
Chapter 1341: Surgery

Chapter 1341: Surgery

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

Of course, the most crucial factor was that these people never could have imagined someone logic-defying like Sheyan would appear here – someone who could finish Dons in the blink of an eye, not giving him any time to send a warning!

Moreover, their party was certainly not a silver party like Party Ace, so their communication range was much more limited. With the way the party had gone numb from waiting aimlessly, let alone 20 minutes, even if Sheyan took a 2-hour nap here, no one would probably notice.

Sheyan grew restless. He was eager to massacre all these people so that he could acquire the SARS disease. However, he knew he must remain cool-headed. He knew he must never underestimate the enemy under any circumstances.

It must be noted that, although Sheyan was definitely much stronger than other Awakeners, his 1v10 feat from before simply contained too many coincidences to be repeated. First, the enemies back then had already attacked for a few rounds, so they had used up all their strong abilities on Sheyan’s other party members. Second, they had given him too much time to prepare the viruses. And last but not least, Sheyan had to admit that luck had played a huge factor.

Sheyan could not guarantee that he would always be lucky, so as cool as 1v10 sounded, he would always avoid it if he could. Even if he had to do it, he would only do it after making ample preparations and had prepared an escape route for himself. He had no wish of dying so young.

Sheyan started running while carrying Ronnie. Ronnie finally woke up after some time, only to find that he had become a human tilting doll again. He thought that he had fallen into the hands of the enemies, and that they had cut off his limbs and left him alive so as to better torture him...

Thus, Ronnie racked his brain, trying to find a way to kill himself, but fortunately, his misunderstanding was quickly corrected. Ronnie was so elated to find out he was safe that he passed out again from the excitement.

When he woke up for the second time, his attitude was no longer as aggressive as before. He asked weakly, “Seam... Boss, are we going to take a spaceship that has limited space again?”

Sheyan had to conserve his stamina, so it was Ramtas who was carrying Ronnie at the moment.

“I wish we had a spaceship that has limited space. Unfortunately, we don’t even have that,” answered Sheyan.

When Ronnie heard that, he really wanted to lash out, but he dared not.

“But....why have I become a human tilting doll again? ”

“You should know that I’m much better at killing people than saving people,” Sheyan smiled and said.

“...I know that, but what does that have to do with me being like this?” asked Ronnie, grievance strong in his voice.

“Do you still remember why you stopped the trial?” Sheyan walked up the slope ahead of them and asked pleasantly.

An expression of fear crept onto Ronnie’s face. He told Sheyan in a hoarse voice, “I smeared mud on my body to hide my smell, but I didn’t realise there were a lot of strange eggs in the mud... The worms hatched on my body! I tried every way I could think of to get rid of them, even went so far as to get close to the crater of an active volcano to try burning them to death, but it didn’t work. In the end....I could only go back.”

Sheyan nodded. “Let me add to that. You actually brought the worms with you. That damn group of ancient Protoss seems to be quite prejudiced against you, they didn’t want you in their base for even a moment, let alone let you recover there. The only person who’s willing and able to deal with these worms for you is me, and I’m a terrible doctor.”

Ronnie smiled bitterly. “Of course they’re dissatisfied with me. The token I brought to them as qualification for the trial, I got from killing a Dark Templar. He was dying, and he pleaded with me to preserve his glory as a Protoss before the Zerglings could devour him. The trial qualification was his token of gratitude.”

Sheyan nodded. “Now do you understand why you became a tilting doll?”

“No, I don’t,” answered Ronnie honestly.

Sheyan sighed, as if lamenting Ronnie’s stupidity.

“The worms in your body reproduced very quickly, and with my mediocre medical skills, there’s no way I could remove all the worms from your body – there was no way I could remove all the worms before they drilled into your internal organs, to be more precise. So, I used the most extreme but also the fastest method to remove the worms in your limbs, and that was to simply chop your limbs off. Umm...you can probably figure out the rest.”

What could Ronnie say to that? He could only say, with a tiny bit of hopefulness in his voice, “...God praise your decisiveness! So, Boss, O magnificent Boss, you must have a way to help me recover while I’m still in this world, right?”

“That depends on your luck,” replied Sheyan with a grin.

“Why does it depend on my luck? Boss, please stop playing with me,” Ronnie was beyond tears at this point.

