
Chapter 894 - Vol V Chapter 254

The normally empty meeting room was now packed to the brim. All the gods in the Void Alliance were all present without exception.

Be it Sui Xiong or his followers, Sui Xiong’s personal friends, the War God System’s followers, the Master of Justice and the Goddess of Wealth’s followers or marginal gods who wanted to be on good terms with the aforementioned... Everyone was present.

If one were to do a sweeping glance of the whole room, they would observe that there were hundreds of gods sitting nearly in rows, and there was energy in the atmosphere similar to when the God of Fear was being sentenced in court.

Of course, the court space had been smaller than this meeting room, but it was decently sized as well.

At least... if any god who was not on good terms with the Void Alliance had seen this scene, they would probably have exclaimed “oh no!” in terror before finding a place to hide quickly.

Enemies of the Void Alliance would definitely want to hide upon seeing such a situation as there was a great ton of power in this room. Even if the current meeting was not directed to them specifically, the Void Alliance would often mention other enemies on the side and talk about what to do about them occasionally, along with the main discussion.

On the other hand, gods who had decently positive ties with Void Alliance would probably stop out of curiosity to eavesdrop. If one did so, he would definitely be in for the surprise of his life.

More than ten great Divine Powers were gathered here, and their combined power alone was unthinkable.

The current situation had called over more than three-quarters of the entire first three rows of the Pantheon temple.

The four main systems, the Natural God System, the War God System, the Elemental System as well as the Void Mask System were all here. Even the Dwarf God System, the Pygmy System as well as other mid-level systems and small systems, such as the Desolation God System were present. If one counted, there were tens of systems gathered here, and it was a rather magnificent sight.

Sui Xiong had spent his own time to round up everyone. Of course, this was not some kind of party or fun occasion. He immediately addressed all the present gods and asked for their opinion.

“Previously, I had gathered my own disciples to discuss this matter. They were unable to come up with a unanimous conclusion,” Sui Xiong explained. “This matter is extremely urgent and severe. I thus hope that everyone here will be able to provide suggestions. I am open to all suggestions, so feel free to speak.”

Once the gods had heard his introduction, many appeared extremely shocked. The remaining half were less jolted as they had already anticipated this. Those of the War God System even had smiles on their faces as to them, no matter who was fighting who, having a battle was always a good thing to them. Naturally, the first person to speak was the God of War, Wenner.

“This battle between the humans and the Orcs is basically to gain hegemony over the Main Plane,” Wenner spoke plainly. “In such a war, I don’t think there’s much good to discuss.”

The gods erupted into discussion, and many human-based gods as well as gods who had good relations with the Orcs immediately opposed that idea.

“Look at you all! Normally, you have such poor relations with each other. Now, you are all finally agreeing on something!” Wenner seemed rather moved by the agitation on the part of the other gods and spoke freely. “What’s the point of pretending and putting on a facade? By acting as if you are all good and right, who are you trying to kid? Be it the Orcs or the humans, they both commit acts of aggression all the time... Neither of these races really have good relations with any other race, to be honest...”

Wenner’s eyes shone mockingly as if daring the rest to disagree. His mouth also twitched slightly as he glanced at all the gods who disagreed with his statements.

“How did the Orc Empire become so large in terms of area? How did the humans manage to spread themselves all over the Main Plane? Are you trying to imply that they somehow all migrated? No, everyone knows that it was due to all their expansion conquests!”

He looked at the God of Pygmies and said, “I think... regarding this issue, the victims have a right to voice out their opinions, right?”

The God of Pygmies laughed bitterly as he realized that the conversation spotlight was now on him. “Well, as you said, we pygmies were forced to retreat from the Main Plane after we lost at the hands of the humans. We don’t feel like we did much wrong till we were sent off to some country below the Main Plane, which does not even allow for magic powers... Well, everyone here is aware of these truths, which are plain as day. I don’t think I have to say more.”

“I only have one main thing to say, that is, I agree with Your Majesty, the God of War’s opinion on this matter.”

As the main victims of the human race’s expansion period, the pygmy system did indeed have the place to voice out their opinion. Even gods who were human-based, such as Javier, could not say anything against that.

Wenner smiled slightly and turned his gaze to the few barbarian gods. “Although it’s not like the humans have never been in the wrong, it’s not like the Orcs have behaved any better. I think all of you can attest to that, right?”

The Master God of the Barbarian System, Bear Herding Elder, sighed and replied, “Ever since the Orc Empire’s expansion momentum was restricted by the Kingdom of Holy Angels and the Eagle Kingdom, we barbarians have been suffering. It is true that every few years, we will organize barbarians from all areas into coalition troops and carry out attacks. However, in return, the barbarians have also slowly been chased further into the northern snowfields... Sigh! I’m not sure if you all remember, but originally in the past, we barbarians did not use to live in the snowfields but actually lived where there were grass plains, in the North!”

Towards this, the gods who supported the Orcs fell silent as well.

Wenner laughed uproariously and told Sui Xiong, “You see, there is not much good or evil to discuss in this battle. Be it the Orcs or the humans, both sides can be considered aggressive predators. I don’t know who they sent as ambassadors to negotiate with you, and I’m not sure what these ambassadors told you as well. I just know one thing.” Wenner paused for a while before exclaiming, “This war between the humans and the Orcs is extremely fair. Both sides do not deserve any good gods lending them a helping hand!”

He glanced at all the gods who were present sternly and enunciated his words carefully. “I am the God of War, and right now, using my title and status, I announce that the two sides of this war are both purely fighting out of selfishness and for their own benefit. No matter how big this war becomes, this is still a war of aggression!”

As he spoke, the God of Strategy, Augmentin, who was beside Wenner, smiled and interrupted him. “This is just as if we were to destroy a certain god system...”

Sui Xiong was silent for a while, and he gazed at the God of Justice Yorgaardman. For matters of justice, it would of course be up to him to judge.

The God of Justice felt the attention on him and was a little uneasy. He spoke up in a low voice, “I have not been the decision-maker in matters of justice for a long time. I’m not sure if I’m still capable of doing so...”

Yorgaardman looked as if he wanted to continue dodging the issue, but with Sui Xiong’s steady gaze on him, he felt like it was not apt to do so. With little choice, he closed his eyes and used his priesthood, muttering slowly under his breath to determine right and wrong in this matter.

After a while, he opened his eyes and spoke sternly. “The God of War’s proclamation is accurate and just. Through my own judgment of the situation, it is true that there is little justice and fairness involved in this war that the humans and Orcs are about to commence.”

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