished with Aya, Wu decided to wait until the next day to inform everyone of the proper training method for their seals. He had already warned them of the dangers of attempting to train it in secret, so if they ended up becoming statues or trees before the following morning, that was on them.

After entrusting Aya to the care of Samui, Wu, accompanied by Tayuya, went to pick up Hanabi from the Academy. He had developed a habit of dropping off and picking up the young Hyuga when he was in the village, so that’s what he decided to do after sending a clone with her earlier that morning.

As usual, Tayuya garnered ‘a lot’ of attention while accompanying Wu around the village. She could deactivate her transformation whenever she wanted, but as it passively increased her physical parameters and Chakra Capacity, she had no reason to. She only truly cared about the opinions of around ten people, so even if some within Konoha viewed her as a demon, Tayuya didn’t care in the slightest.

Fortunately, most of the looks directed at Tayuya were looks of envy and desire, not condemnation. Her reddish-pink hair was glossy and smooth despite falling to the backs of her knees, and the ashy brown hue of her body had become a healthy shade of brown. Her eyes and the horns atop her head were a little intimidating, but they were far more bewitching than terrifying, especially to men with active imaginations.

Since there was a bit of distance between the Senju Clan Compound and the Academy, Wu decided to make conversation with his temperamental shadow, asking, “Is Konoha or, at the very least, the compound beginning to feel like home to you? I know I was absent for a while, but you should have had plenty of opportunities to socialize with the others…”

Catching Wu a little by surprise, Tayuya revealed, “I started visiting the Uzumaki Clan Compound a few times a week. Their matron approached me and asked if I wanted to learn the Clan’s hereditary jutsu and seals…”

Nodding his head in approval, Wu asserted, “It’s good that you went of your own accord. I was a little worried about how I would introduce you after initially keeping you a secret from Naruto. Speaking of which…”

Directing his gaze to the much shorter girl, Wu asked, “That brat didn’t try anything, did he…?”

Shaking her head, Tayuya narrowed her eyes as she answered, “If he had, I would have castrated him. I did end up putting my name in the Uzumaki Clan’s Register, but only as an affiliate. It was one of the requirements to learn their Fuinjutsu.”

Nodding his head a second time, Wu remarked, “Makes sense…” before falling silent for a few seconds and adding, “Even if you don’t feel much of a connection to them, I’m happy you found at least some family out in the world. Try to get along with them, okay…?”

“Don’t worry…” replied Tayuya. “I tend to avoid that mustard-haired brat, but I get along well with both Kushina and Karin. The three of us are very alike…almost frustratingly so at times…”

With Tayuya mentioning Karin by name, Wu decided to ask, “Is Kushina still preventing Karin from getting pregnant?”

Surprising Wu a second time, Tayuya revealed, “She keeps them from fucking in the estate, but the two of them just started going outside or checking into hotels. At this point, Karin is around three to four months pregnant with her first child. Kushina was very angry…”

Exhaling a chuckle, Wu mused, “She’s probably just frustrated that her son and surrogate daughter are getting more action than she is. Tell her that if things get too difficult, I’m more than willing to get the job done…”

Though Kushina had made it clear she only had Minato, Naruto, and Karin in her heart, Wu was still tempted to make the ketchup-haired woman his. He had given her several revitalizing peaches, the first as an experiment to see if it would affect her in any way. It didn’t make her any younger, but it effectively ‘revived’ her from the dead, restoring her ability to taste food and feel sensations such as pain and pleasure.

With several months passing since the last time he saw the violet-eyed woman, Wu suspected that she had already lost the ability to feel. A five-year peach had only given her around two weeks of vitality, and that was with her inordinate ability to retain Natural Energy. Before departing for Kiri, he had gifted her a 100-year peach, but that would only provide her around 280 days of life if the rate of degradation remained the same.

As he wasn’t in the habit of helping others without gaining anything in return, especially when it took him months to produce a single 100-year peach, Wu was seriously considering asking Kushina for ‘compensation.’ He was pretty sure that was why she had reached out to Tayuya, but as that was a decision she made of her own accord, Wu didn’t consider it a form of repayment…

Confirming Wu’s suspicions, Tayuya unhesitantly threw Kushina under the bus, revealing, “She has become increasingly frustrated the past month or so. However, if you want to fuck her, you’re on your own. That woman can be pretty terrifying when she gets angry…”

Adopting a somewhat wolfish grin, Wu mused, “I’m looking forward to it…” just as the two of them reached the front gate of the Academy. Kushina was nearly on the same level as Tsunade in terms of value, so, even if he ended up making Naruto resent him, Wu wouldn’t pass on the opportunity to claim her…



After picking up Hanabi and taking her out for some dango, Wu dropped her and Tayuya off at the Senju Clan Compound before deciding to act on his whim. He wasn’t the type to foot around issues, so, after a very short flight, he phased through the barrier around the Uzumaki Clan Compound and landed in the courtyard separating the various residences.

