
Chapter 73: The Reserved Favor

Chapter 73: The Reserved Favor

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the most important annual event in American high school, the prom at Lowbige Junior High was divided into two – one for the juniors and one for the seniors. The senior prom would take place first, it was so grand and legit that Zhang Lisheng who came from China could not imagine.

What he was shocked to find was, that the school seemed to have a button pushed during the last two to three days before the prom happened. Lowbige Junior High turned into madness, everyone would always talk about prom whenever they met. The people from the student council put down everything that had on hand and spent all day decorating the hall, arranging band, picking drinks, ordering fairy lights and even gotten in some construction vehicles.

What puzzled him the most was that the students of seventh, eighth and ninth grade were not wishing for full for the exam as their Christmas present. Instead, they desired the invitation to the prom from the seniors. They had a gleam of ulterior motive sparkling in their eyes, whenever they were looking at their seniors.

“George, did you look at the way that fella looked at me? She looked like a robber. Has everyone in this school gone insane?” Zhang Lisheng walked in the school compound that was snowing with George after picking up his exam result and plain prom invitation using his badge. He held the two cards in his hand, “Such crazy snow isn’t enough to wake them up.”

“Lisheng, that’s because to those pathetic juniors, senior prom’s the grand ball that they could never reach!” George said in pride with a condescending tone.

“They’ll naturally get there one to two years later, or three years the most…”

“Buddy, it’s not about the age, it’s a tradition. They’re our junior now, they’ll forever be our junior.”

“Oh George, you should see a psychiatrist,” Zhang Lisheng walked faster as he spoke and dashed towards his Explorer. George who was behind him shouted immediately, “Hey Lisheng, could you send me to the butcher shop? The storm’s too heavy, I’ll freeze if I cycle.”

“Then catch up to me,” The both of them gotten into the car and turned on the heater. His lips began to shiver a little. The temperature in the car began to rise rapidly. At the same time, the snowy land by the street close to the school was hollowed all of a sudden. A strong wind was blowing the snow on the ground while dashing towards the Explorer.

“It’s finally warmed up,” After a light shake that came out of nowhere, Zhang Lisheng started the car engine while revealing a mysterious smile at the edge of his lips, “How’s the business at the butcher shop recently? I could help, if Mr. Rocky really ran out of stocks before Christmas.”

“Just let him be, buddy. I’ll need to do less and get paid even if the shop’s out of stock,” George said absentmindedly, “Did you feel the car shaking just now? I always have that kind of feeling every time I’m in your car right before you begin driving, that’s so weird. Why do you always fold the back seats? That’s such a lewd habit, it makes me think about, you know, car sex… or you’re hiding something invisible at the backseat,” George turned around without realizing and touched the back seats. Naturally, he touched nothing.

“The car’s already moving, what the hell are you doing George! Fasten your seatbelt quick, sit properly, otherwise I’ll chase you out of my car!” Zhang Lisheng said loudly while looking serious.

“Okay okay Lisheng, you don’t have to be so mad,” George sat up straight and fasten his seatbelt, “It’s prom tomorrow, have you found your date yet? Do you need me to contact Hannah for you? I heard from Lina that she seems to not…”

“I’ve found a date by posting a recruitment notice with reward online.”

“Oh my god, you really did that!”

“Yes, that’s the simplest way of doing it,” Zhang Lisheng said calmly.

George opened his mouth and felt speechless facing Zhang Lisheng, whose character was so different from American young men. All that he could do was to sigh while watching the snow falling outside the window in silence. It had been snowing all night, it was getting heavier. However, the snowstorm did not stop Zhang Lisheng from doing what he had to do. As usual, he went to his slaughterhouse in Kaiserland Town to feed his wizard worms on the next day.

Island Dragon would expose itself easily if it stayed above the car when it was snowing. Therefore, just like what he did yesterday, Zhang Lisheng summoned his wizard worm into the car boot. A giant lizard that was close to 13 meters long was hiding in the 7-seater SUV’s backseat. Even though its body was soft and light, one could imagine how cramped up it was when it curled its body. However, due to the giant lizard’s omniscient power of nihilation and solidification, it was easy for it to be penetrated into the Explorer directly.

