
Chapter 530 Belos

On the Myriad Dreams Valley’s side, the Chthonian Dragon Dukes each boasted a peak-stage Grand Devil cultivation base, equal to mid-stage Legendary Gods while the 360 Chthonian Lords they’d summoned each stood at the late-stage of the Grand Devil Realm, merely equal to the peak of the Ancestral God Rank.

Although they won in manpower, cultivation wise, the Titans didn’t doubt that they weren’t their match. And at first, the Titan Lord even wondered why those foreign helpers so desperately wanted them to source out those Chthonian forces.

His thoughts soon underwent a 180-degree turn.

In terms of bloodline strength, although the gathered Titans were the cream of the crop, they fell a step short to even those Chthonian Lords. As for the Dragon Dukes, they were in a whole other league. Even the Demon and Deva Primogens’ bloods couldn’t compare!

Worse, their cultivation methods and innate skills turned out to be mind-boggling headaches. Devils were not merely cultivators, but the demons in all hearts. As long as rage, bloodlust, or any kind of nefarious or depraved emotions existed in their opponents’ hearts, they possessed an innate advantage. Better, as they battle prolonged, they would only grow stronger!

But that merely was the tip of the iceberg. If being shackled by an outwardly weaker but inwardly unfathomable enemy was frustrating enough, when a Titan God’s fist squashed a Chthonian Lord’s head and soul, the Titans soon came to another horrid realization.

"Tarnation, they can’t be killed."

The Titan Lord stammered while similar words echoed from his subordinates’ minds. It was common knowledge that the destruction of the soul was the end of even deities. However, those Chthonian Beings could instantly remold even their souls!

How could they die?

And indeed, they were right, without at least Primal Law Embodiment, Chthonian Lords couldn’t be killed. On the field, there wasn’t one entity able to slay those key members of Konrad’s immortal forces. The same didn’t apply in reverse.

"Innate Skill: Auspicious Clouds!"

The Dragon Dukes proclaimed in tandem, filling the area with a surge of kaleidoscope clouds. Instantly, the Titans felt their strength drop. Although the Dragon Dukes’ Auspicious Clouds weren’t enough to invalidate their laws and strength, they still experienced an overall reduction of battle-power.

Cashing on that, the Chthonian Lords made their counterattack, first targeting the weak links of the Titan platoons and eliminating all early-stage Legendary Gods in a lightning assault! One Titan God used Nature Laws to raise dozens of earthen barriers, from raw rock walls to intricate vine wall formations.

Little did he expect the three Chthonian Lords targeting him to turn into Ravenous Ghosts, bypass the walls, and devour him body and soul!

Another had not even raised his defenses that three Chthonian Lords’ blades sliced his legs, waist, and neck! Similar situations played out all around. Meanwhile, the peak-stage Legendary Titan Gods were startled to see themselves isolated in unique dimensions by the Dragon Dukes’ Auspicious Clouds!

Although overshadowed by its Law and cultivation suppressing abilities, Auspicious Clouds’ domain separation and isolation was by itself a formidable skill enabling the user to trap their foe in a lesser domain where even Realm Wills didn’t have access. In those domains, the dragons’ strength and mobility increased while the foe’s decreased at the same rate.

Although to the onlookers’ eyes, the Titans remained on the same scene, in Truth, their leaders all lay in separate mini-Realms. Now, Besaran, the Titan Lord was finally starting to feel fright creep on his gargantuan body. To him, dying in battle was glorious and his personal life and death of little consequence.

However, although in the Titan Domain they still kept 400 elders in reserve, should all 300 of perish here, their world’s newly built foundation was bound to experience horrendous damage!

"Where the hell are they?!

The Titan Lord cursed while raising his eyes toward the sky. Alas, the Myriad Dreams Mist prevented him from looking beyond. But as the Titan Lord sought his reinforcements, a jet-black claw wrapped with terrible Death Laws tore through the air as it hurtled at him!

Recoiling, the Titan Lord stretched out his 18 arms, clenched his fists, and threw eighteen, simultaneous punches at the dragon’s Death Claw. From those punches, War, Truth, and Fate Laws erupted alongside the full-might of his bloodline strength.


One rigging blast thundered as the Titan Lord’s punches clashed with the Death Claw. From that claw, black and icy blue light soared, entangling the Titan Lord’s laws in a vicious clash!


Another blast! And the Titan Lord recoiled on five steps while suppressing slight internal damage. His eyes widened in disbelief.


He realized with great dismay. And indeed, not just that dragon, all Chthonian Dragon Dukes had reached Death Embodiment, standing only a step away from Transcendence. Although the Titan Lord had reached Wielding in Truth, Fate, and Embodiment in War, he wasn’t up to the challenge.

The Chthonian Dragon spread his gargantuan wings while his maws expanded in what looked like a scornful grimace.

"To think that in the past, I so deeply revered the Titan Blood. What a pity that your bloodline strength remains the same. While ours keeps rising alongside our sovereign’s. The future of the human race can indeed only rely on his majesty."

Berken sneered, speaking words the Titan Lord found quite stifling while three dark-purple Devil Rings appeared at his back. From the shanks, lightning bolts stretched out, merging in the center to form gargantuan Devil Tridents! With that move, Berken clearly planned to bring the battle to a swift conclusion. His fellow Dukes thought the same.

But as the Chthonian Forces prepared to end the invasion, from the misty clouded sky, a figure dropped, stopping in the clouded air, amidst waves of deadly moves without neither care nor fear. That figure, a white-robbed, golden-haired man, lowered his golden eyes onto the Chthonian Forces, sweeping them all with nonexistent intensity.

Or so it appeared at first. Right afterward, dreadful crimson sunlight erupted from his eyes, stopping the Chthonian Lords in their Titan slaughtering, and alerting both Dragon Dukes and surviving Titans.

But as confusion flashed in the Chthonian Dragon’s icy eyes, in the Titan’s elation flared.

"Your Excellency, thank you for your assistance!"

The Titan Lord exclaimed while the golden-haired man crossed his hands beneath his back and gave a simple nod of approval. His cultivation base then erupted, alarming all the Chthonian Forces on the scene with its dreadful pressure!

"Half-step Overgod, Truth Embodiment."

Berken, Wolfgang, and the other Dukes realized as the man’s cultivation oppressed them all. But the effect of his strength paled when compared to his facial features and unique bloodline signature which both perfectly that of someone they knew very well.

"Profane Prince, you have three seconds to come out before I start slaughtering your subordinates."

The man - whose bloodline strength mixed Ravmalahk and Archdemon lineages - stated with a disturbing calm.

The Profane Prince didn’t appear. Instead, three light beams streaked from the Myriad Dreams Valley to land before that man, revealing Verena, Selene and the Valkyrie. With Verena having already warned them of the man’s arrival, no surprise flashed on Selene or the Valkyrie’s face.

On Selene’s, however, a tinge of sorrow lingered.

And as her now icy eyes met the man’s a flurry of emotions shone within.

"Brother, long time no see."

Selene greeted Belos, her twin brother.

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