As fate would have it, Naruto and Karin happened to be on a ‘date’ when Wu arrived, so Kushina was alone in the compound. She also possessed the ability to sense Natural Energy, so it wasn’t long before she poked her head outside, a somewhat forced smile on her face as she said, “It’s been a while, Wu-kun…”

Adopting a fairly amused smile, Wu replied, “I don’t know…you don’t seem particularly enthused by my presence. Still hung up over the fact I groped your butt…?”

Exhaling a sigh, Kushina crossed her arms and got straight to the point, stating, “While I am infinitely grateful for everything you’ve done for my family, especially Naruto, my heart belongs to his father, Minato…”

Shrugging his shoulders, Wu calmly replied, “I don’t recall asking for your heart. I’m far more interested in your body and mind…”

Showing a side of herself that very few got to see, Kushina hugged her body and averted her eyes, an uncertain, almost fearful look on her face. Not being able to taste, sleep, or feel anything was a curse that very few could endure for any length of time. Unfortunately, despite developing a seal of her own to draw in Natural Energy, she would need to meditate for upwards of eight hours to experience a mere 3-4 minutes of sensation…

Contradicting his previous thoughts on the matter, Wu pulled out a 50-year peach, spinning it atop his finger as he revealed, “The value of these peaches is around 3,000,000 Ryo per year. Out of consideration for what you did for Tayuya, I’m willing to overlook your previous ‘debts.’ However, this and that matter are two separate matters. I can’t keep supplying you peaches for free…”

With a ‘very’ unwilling expression on her face, Kushina glared at Wu as she asked, “What, exactly, do you want from me…?”

Shaking his head, Wu responded, “I told you before. I appreciate strong and capable women. Seeing you go to waste bothers me, so even if you come to resent me, I am compelled to at least try and make you mine. It would be one thing if you allowed us to revive your husband, but as you have already refused…I can’t simply ignore you…”

Though she was listening to Wu’s words, Kushina’s violet eyes were fixed on the melon-sized peach in his hand. She wasn’t supposed to be able to smell or taste anything, but the aroma of the peach permeated her senses and caused her mouth to water. A month of pretending to enjoy food that tasted like ash, just to keep Naruto and Karin from worrying, had brought her near the limits of her sanity. She wasn’t exactly known for her level-headedness or restraint, so she became increasingly prone to violence as her inability to feel persisted…

Realizing she was seriously considering Wu’s proposition, Kushina hung her head, a mixture of shame and anxiety coloring her expression as she asked, “Isn’t there any other way I can repay you…?”

Nodding his head, Wu dashed Kushina’s remaining hopes as he answered, “I accept Ryo or raw materials of comparable value. We both know I don’t need the Uzumaki Clan’s Fuinjutsu, so you’ll have to reach an agreement with the other Clans if you want to try selling Storage Scrolls or explosive tags.”

Furrowing her brows, Kushina revealed, “I already tried that. The Council won’t allow me to enter into any contracts since I’m technically dead. I’m able to sell directly to the village, but the overhead…”

As most of the materials she required were manufactured and distributed by Uzu in the past, Kushina currently had to make everything from scratch if she wanted to produce high-quality seals and talismans. Any profits she earned went directly into Naruto’s, Karin’s, and Tayuya’s training, so there was no way she could afford the market price of a peach.

Realizing the only thing she could rely on was Wu’s kindness, a depressed look marred Kushina’s face. She knew Wu was a very considerate boy but expecting him to invest months of his time and 400 million Ryo a year just to keep her ‘alive’ was more than a little unreasonable. That was nearly a third of Konoha’s entire GDP, the combined earnings of tens of thousands of Shinobi…

Hanging her head enough that her bangs obscured her face and eyes, Kushina’s voice was barely a whisper as she said, “Naruto can never find out…”

Shaking his head, Wu replied, “I had no intention of telling him. However, even if this is just a one-time thing, he’s bound to find out at some point…”

Raising her head, a hint of confusion colored Kushina’s expression as she parrotted, “A one-time thing…?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Wu’s smile turned wry as he said, “I’m not sure what you think of me, but backing you into a corner like this…there would need to be something wrong with me if I didn’t feel at least a little guilty. I can’t help desiring you, but once I’ve sated that base instinct, I won’t feel as pressured to make you mine. I certainly wouldn’t refuse if you came to me of your own volition, but this is probably the only time I’ll disguise my desires behind the notion of ‘repayment’…”

Feeling marginally less anxious, a faint smile adorned Kushina’s face as she muttered, “So that’s how it is…”

Interpreting Wu’s words to mean he would provide her with as many peaches as she required in the future, Kushina no longer felt as though her world was crashing down around her. She was still apprehensive, but as both she and Minato were already dead, could what she was about to do really be considered cheating? Technically speaking, this wasn’t even her original body…



(A/N: This chapter, and the one to come, is almost entirely the result of a fan who is really enjoying the series xD…)

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