
Chapter 37

Translator: Prakriti Bhatta

After the banquet, the fiances returned home.

After taking a shower, the man who came out of the bathroom was in perfect proportions. With a long body, a narrow waist, and abdomen, he was a perfect dream boy for every girl and gay. Moving downwards, his bulging ball under the bathrobe also moved around. It was faintly visible and was crazily sexy.

It was a pity that no matter how he posed countless times by the door, the person lying on the sofa using the phone was unmoved. Yuan Feng suddenly felt bored. He walked over with long legs and domineeringly took up a large area of ​​the sofa.

Yin Minglu didn’t say a word and silently gave him a place. But as soon as he moved, Yuan Feng moved with him. His legs pressed against his knees, lazily showing off his slender and flexible body.

Seeing Yin Minglu’s delicate face, under the lights of the night, it was so cute that he wanted to kiss him. He couldn’t help but lower his neck and say, “Tonight is our engagement banquet. Don’t you have any thoughts about me?”

“No.” What’s even there to think about? It’s not like they haven’t slept together before!!! Yin Minglu answered very honestly. He didn’t leave the phone at all. His expression was very focused.

Yuan Feng was upset, “What are you doing? Is this lousy mobile phone better looking than me?” Why can’t young people nowadays leave mobile phones aside and give attention to someone very good-looking next to them? Humph!!! He had even stripped his clothes so thoughtfully. (sad crying face.jpg)

“I’m texting others. Many people are wishing us a happy engagement. It is impolite not to reply to them one by one.” Yin Minglu typed slowly.

Hearing this, Yuan Feng’s smiling eyes immediately lost the slightest smile. He subconsciously snatched Yin Minglu’s phone, “Many people??? Who?”

His eyes fixed on the string of names on the phone screen, Lin Shuwu, Xia Ming, Lei Zi, etc. It was okay that this dude was replying to Luo’s brother and sister, but Yuan Feng saw that Yin Minglu was actually replying to a bunch of text messages of the seventy aunts, Yin’s sponsors and shareholders, housekeepers, nannies, drivers, junior high school classmates, high school classmates, college classmates, and even company employees. If it was a real paper list, it would have been 1000 kilometers long.

Yuan Feng gritted his teeth and said: “You little lazy, you usually go to bed early, do some never-ending thing during the day and finally sleep again. You even decreased the time of you and me doing exercise in the bed. You have decreased our time to exercise that much but I somehow adjusted. But today on our engagement night, you are still preparing to reply to the text messages one by one. When are you going to finish replying all? ? Can’t this kind of thing be done with a one-click group mailing? Also, why do you even reply to text messages from female employees? You are really an approachable and good boss! ” Meanwhile he always says ”get lost” to everyone approaching him for this lazy fool!!!

“Mom said, group texting is impolite.” Yin Minglu aggrievedly wanted to grab it back but was hugged, “Ah! You can’t peek at my text messages!”

“Why do you usually have so many things to talk about with Xia Ming?????” Yuan Feng asked in an elder tone voice.

“I’ll report everything to your mother!” He was too angry. Unexpectedly, the little idiot was talking with Xia Ming about how ”Yuan Feng brought me apples”, ”Yuan Feng took me to the movie theatre for a date”, etc. But after getting angry, he actually thought this little idiot was a little cute!

Yuan Feng couldn’t help being happy. Looking through the little fool’s cell phone, was like looking through a treasure.

In the memo, the little idiot had recorded everything between them. Between those lines that contained the warm and childish words, everything, in reality, seemed to have been very significant for the little guy, including him.

Turning over, he had forgotten his original purpose. His chest was full of the joy of wishing to kiss the little idiot. He also picked up a call on his mobile phone halfway through. It was an unfamiliar number. He usually doesn’t care about this kind of unsaved number, but he picked it up tonight because he was in a good mood. The other party had a heavy man’s voice, “Is it Mr. Yuan?”

“Yeah.” Yuan Feng held the phone between his ears to listen to the call while continuing to flip through the phone of his sweetheart.

“Mr. Yuan, here is a lady who claims to be your spouse. She was trapped in the bus station because her wallet was stolen. She wants to communicate with you personally, you….” Before the man had finished speaking, Yuanfeng couldn’t help but glance at the person who had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Obviously, he was twenty years old, but his cheeks were still soft. This young man’s immaturity had not completely faded. At this moment, because he was pressed by Yuan Feng, he couldn’t move. So he finally hugged a pillow aggrievedly and fell asleep with his head tilted. Because he was asleep, his red mouth was still slightly open, and the little fluff on his face stretched out, looking very cute everywhere.

