
Chapter 88: The Man Who Shouldnt Be Touched 3

He got off at an earlier subway stop and left his phone in a safe deposit box. Then, he teleported twelve different times to completely throw off anyone that might be following him and he finally arrived to meet Sarang.

Sarang and Junhyuk went into the family restaurant. Junhyuk’s face was red, and Sarang shook her head disapprovingly.

"Why did you drink so much?" She asked.

"It’s part of working at a company."

After he said that, Sarang smiled bitterly.

"I want to graduate and drink some alcohol."

"Alcohol!? What alcohol?" Junhyuk said. "When you graduate, I’ll buy you a drink."

"Really? At some place really nice?"

"I don’t know what you mean by a nice place, but I’ll buy you a drink."

The head chef of the Royal Hotel told him that he would treat him to a meal, so Junhyuk would take her there.

They ordered some food and waited, and Junhyuk looked at her.

"Right. How did your power evolve?"

"Hm... I have to show you."

"Did you get a place to practice?"

"Yes," she said and smiled. "I gave the guy some money and signed a contract for a year."

"Good. If you need anything, just buy it."

"I’m doing that."

Sarang’s practice required targets, and the targets ended up being destroyed, so she needed a lot of money.

At first, he gave her a lot of money by his old standards, but now he had plenty of money to spare.

"It’s dangerous for me to go to your new place. I left my phone in a safe deposit box on the way here, but you never know."

They couldn’t be together for long, and it wouldn’t be good if they ended up revealing where her new place was.

Sarang nodded and lifted her spoon and fork.

"I have increased it to two."

"Increased it to two?" Junhyuk asked and looked at the spoon, then the fork and then at her.

"You mean two people at the same time?"

Sarang smiled and nodded.

"It really is incredible!"

Sarang’s paralysis power was already powerful enough on one person. Now, she could paralyze two people! She would be a big help.

"He-he, right?"

Junhyuk felt pure joy at her power’s evolution.

"That’s nice. I was worried about you."

"What about you big brother? Did your powers evolve?"

"My powers are getting stronger, but they haven’t evolved in one go."

He could teleport farther than ever, but aside from that, nothing else had changed. Junhyuk had come to meet her with some difficulty, so he decided to tell her about everything.

"By the way, be more careful. The Rockefeller family knows about my powers and is after me. Also, there is another group following me. They even have a novice with them."

"A novice?"

Sarang’s eyes widened, and the food came out. She said she was hungry, so she ordered some cream spaghetti and a Cajun salad. Junhyuk was coming from a dinner party, so he wasn’t hungry. They ate and talked. She heard about the novice with the summoning power, and her expression hardened.

"He sounds incredible. How did he earn so much money?"

"He must have picked up few left over items."

"Did he kill some heroes?"

"Just like us, he could have delivered the final blow."

Sarang nodded. Heroes had to agree to contribute, but she had also gotten items that way.

"I won’t be able to deal with him."

"He was wearing armor, so you’re right."

Junhyuk beat the daylights out of him. However, his armor couldn’t be damaged by Sarang’s current power. Junhyuk’s attack was really powerful, but the man still survived.

"So, don’t reveal yourself, and when we get back there, you should equip yourself with nice items."

"But armors are so expensive..."

A basic suit of armor cost thirty thousand gold. One usually had to sell items to get one. When one killed a hero, they got paid five thousand gold.

"It would be nice if you delivered the final blow."

Sarang shook her head.

"Honestly, my power is no good when it comes to delivering the final blow."

"You’re right."

Sarang’s power was astonishing. The paralysis provided a huge opportunity to attack heroes, but it was no good for delivering final blows. Her power was about inflicting paralysis and not doing damage.

"Anyway, you should get a suit of armor."


Sarang heeded his advice on matters concerning the Dimensional Battlefield.

"We don’t have to wait long."

Four weeks had gone by very quickly, and Junhyuk’s house had been broken in multiple times in that interval.

"By the way, how are your studies?"

Sarang smiled.

"As of right now, I’m ranked first in my high school."


She patted her head gingerly.

"My calculation skills went up. Not only that, but my memory has also gone up a lot."

"That’s nice."

With her skills at calculus and her increased memory, her grades were way up. Sarang rolled her spaghetti with her fork and said:

"My parents let me do things now."

Sarang must’ve spent a lot of time at her new place, but her grades went up, so her parents didn’t bother her.

"Where do you want to go to college?"

She ate the spaghetti.

"I’m thinking about it. I might not get in."

"What do you mean you might not get in?"

"Our lives are like that of flies."

Junhyuk had an extra life because he was an expert, but that was not the case for her. He pressed down on her forehead.

"I told you, we will come back together."

She smiled.


