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Chapter 441 The Filming in Austrália 3

Chapter 441 The Filming in Austrália 3

But that did not stop Jake from being able to talk and other actors and film crew from enjoying what he was like since he was a child Jake knew how to talk to people and make new friends easily.

And social situations like this dinner helped him a lot because people became more open and kind and made friends more easily, Jake can talk a lot with the other actors who did not have much participation in the film and even talked for a while with Keanu Reeves.

But it was more difficult for Jake to talk to Keanu Reeves because even though he was very kind, Keanu Reeves was a famous actor and so it was more difficult for Jake to talk to him having so many people who also wanted to talk to Keanu Reeves.

Even so, Jake can relax a little more and talk to most of the actors and even with the film crew after that Jake went to rest early because early in the morning he would have to train the cable movements to prepare for the film.

The other day Jake woke up very early and went to prepare for training, in the afternoon they would have more footage to do, so Jake went to the place where he was told to go and there were Yuen Woo-ping and his assistants and Jake you can see the cables and the place where he would train.

Jake already imagined what the cable training would be like, but seeing it in person even he was surprised how they had equipment and machines to help them have more movement and safety too.

"Hi Jake, today we are finally going to be able to start your cable training, I am sure you will not take long to learn everything you need to learn, after that, you will be ready to do the fight scenes."

"The most important thing for you in this training is to learn how to balance yourself while being suspended by cables after you learn to balance yourself you will have to learn to move freely and then we will train the fighting movements."

"Some of the dubs in the movie will demonstrate how you need to move and then they will fight so you can see how you have to do it."

After Yuen Woo-ping said that the machines lifted the stuntmen by the cables and in a short time they managed to balance themselves, after that some started to show what the fight scenes would be like.

Even if it was difficult to train most fights it would not be off the ground but on the ground itself and the cables would only serve to simulate scenes with blows to appear that the opponent had attacked with more force than it was in reality.

Some simpler scenes had already been done, but they needed Yuen Woo-ping to help organize the most important fight scenes, one of the scenes was Neo and Morpheus in training, Neo and Neo’s struggles with Agent Smith.

The scene in which Trinity fought with dozens of policemen and ran away from the agents had also been filmed, even if it was a complicated scene to do, Jake’s character would participate in few fights, but the fights he participated in would be important and had to be well choreographed.

Jake would fight in the scene where Morpheus would be captured and he would also fight in the scene in which Neo’s group fled after Morpheus had been captured, in that fight Jake’s character would be injured after helping everyone escape and he would be the one who would kill Cypher to save Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus.

So Jake’s character would be important in the film even if it didn’t take away the importance of the other characters and besides some scenes that would be changed the rest of the film would be the same, the only difference was that it would be longer because of those scenes.

After Jake saw the dubbing demonstration he started to learn how he had to move when he was suspended on the cables to gain balance, just as Jake had thought it was much more difficult than he thought.

After a few hours of training Jake had learned to gain balance and could now move better by hanging on the cables, but Yuen Woo-ping realized that Jake had learned better than he expected, even so, they would need a few days of training before they could start filming the fight scenes with the actors.

In the meantime the recording of the scenes from the movie that didn’t need a fight happened, even when I didn’t have to record Jake, I would go to the scenes to see how one of his favorite films was recorded, because of that the other actors and directors praised Jake because they thought that he was watching to learn.

In fact, Jake was a good surprise for the directors because he made fewer mistakes than the actors who had much more experience than him, it seemed that Jake knew the film and the characters well and therefore he had an easier time doing the scenes.

So after another week, Yuen Woo-ping realized that Jake had also learned to move while hanging from the cables and he told the directors that the fight scenes could start to be recorded.

The directors hoped for this because the scenes that didn’t need to be recorded outside the studio were ending, now they could do several fight scenes and then make the recordings that needed to be done in the city and that was more complicated.

For a film like A Matrix the fight scenes were very important and very difficult to do, so it was one of the most complicated things in the film and so the directors asked the actors to do several months of training with Yuen Woo-ping.

The fight scene that would take place after Neo went to see the oracle where Morpheus would be captured would be one of the most important scenes in the film and it would be this scene that they would record now that Jake had already trained on the cables.

In this scene the mouse character would be killed after Cypher’s betrayal and then Neo’s group would try to escape and Morpheus would sacrifice himself for the group to escape, in this scene Jake’s character would be fighting the other agents while Morpheus would be captured by agent Smith.

After Morpheus is captured, Jake’s character thinks about rescuing Morpheus, but he has to fight to help Neo and the others to escape and after that fight, he is shot and has to go back to the ship before and even wounded he still takes the gun and kills Cypher to save Neo.

Some changes would be made in this scene to make it happen and this scene would have more fights and more emotion, Tank also survives Cypher’s attack in this scene and because Jake remains injured only Neo and Trinity return to try to rescue Morpheus.

Most of the fight scenes in this movie involve Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity, so Jake’s character would not have as many scenes to fight, but with the few scenes he would fight Jev would be remembered in the film and if the audience liked him he there would be even more fight scenes in the next films where the secondary characters had to fight more often.

As soon as the fight scenes started, the actors and the Yuen Woo-ping brothers realized that Yuen Woo-ping spoke the truth by saying how Jake fought very well, the other characters had a few months to learn and because of the lack of physical training and training. martial arts their fight scenes seemed very fought.

But with the efforts of the actors and the fights being well choreographed, it still pleased the audience and the critics, but Jake was an athlete and quickly learned what Yuen Woo-ping can teach and so he really looked like a professional fighter fighting the other actors.

Jake had even greater control than the others and so the scenes became more realistic and Jake didn’t hit anyone in the recordings and avoided being hit, this made the scenes where Jake’s character fought to be recorded more easily because the agents were actors more trained in fighting.

The Wachowskis brothers were even happier and knew that they had been right to invite Jake to participate in this film if this film even had sequences that even they didn’t think Jake’s character would have even more importance in the next films.

After a few more weeks, part of the fight scenes had been finished, even though the actors were talented the scenes had to be choreographed and the actors had to fight using the cables so that some blows seemed to send the opponent away.

But Jake had to stop recording again to go to the NBA draft this season, he had already warned the Wachowskis brothers about it and in his absence, other fight scenes that Jake’s character would not appear in could be done.

Thanks to Jake’s good performance, the recordings were early and they wouldn’t have to stay in Australia any longer to finish filming, Jake went directly to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada just as he had agreed with David Falk and his mother who was going there too.

Jake went to Vancouver a few days earlier because he had arranged with David Falk to speak to him prior to the NBA draft, just as Jake hoped the Clippers’ team won in the NBA Draft lottery the right to choose the first pick.

So everything would be easy because the agreement between the Clippers and the Lakers had already been completed and the Lakers just had to tell the Clippers’ team to choose Jake for the first pick, then they would make the switch and then everything would be fine.

In this situation, Jake was still concerned because maybe the Clippers ’team didn’t really expect them to get the right to choose for the first pick and if they did, they might not close the deal with the Lakers’ team because Jake knew they wanted to choose Michael Olowokandi.

In addition, after the NBA draft, Jake could officially sign the contract with the sponsoring companies that David had already made a verbal agreement with, especially Adidas, which would pay a few million in that contract and was very important.

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