Yuan Feng smiled. He was feeling very happy. His replying voice also rose a lot, “Then you must have been deceived because my spouse is sleeping right next to me.” After finishing speaking, he hung up without waiting for the other party to respond. He had already determined that he had encountered a fraudulent call.

Oh, by the way, he has to help the little idiot to reply to the text message, otherwise, the other party will definitely trouble him the next morning. If that guy loses his temper, it will be extremely difficult to coax him. He will just randomly go to Yin’s house and he will have to beg him to come back……Sad life!!!

So that night, Yuan Feng spent the whole night replying to the text messages of the well-wishers.

And at the Yellow River Railway Station far away from the capital city, Luo Cuihua, who was on the phone, was struck by lightning. She grabbed the man’s clothes in disbelief and said hysterically, “How could it be! Yuanfeng actually said that he has another spouse??? I am his spouse! Who is his new spouse??”

The passer-by who was held by Luo Cuihua looked embarrassed, “Madam, you really made the wrong call, right? Mr. Yuan said it was a wrong number……………” It was all because of his kindness. He thought he was just helping a woman who wanted to call someone. As a result, all calls made by the other party were hung up. So much so that he is thinking now whether he has met a woman with abnormal brains.

Realizing this, the kind passerby gave her a fearful look as if he wanted to leave. Luo Cuihua quickly panicked. She quickly said: “Just the last call, the last! Please!”

The passerby shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was so begged that he couldn’t help but agree and handed her the phone.

Luo Cuihua grasped the phone in a dazed manner. Holding the last glimmer of hope, based on her memory, she stumblingly pressed out a series of numbers and chose to dial.

After the phone rang three times, someone answered it. It was a cool and elegant male voice. Just like the voice she remembered, Luo Cuihua became excited. Holding the mobile phone, she said affectionately: “Xia……… Xia Ming! It’s me, I’m Qiaoling. …”

The other side was silent for a long time and said: “Luo Cuihua?”

Luo Cuihua thought for a while. She didn’t know what was going on in this life.  It seemed she hadn’t changed that rustic name yet, which made her feel ashamed to admit it. But she still nodded desperately and said in an aggrieved tone: “It’s me.”

Unexpectedly, Xia Ming, who used to act impulsively when he heard her sadness, sneered a few times before saying: “You called me??? It seems you are reborn?” Although it was a questioning tone, he had already determined the answer in his heart.

Reborn? Could it be that Xia Ming was also reborn? Luo Cuihua’s eyes widened in shock. She trembled. After thinking about it, she still admitted: “I….. I was reborn…” She stated in a fragile and helpless tone, “I don’t know what went wrong. Once I woke up, everything changed…………….

She was supposed to be alive in the city. But because Aunt Yang and Yuan Feng had a fight, she had slept. After waking up, she was on the greasy and dirty red mattress in the countryside. And there was even a man sleeping next to her. It was the son of the mayor that she had looked down upon before.

The other party said that he was her husband and she had married him four years ago.

Suddenly Luo Cuihua felt like she was pushed to the dark abyss with no light at all. She immediately realized that she had committed something wrong in this life. She hadn’t taken a single step and lived a life completely different from her original life! She had not left the village, had not gone to college, and had not married a handsome rich man!

Oh my! Why has she been so useless in this life! On the contrary, it was her younger brother and sister, whom she looked down upon, who had actually won the favor of the people in the city and were doing very well. One was already in the management of a large company because he graduated early, and the other had just graduated this year but was also among the best in a number of interns. Both of them seemed to have done very well in their life.

The future of the two of them was bright. On the contrary, their eldest sister had always been useless and dirty from the heart. After she was driven back to the village by the city people, her high school grades were not satisfactory. She failed to enter the university. In the end, she could only work in the town and because of this, she had met the mayor’s son. After two years of dating, the parents of two of them had urged them to hold a banquet.

Luo Cuihua despised herself who had no ambition and growth in her life. She had actually married a man who had no abilities. Did she want to live in this shabby place all her life???

So speaking of this, she was aggrieved and sad on the phone, “Xia Ming, Yuan Feng doesn’t answer my call, is there someone new in his life?” What she wanted to say was, is there someone new in your life? Otherwise, why was his tone of speaking to her so indifferent than in the previous life, “Don’t you like me? Why??? I haven’t changed, but you all have changed?” What did she do wrong in this life? Why has she become so stupid? She couldn’t even grasp the hearts of two idiot boys.

Xia Ming heard the crying remarks from the woman, he had once loved saying that. He couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t bother to explain and simply said: “Since you know that your last life is different from this life, then you should cherish this life.” He knows this woman’s temperament too well that she is never satisfied. He hopes that she will continue ruining herself. Selfish ass woman!!!