"Of course, so don’t worry. Start planning for college."

"I don’t want to be a doctor, but I could be a lawyer."

"You could be a prosecutor or a judge. It’s a good path."

Sarang talked to him and worked on her food. They finished eating and walked outside.

"Now, be careful... and be careful," he said, looking at her.

"I know."

He was still worried about her. It was a relief that they hadn’t found out about her yet.

"Develop your power. You might not activate another power, but develop your destructive ability."

Sarang took a pretend sparring position.

"My capacity to be destructive is increasing. You’ll be surprised!"

"Right. Work hard! I’ll be going."

"Do we meet on the battlefield now?"


"I see."

Sarang waved and took off running first. He stared at her go and began his trip back to the subway, teleporting many times and jumping over many buildings.

He picked up his phone from the safe deposit box and got a taxi to his house. After he got home, he started training again.

Sarang was working hard, and so should he.


Height: six feet five inches. Built of specially polished titanium. It was a humanoid robot.

The robot was surrounded by various mannequins, and Elise was standing in front of it.

"Iron Soldier Prototype, begin testing," she said.

The robots eyes lit up a beaming blue light, and the Iron Soldier Prototype started moving. The soft movements were the result of data supplied by the metal prostheses.

"Left, black mannequin. Eliminate."

The Iron Soldier lifted its left arm and aimed at the mannequin’s head. The left palm opened, and 14.5mm bullets shot out of it, smashing the head to pieces.

"Right, blonde mannequin. Eliminate."

Without looking, the robot aimed to the right and shot the blonde mannequin with 14.5mm bullets, destroying it completely.

’Behind you, long-haired female mannequin, curly-haired male mannequin. Eliminate."

Without looking back, the robot turned and shot two bullets, and the mannequins were destroyed.

"Ten-meter radius. Eliminate," Elise said.

The Iron Soldier’s shoulders opened up, and twelve small missiles shot out of them.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The robot’s surroundings were cleared.

"Jump," Elise ordered.

The Iron Soldier hunched down and jumped, reaching the thirty-two-foot ceiling. The robot landed, moving flawlessly from beginning to end.

Elise looked at the Iron Soldier and said:

"Iron Soldier Prototype, testing over."

The lights coming from the Iron Soldier’s eyes shut down, and Elise looked behind her. There were five large screens with faces on them. They all looked impressed.

The white-haired, middle-aged Charles Rockefeller spoke first.

"Can it fly?"

Elise shook her head.

"It’s possible, but with the mana stone we have, we could only make ten prototypes."

"Energy is required..."

"Flying requires a lot of energy."

"How are its defensive capabilities?"

"We don’t know yet, but it could withstand a 120mm artillery barrage."

"If hit directly?"


Those were the same specs of guns mounted on tanks. No one could stand up to the Iron Soldier.

"Do you have to keep giving it orders?"

"There is a live, 360-degree monitoring function. You can give it an order anytime."

"What happens if communication breaks down?"

Elise thought he worried too much. It’s possible they would use an EMP against the Iron Soldier...

"If that happens, the order is stored in the Iron Soldier. If captured, the Iron Soldier will self-destruct or try to make it back."

An old man spoke up:

"I like it. Make five of them."

Charles Rockefeller agreed and nodded.

"Each family gets five of them, and we keep the rest in storage for rainy days."

Doyeol smiled.

"It’s a good idea."

"Then, I’ll make twenty-five of them," Elise responded.

"How long does it take?"

"If I have the money, it’s possible to manufacture them simultaneously. Money is the issue."

Charles Rockefeller laughed.

"The money will be there. I want it within two months."

"It will only take a month."

"I’ll be expecting it."

The screens turned off one by one, and Elise smiled. By making the Iron Soldier Prototype, she had prepared a lot of materials. She could make twenty of them easily.

Putting it together, programming and tuning it would take time, but it would only take fifteen days to make twenty of them. Since she got the money, she would expand the manufacturing capacity.

Elise was ordering the Iron Soldier to go back when a screen turned on. Elise looked at it. It was Doyeol.

"What’s the matter?"

"What happened to the Blood Stone Regeneration Project?

"According to the regeneration project’s team, we will hear from them soon."

"Are we hopeful?"

Elise already knew why he had so many expectations. She heard his younger sister was paralyzed from the waist down.

"We expect good news."

"Right. I understand. Tell me about it later."

"I’ll contact you."

Doyeol disappeared from the screen.

"The Physical Strengthening Project will also bear good news," she murmured to herself.

With the blood stone, the Physical Strengthening Program was revived. Combining the Iron Soldier Project and the Physical Strengthening Project would yield a fruitful result.

"And I will go down in history..."

...as a great scientist.

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