“I’m not playing with you, it really does depend on your luck,” replied Sheyan. “There are only two places that can heal you right now. The first is the Protoss healing chamber, but that’s only possible if the Protoss haven’t been defeated by the Queen of Blades yet. The second is the Terran infirmary. The good news is, the humans have always been the leading authority in this field, so the infirmary can be built without going that deep into the tech tree. But, I don’t know if the leaders of the human base on this planet, Pontin and Kyrgyzna, managed to run away from the Zerg. See? It depends on luck.”

Ronnie was filled with gloom. What else could he say? He found his situation as laughable as the plot in a third-rate martial arts novel, where the main character, driven by vengeance, finally managed to reach a new height in martial prowess after much hardship, only to be injured right before encountering his sworn enemy again.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke to Ramtas, “Hey, Ramtas, my dear Ramtas. Surely you remember me, right? I gave you a fish to eat before, remember? You remember! You finally remember! Please scratch my back for me, the itch is killing me! ”


Sheyan was not running around aimlessly. He had memorised the coordinates of all the important places he had been to after he crashed down on this planet, so he was currently moving towards the base that Pontin and the other humans had built. He already tried to complete the main mission entrusted by the Realm, which was to plant the seed of a Nightmare Imprint in Ronnie’s chest, but he was notified that the action could only be performed when Ronnie was healthy.

Fortunately, the journey did not take too long. After about half a day’s walk, they saw a shadow in the sky. It turned out to be a Wraith. Upon discovering them, the Wraith un-stealthed itself, moved closer to them, and presumably took some images of them for identification purposes.

(TL: The Wraith is a type of Terran fighter spaceship that can stealth.)

Before long, a Dropship (Terran transport spaceship) landed under the escort of more than a dozen Wraiths. Kyrgyzna had come to receive them personally. On the transport spaceship, she told Sheyan of what had happened to them after they separated. It turned out that the Queen’s main target of pursuit was Sheyan, so Pontin’s group did not have such a hard time. They had managed to escape after two Vultures at the rear of the group were destroyed by the chasing Mutalisks.

After the battle, Pontin fell into deep contemplation for a long time. However, he was after all only an SCV, and an SCV with only muscles for brain to boot.

The counter-measure he came up with was to demolish all the factories and machine shops, and shift the focus of development from ground units to aerial units. He was obviously betting on the high mobility of aerial units and their ability to ignore the terrains. He thought that, even if they could not defeat the enemy, they could still run away....

Sheyan could only heave a heavy sigh after hearing of Pontin’s decision. He did not make any comment. Pontin may be a little nonsensical in his decision making, but his speed of execution was impeccable. According to Kyrgyzna, the space dock he was building was already 80% done, and powerful Battlecruisers were already under construction...

(The Battlecruiser is one of the strongest air units in the game and perhaps the strongest unit in the Terran arsenal.)

They reached the base after a short flight. Sheyan realised that Pontin had actually constructed the base in a three-dimensional structure and had camouflaged it quite well. No wonder it had not been detected yet. Moreover, there was another advantage in having an SCV as the leader of the base . Although there was no bonus to combat, the base was especially proficient in searching for resources. They had already found two more isolated Pandora crystal veins.

They were offshoots of the main vein that had been mined to depletion. This amount of resources was still not enough to support large scale warfare, but it was more than enough to maintain the operation of the base.

The landing platform illuminated with navigation lights slowly opened up, and the Dropship landed on the underground platform. The base was already notified that there was someone wounded on board, so several Medics were waiting there with a stretcher.

As soon as they landed, Ronnie was instantly transferred to the stretcher and treated with a myriad of medicine, such as adrenaline, pipemidic acid, dimenhydrinate, carbetapentane , berberine, and fluocinolone acetonide.

The Medics were all female soldiers with a certain amount of psionic powers. They were very skilled healers who could effectively restore the health of wounded soldiers as well as treat the infections caused by the Zerg. Therefore, Ronnie’s injury was merely child’s play in their eyes.

Ronnie was quickly sent to the operating table for more effective treatment. The micro anesthesia technology and weak laser technology in this era were already quite developed among the humans, and the granulation wound regeneration technology had enabled human surgical techniques to reach an unprecedented height.

Several of the parasites that Sheyan had missed were plucked out. Following a computerised X-ray cross-section scan, Ronnie was injected with anesthetic and nutrients, then placed in a cultivation chamber for body parts regeneration. Sheyan took the opportunity to pay Pontin a visit.

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