After speaking, Xia Ming also hung up the phone without saying any unnecessary words. After all, in this life, they are nothing more than a stranger to each other. It’s better to keep it that way.

Luo Cuihua, who had been hung up again, sat in a chair absent-mindedly. She almost dropped the mobile phone lent to her by a passer-by.

This was a new phone he had bought for 3,000 yuan. What if it bumps? Passers-by took back the mobile phone distressedly and looked reluctant, but Luo Cuihua subconsciously sarcastically said, “Isn’t it just one mobile phone? I will buy you ten!”

As soon as she said the words, she immediately realized that she was no longer a rich person in this life. She was not a wife of a rich person at all. Not to mention ten mobile phones, even an ordinary domestic mobile phone is worth more than a month’s salary in the town and she is not qualified to say such things in this life.

The passer-by felt more and more that the female in front of him who was trying to show herself a rich woman forcibly must have a brain problem. He didn’t bother to be kind again. After taking back the phone and wiping the dust off the screen, he hurriedly left.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, another group of people arrived at the bus station.

It was Luo Cuihua’s husband, mother-in-law, and Luo family’s father and mother. The group of people was, crying and yelling. The scene looked quite spectacular. Luo Cuihua looked at it and her expression changed immediately. She quickly turned her head and wanted to leave.

Luo Cuihua’s husband stepped forward to hold his wife with reluctant eyes and said: “Cuihua, what’s wrong with you? How did your temperament change so suddenly?” She wasn’t the way she is now originally. Why didn’t she feel satisfied with anything after waking up? The eyes looking at him were unfamiliar and indifferent. She not only kicked things in the house and scolded him for being useless, but she was also disrespectful to his mother, troubling the whole family.

He was also surprised and angry at first, but thinking about it carefully, after four years of marriage, his wife was not like this originally. They had planned their savings carefully and decided to buy a house with a loan in the city. Later, they had thought they would pay it back slowly. It was a beautiful future worth looking forward to. The result changed overnight. After Cuihua had lost her temper, she ran away with the money the next day. It seemed that she was going to find someone in the city.

But except for her two younger siblings who work in big cities, she has no classmates or relatives in the city at all!

Luo Cuihua’s mother-in-law was getting older and had poor legs and feet. But in order to save her daughter-in-law, she had tried her best because her son was unwilling to give up. But her daughter-in-law had an indifferent expression, crying and insulting them. Although her son was not a high-achieving student, he was also a university graduate.

The villagers all said that Luo Cuihua had taken a lot of medicine in her early years and couldn’t give birth to a son. She had also originally opposed it, but her son insisted on marrying, so she had finally agreed.

The two had lived somehow nicely. After four years of marriage, there was still nothing wrong. But one day her daughter-in-law suddenly changed her temper. She said that her husband was from the city and her son was a waste. She wanted to get divorced. Because it was spoken in public, the villagers were in an uproar, thinking that Cuihua was going to the city to find a friend, and abandoned the mayor’s son.

Everyone fainted at that time, including Father Luo and Mother Luo who had rushed to persuade her to make peace.

Now it seems that Luo Cuihua was not a good match for her son! Luo Cuihua’s mother-in-law thought so tiredly.

Luo Cuihua’s in-law’s family was pulling her, and Father Luo and Mother Luo were not idle either. They desperately called the youngest daughter in the city, “Miao, your sister has some problem going on with her. She has continuously been talking about going to the capital to find her husband Mr. Yuan and Mr. Xia, who likes her. She has been trying to divorce your brother-in-law these days. Now she has even bought a ticket to go to the city. Hurry and come back!!!”

In the past few years, even though Luo Cuimiao has been subsidizing the family, Father and Mother Luo’s habit hasn’t changed at all. When something bad happens, they would immediately call their youngest daughter. They would save all the good news to their son while reporting all the bad news to their daughter. But Luo Cuimiao has studied in the big city and has become more sensible. She understood that children cannot blindly follow their parents. Thankfully, this time her life is completely different from her previous life, where she was used by others as a stepping tool.

But things were different this time. Her sister and brother-in-law were about to get divorced. Her sister seemed to have a problem in her mind. So, Luo Cuimiao panicked as soon as she heard it. She had just received a ferocious text message from her little boss saying ”get lost”. After seeing it for a while, she had felt that it was not the style of her little boss. So she hadn’t gone to bed for a long time when her parents also called. She could only ask her boss for a few days off and book the first flight back to the Yellow River Province the next day to go home immediately.

Luo Yusheng didn’t know about this but Luo Cuimiao had a good relationship with him. The brother and sister had been supporting each other lives in the city, so Luo Yusheng also hurried back when he heard that something was wrong at home.

