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Chapter 183 - A Better Cook

All I ask for is for you guys to vote at my new fanfic "Is It Wrong To Have A Daughter In The Dungeon?"

Want it on the ranking, so please.


Noticing the newcomers\' presence, Elma, Tohru, and even Lucoa became wary, since these two newcomers were a bit stronger than Tohru and Elma, but below Lucoa, but even so, Lucoa had to be wary of them.

Upon realizing their wariness, Green didn\'t want this to escalate any further. "My, please don\'t be wary of us, we are not here to bring you harm, we are just here to eat peacefully isn\'t that right Aletta-chan?"

Green looked at the demon waitress Aletta with a gentle smile, not knowing why she said that. Aletta politely replied. "Y-yes! Of course."

"Tch, polite as usual huh, Green?" Gold didn\'t like this politeness of Green, since to her being polite is only for the weak and not something a strong like them should do.

"Fufu~ there is nothing wrong with being polite Gold." Green was stating facts, there is nothing wrong with being polite.

"Whatever…!" Gold ignored her.

Then Green\'s attention shifted toward Kyle\'s group, then she said. "Mind if I take a seat with you guys?"

Hearing her request, the girls became warier, her previous words didn\'t make them feel at ease at all, they didn\'t want her to go near them, the girls were ready to attack if she took another step closer to their spot, however, before they did something unnecessary Kyle finally voiced his opinion.

"Alright! I have seen enough, stop being wary of them okay? They aren\'t here to fight, this is a restaurant, even if you don\'t like her respect this place at least, this is an eatery, not a battle arena."

The girl\'s attention was toward him, a moment later they calmed down and accepted his opinion because it\'s \'him\' and if it was another person, no matter how much they say, they don\'t give a crap about it, only because it\'s \'him\' they listened and accept his opinion at least.

"You\'re right about that, however, Tohru doesn\'t want to sit on the same table as that woman!" Tohru didn\'t want to be at the same table as Green or Gold, her reason is simple: she doesn\'t want to be at the same table with a stranger.

"Me too…" Elma agreed with Tohru.

"Alright, then what about you Lucoa-san?" He asked.

"I don\'t mind." Lucoa didn\'t mind, though she was still wary of these unfamiliar dragons, at the same time she was curious of them.

"So, it\'s 2 out of 3 huh, hey umm...sorry to say that they don\'t want to be at the same table as you." He said.

"Oh, that\'s fine, I can understand why either way I wasn\'t expecting them to accept either." After that, she went to the other table near them and took a seat.

Gold followed after her, then after she sat, Gold realized something. "Huh? Hey you! As I thought you were someone familiar, you\'re that guy from a few months ago! Your appearance changed….but that makes since you became a God, but my question is how? You were clearly a mortal before!"

Green also realized this after listening to Gold. "My, what a curious development, how did you turn into a God?"

Kyle who heard them couldn\'t help but smile wryly. "That….umm it\'s hard to explain but this I can tell I became a God, not because I wanted to but because of a misunderstanding."

Both Green and Gold became confused, they thought. ``Is there someone who became a God because of a misunderstanding?"

Noticing their confusion, he said. "I know, it just happens it\'s better If you forget what I just said."

Green and Gold were curious about how did he become a God, however, Green respected his privacy and decided to forget about it, as for Gold she wanted to know, but she can\'t force him because of Tohru, Elma, and especially Lucoa who is a lot stronger than her, however, it wasn\'t the only reason why she didn\'t use for, it\'s also because of Kuro, she knows that Kuro was interested with God.

Technically the 7 of them (dragons), are sisters because they were born from the same universe, and at the same time, though some of them might not recognize that they are, but she was one of the few who believed so.

Forgetting about the previous conversation, she decided to look at the menu. She has been waiting for a week to eat in this restaurant, for this week she wanted to eat something different. Just thinking of what it was, she couldn\'t help but salivate.

Green couldn\'t help but sigh at her sister\'s crude display, unlike her, she knows manners, since she lived with the elves, so it\'s quite understandable.


The master of this place, finally finished making ⅓ of his orders, since he couldn\'t completely focus on his orders, since there were other customers than them. Kyle understood this and didn\'t complain, he worked at a similar job, why couldn\'t he understand this?

So they just ate, while waiting for the rest of the dishes that Kyle ordered.

As they ate, Tohru\'s eyes widened, because she couldn\'t believe it, to think that no human chef is a better cook than here?!

This absolutely must not be allowed! She has to improve her cooking! However, she has to admit, for now, this human chef was a better cook than her, she couldn\'t help but be frustrated, for the first time someone beat her in culinary skills.

Not only were the dishes delicious, but the way they looked was also perfect, she could hardly find any flaw to criticize. Honestly, at first, she wasn\'t expecting much from this restaurant, but reality slapped her face hard, she thought. \'No wonder, he wanted to go here! It turns out, the chef here is a better cook than me! Grrr! Unforgivable! Today I mark that human chef as a rival!\'

Tohru glared at the master, who was bringing the rest of the dishes that Kyle ordered, noticing her glare, he couldn\'t help but sweat.

"I-is there something wrong ojou-san?"

Tohru became irritated, she wanted to slam the table, but she stopped herself from doing so because the result was obvious. "You! Don\'t call me ojou-san! I\'m several centuries older than you! Human! Mark my words! I\'m going to surpass you soon enough! Be ready when that time comes!"

The master couldn\'t help but blink repeatedly, and he shifted his gaze toward Kyle, looking at him with a \'Is it true?\'

Kyle didn\'t want to lie, so he just nodded, after confirming that what she said was true, the master sighs and says.

"My bad, I didn\'t know you were older than me, but sure feel free to surpass me, and after you do, please let me have a taste of your cooking." He was a humble man, as he didn\'t care about being the best, for him cooking was to make people full.

And exactly his response is something that Tohru despises, she is aware that this guy is being nice, but to her who wanted to surpass him, his humble and no big deal attitude pisses her off.

It\'s like her goal of surpassing him was nothing important.

Before she could say anything, Kyle said. "Tohru, stop you know that it\'s not like that, he\'s just being polite, let\'s continue to eat before the dishes cool off, okay?"

".... Alright." Tohru decided to forget about it, and resumed eating, though the irritation from before didn\'t disappear.

Kyle looked at the master and said. "Sorry about that."

"No, it\'s fine anyway, if you excuse me." The master went back to the kitchen and resumed cooking.

Kyle sighs and shifts his attention toward the girls, then he sees Elma eating like there was no tomorrow, as Lucoa ate normally but her attention was toward Green and Gold who were waiting for their orders to be served.

Now, he started thinking if it was a good choice to let them follow him here, regardless of if it is bad or good, it is too late anyway.


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