It was less than two days before Christmas, the business at the slaughterhouse had stopped completely. He stayed until afternoon while checking the computer. Zhang Lisheng paid the couple Willy and Tiffany their wages in advance, realizing that they had completed all of the slaughtering orders on the National Farmers Union site. He asked them to go home for the holiday.

“When do we come back, sir?” Willy asked before leaving.

“Two weeks later I guess. I’m thinking since we’ve slaughtered so many livestock before Christmas, the markets should be overstocked for a while. You guys go ahead and enjoy the holiday,” Zhang Lisheng said absentmindedly. He was a little concerned that his wizard worms would be hungry for the next ten days.

“Boss, you’re underestimating the people’s appetite. The entire country’s businesses are closed during Christmas, everyone in New York City would be eating the meat that our suburb farmers provided. A week later, the slaughterhouse would be even busier than before Christmas,” Tiffany said wearing a smile.

“Oh really? Then come back to work a week later then. Oh, you guys will get triple pay on the first week of work.”

“Thanks, boss, we’ll make a move now. Merry Christmas in advance,” Willy and Tiffany looked at each other happily and said in unison.

“Goodbye, Merry Christmas to the both of you too,” Zhang Lisheng said wearing a smile. After the helpers left, the slaughterhouse that was working overtime for the whole nine days was finally quiet now. Zhang Lisheng walked behind the factory and found the metal cover among the snow. He mumbled as he fed his two wizard worms the little livestock organs and blood, “It seems like I must decide on the next slaughterhouse soon.”

He reached for his phone by instinct as he spoke. He looked at the data on the few slaughterhouses that were selling near New York that he had been collecting online. ‘Chirp chirp…’, the bird chirping ringtone went off when he was reading.

“Hey buddy, do you remember that you’re picking me up at my place? It’s 2:30 p.m. now, I hope you’re on your way.”

“Don’t worry George, I’ll go right now.”

“Oh, think about your tortoise driving speed and the snow on the road. What you should do now is…”

“I’ll go now and will be at your place two hours later,” Zhang Lisheng hung up the call as soon as he was done speaking. He lifted his head to look at the falling snowflakes. He controlled Mountoad that was fed with blood and organs into his backpack and walked towards his Explorer in big steps.

Just when he started the car engine, ‘chirp chirp…’ went off his phone. Zhang Lisheng picked up helplessly and said, “I’ve told you that I’ll be at your place two hours later…”

“Lisheng, it’s me,” It was not George’s voice who came out of the phone but a girl. Zhang Lisheng said apologetically hearing the familiar female voice, “Oh, I’m sorry Tina. I thought it was…”

“Your prom date, am I right? As a gentleman, you shouldn’t speak in such a tone to a young lady before the prom.”

“You know that Lowbige will have the prom today too? That’s crazy, it’s like prom’s more important than anything to high schoolers in New York. But you misunderstood Tina, I thought you were my friend George just now, not some young girl. He’s an annoying black kid. Alright stop talking about him, I’m looking for you actually. I’m planning to purchase another slaughterhouse after Christmas. I found some online, but I can’t make up my mind looking at them…”

“I’ll handle the slaughterhouse for you but before that, Lisheng, I need a favor,” Tina who was on the phone hesitated for a moment before speaking, lowering her voice.

Zhang Lisheng was stunned, he had a feeling in him, “Listen, friend, I owe you one so no matter what you’re asking, I’ll do it for you as long as it’s not too much. But I must remind you that we must think before we do something. You’ve learned a lesson before, recollect that memory and tell me your decision.”

“It’s not what you think Lisheng, but it’s kind of similar. We will meet and talk about it after Christmas then. Merry Christmas to you in advance, friend.”

“You too. Merry Christmas Tina,” Zhang Lisheng began driving after hanging up the phone. He arrived in New York City after driving for over two hours in the snow storm.

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