
Chapter 457 457: Te Boreas: The Wolf War I

Chapter 457 457: Te Boreas: The Wolf War I


They vanished, or rather it was not as if they vanished. They could still be seen and not seen at the same time. Their presence erased from the battlefield, this was more than just going invisible or going into stealth.

There was no sound being made, and no aura being let off from them as they blew blended into the ranks of the army. And then they started to pick them off, one by one while the rest of them watched on in shock.

The commander at the head of the Adventurer\'s army looked frantically left and right, utilizing all of his abilities and trying but failing to no avail to find Cole and his wolves. But he realized a little too late that it was too late. Cole had come up from behind him and stabbed his. Spear through his skull.

And then the Animechs began to fire into their own army. They had already been placed at the front as cannon fodder, striking them down in an attempt to put an end to the onslaught of Cole and his wolves, was a sacrifice they were very prepared to make.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Cole moved all of his wolves in a circular formation until they were right behind the ten Animechs that were bombarding the ground. For a moment they just stood there watching as the Animechs decimated their own allies . For a moment Cole just looked at them, then shook his head as he turned to face the still tightly close gates.

"Aiteen. Do your thing." Cole said to the Te Boreas Royalty, whilst turning his attention back to the battlefield. There was a lull in the attack, and as everyone waited for the smoke to clear, Aiteen and her Animech had become one with the walls, of course Cole doubted her abilities would let her cover the entirety of the walls, as that would stretch her mind so thin to the point of dissipation.

She would be lost amongst hundred o of thousands if not millions of tons of concrete. The bond with the Animech would probably give her a little bit more range as Cole and the rest of the company noticed being bonded to them have the Raens a flat increase to all their abilities by about 20%, that might not seem like much, but for a Raen…. That\'s a lot.

The Generals of the army that had wasted all this time arguing with each other had taken to the field, or at least some of them have. They outnumbered the opposition, they just had the unfavorable situation of being exposed whilst their enemies were well defended behind the walls and had access to powerful anti-siege weapons.

Weapons that at the very moment, Aiteen was working hard on to turn against the enemies of her country. The generals whether due to a guilty conscience or just not wanting Cole to take all of the credit for breaking through the gates of the city, rushed towards the Animechs, and luckily enough for them, they had Animechs of their own Too, so the battle outside the gates was more than settled.


The sound of Te Boreas\'s 40 foot tall gate opening was enough to draw the attention of the Animechs on the ground and the defenders on top of the wall. But even if it had gained their attention, there wasn\'t much that could be done as Aiteen opened fire, the artillery on top of the wall, swiveling as they began to empty their magical projectiles into the Animechs and enemies on top of the wall.

The other generals and their armies trampled over the bodies of the other Adventurer\'s that had already died for nothing as they engaged the Animechs, throwing everything in an attempt to bring down the giant mechanical animals. The Animechs on their own side engaged, and soon enough they would be overwhelmed.

As the gates opened up, Cole was greeted with the sight of Animechs, rows upon rows of them, arranged in front of the gate and ready for a fight. Based on visual estimation of the Animechs in formation, Cole would say they were about a thousand of them lined up on the city\'s main street, which was pretty wide at a good 2 kilometers.

In short this was another battlefield. Thankfully it seemed the civilians that lived and ran the inns and markets at the entrance of the city gate had evacuated, which means they could at least afford to let loose. The company stopped using [Erasure] as all 101 of them stood in front of the Animechs army, without fear.

With just a thought a shockwave was released from the area the [Company Of The Wolf] occupied. The wolves began to shift and change, the sound of gears grinding and shifting until there was a hundred and one 35 foot tall humanoid wolves standing in front of a thousand equally fierce looking army of humanoid animals.

It was as of a scene from a transformer movie had come to live. Cole looked around, he couldn\'t feel his body, instead he was one with the Animech. His senses and way of though were sharper and almost animalistic, it took conscious effort to not fall into instincts that were more…..Primal. but perhaps this is what is needed.

"Aspirant Cole, stand down and surrender your weapons, the same goes for your rebel army too, leading an assault on the great city Is treason and the penalty is death!" a voice resounded across the distance reverberating from one of the Animechs, one that seemed patterned after an eagle.

Cole got down on all fours as Lyren transformed, still in his Animech form, but looking decidedly more animal than human. Cole felt like a wolf, the earth underneath his paws thrummed with energy and vibrated from the strength of his movement…..he felt powerful.

"hehehe and who are you to be my judge, jury and executioner?" Cole asked as he stalked the massive street in an equally massive body, yet moving with the grace and poise of a true apex predator.

"You might as well die with my name on your filthy outsider lips. Guild King Fabian Fabiola."

"You don\'t say…..nice name, I\'m afraid I don\'t know who you are, but for in the Grand scheme of things, if you think about it. What use has a dead man for a name like Fabian Fabiola, let\'s just call you VICTIM! ONE!"

The earth shook, as the street developed cracks. The black wolves of the [Company Of The Wolf] rushed out like a flood, moving with more speed, grace and fluidity than a normal Animech. They weren\'t piloting their Animechs, they were their Animechs.

Cole pounced on a bull based Animech, ignoring the beam of energy that blasted at him from in-between it\'s horns. He ducked lower, letting the beam fly over his head to smash into the ground, creating a small explosion that Cole took advantage of as he rushed forwards then leaped, his giant wolf maw closing down on the neck of the bull Animech and clamping down…hard.

*Creaaaak! Crunch! Riiiiip!*


The sound of the animech\'s head being ripped out of the rest of its body gave some of the Animechs battling closer pause. The pilot is usually located in the neck and chest of the Animechs, Cole was aware, which was why he had gone for the neck.

Cole and Lyren shifted back into the humanoid form as the stretched their hand to their back and pulled out a sword. It has split in the middle, which was awash with energy the moment they held on to it.

The rest of the blade glowed as runes came alive on top of it. Shots came for Cole then as he moved Lyren\'s massive body to the side, jumping as he flipped over a 2 story in, landing in the alley behind and ducking down for cover.

They concentrated fire on his location as one of the wolves used Erasure and broke through the enemy lines to reach the unit bombarding Cole, then it revealed itself and a massive 12 barrel machine gun the size of a large truck. For a second the sound of the barrels spinning, picking up momentum was the only thing that could be heard as the unit turned around.

"Eat lead motherfuckers!"


The Chaos, was only just beginning.

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