In recent years, the Yin family’s industry has been booming. Of course, the head of the company is the little boss. Luo Yusheng was working for Yin’s business. After three years of hard work, relying on outstanding performance, he succeeded in getting the post of manager. He even met a good girl in the company. The two are currently dating steadily.

A few days ago, the boss had also told him that if he completes the big order in his hand, he will continue to be promoted in three months and his salary will be twice the current salary. This naturally made Luo Yusheng full of energy. There was no gloomy inferiority of the previous life between his eyebrows. He was confident and generous.

When they met the next day, in the cabin, the brothers and sisters suddenly looked at each other with a sharp smile, as if they remembered that ten years ago, as rural children, they had seen this endless blue sky for the first time in the sky.

Yang Runxin, who was far away in the capital, also received a call from Luo Cuihua. Now she was over fifty and her memory was gradually deteriorating. She could no longer remember who Luo Cuihua was, but after the other party kept reminding her, she finally remembered her. She cursed and then yelled: “It’s all you, you jinx, you asshole, a girl who is delusional to climb a rich person’s bed. You caused my son to lose his marriage contract ten years ago. Now you dare to call?”

After the scandal had broken out that year, Father Yuan had thought it was the first time he saw the true color of the people around him clearly. His wife turned out to be a vicious woman who wanted to ruin his elder son. She was the one who along with her son had spread the rumor about Yuan Feng sleeping with a girl at a young age. She had continuously tried to ruin him but he was the one who had been ignorant to that all along. He although didn’t abandon the mother and the son’s duo, he definitely made their life the living hell in the Yuan house.

After the death of Father Yuan in recent years, the mother and son’s duo were even more trembling under the coercion of Yuan Feng. They wished to be abandoned than to live with him in fear that Yuan Feng would settle accounts with them, once he will be in a bad mood.

Tomorrow is the day when her son Yuanjing and the fifth young lady of the Jin family have a blind date. Because the Jin family has come as a big and influential family in recent years, even if the fifth young lady in the family was not favored, if he can marry her, he will be considered a high climber. After all, Yuanjing now is not a young talent in the upper class, just an ordinary boss who owns a few small companies.

But Ms. Jin seems to be very interested in Yuan Jing. Who knows what good things will happen tomorrow. So Yang Runxin absolutely can’t allow someone to spoil this blind date!

Although she didn’t understand how Luo Cuihua knew her personal mobile phone number, she firmly believed that Luo Cuihua was pretending to greet her on the surface, but in fact, she was still unruly towards her son. So after cursing the person, she cleanly blocked that number.

Yuan Jing calmed down his mother. He knew that his mother’s schemes were all for himself. Because he was exposed to beauty, tobacco, and alcohol at an early age, his body now was in a very bad condition. Seeing that his elder brother was getting more and more successful, he could only sigh and lose his youthful spirit. Maybe it was because both of them were getting older, both of them were more sensible. So they were tired of fighting.

He said to his mother: “Don’t scold brother all the time. We should live a good life on our own.” He and Yuanfeng have the same blood in their bones. So he believes that if Yuanfeng can succeed, he can too. What’s more, as long as he marries Miss Jin, a rich and wise helper, they would definitely live a good life.

“Okay.” Yang Runxin said with tears in her eyes, “Mom will accompany you to buy a suit. We won’t fight anymore.” Anyway, she had no ability to fight anymore. Perhaps from the beginning, when they had bet their success on the father Yuan who could only talk big, they were already doomed to lose.

“My brother got engaged yesterday, I had gone there.” Yuan Jing chatted about everyday life happily.

“Then did you give him a gift? Your brother is enjoying a good life now, but he looks down on us, a pair of mother and son. You are earning your own money, so don’t let people joke about you.” Yang Runxin couldn’t talk about it anymore. But because of her habit of many years, in her bones, she still didn’t want to be compared.

“I gave him.” Yuan Jing said proudly while supporting his mother. What he was thinking was, if he will be engaged to Miss Jin, should he also hand in invitations to his brother? Will the other party come? It’s better to send it to the young master of the Yin family so that they are more likely to come together.

No one at that time had thought that the fate that began with the show ”The metamorphosis” would last for so long. Everyone in it was still deeply or shallowly connected, just like a big dream.


  YEHHHHH!!!!! End of the first arc!!!!! You guys don’t know how much happy I am hahahahahahahahaha. I had started translating this just for fun but you guys loved me so much…..okay not me you guys loved this novel so much that I had to continue translating it. So how are you guys feeling ?????? Anyway, I love you guys and thank you for reading this and encouraging me to keep translating it. Thank you so so so much!!!! On a side note, I have an exam coming. So please bless me guys. hehe!

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