
Chapter 224 - Sacred Treasury

Walking down the secret path together with Nersan\'rah, they shortly arrived in a fairly large room that had all sorts of magical items, from accessories to weapons, few were in display.

Too few to be exact.

"Is this the treasury that you bosted all about? If yes I am severely disappointed" Danzel said while reading the description of the few items.

Most of them worked like keeping a spell inside of them that could be re-charged similar to his [Rune of Force], but most of them weren\'t that useful.

Some either created clean water by consuming ones or just shifted the sands to create a shape.

The most useful of them all was a ring that could keep the sand floating to create a shield similar to how the wraiths had done.

They were a nice item, but nothing impressive.

"Of course not, this is merely the lobby of it." Nersan\'rah said with a scoff before moving towards a wall that had a centimeter big hole.

Creating sand out of nothing, Nersan\'rah guided the sand inside the whole and started to shape it in a certain form.

Injecting his mana too, a few *Click* sounds started to come out of the wall.


After a few seconds of that sound continuing on, in the middle of the room the floor started with a staircase.

"A secret room inside a secret room?" Danzel said with a dry towards Nersan who simply shrugged his shoulder on him, making his ponytail swing around.

Taking a step towards the staircase, once he was about to reach the staircase, space seemed to move by contact with his feet.

It seemed like a transparent fluid got disrupted by Danzel\'s movement.


Fricking out, Danzel jumped a few meters back while pointing his sword towards the opened-up path from reflex.

"Stop overreacting already, it´s just a dimension shift and nothing more." Nersan´rah said as he walked towards the staircase.

Once his body seemed to go inside the transparent fluid, something weird happend.

Staring him from the other side, Danzel saw how Nersan´rah seemed as if he was space ahead that he was supposed to be.

`What the hell?´

Standing still like a statue, Danzel was glaring at Nersan in confusion.

Lowering his sword, he walked towards the staircase and slowly submerged just like Nersan did.


Fully inside, he looked behind him only to see a distorted look of the room he was in before.

"You said something about dimension shift, right? What is- wow!" 

Looking towards Nersan´rah, or more precisely what was behind him, he was stunned.

A wide area where the light was of a dark blue light that brought the illusion that there was a dark blue mist constantly in the air, following where the staircase was just a long pathway wherein ended in a circular platform.

Looking down though was what truly shocked him.

Countless floating pathways combined with staircases were floating through the air at a constant altitude where large statues were to be seen. Not only was this whole place magical, but the level of detail on the pathways that looked as if they were made out of pure gold was one of a master level.

"You don´t know what a dimension shift is?" Nersan´rah said, making Danzel re-focus on him that the sight before him.

"Dimension shift...rather the term of a pocket dimension would make it easier for you to understand? Anyway, we went through the entrance, space and time inside here changed to that of the current reality. Not only has the space being expanded upon allowing it to be as big as you see, but the flow of time also is much slower inside here than the actual reality." Nersan´rah said while walking down the stairs with Danzel following closely behind him.

"Space and time you say...." 

It took Danzel some amount of time to work his mind around those two subjects.

"So it´s similar to a spatial storage ring? This place I mean?" Danzel said while being lost staring around.

"What? of course not, you can´t even compare a dimension shift to such an item. In fact, just comparing them is insulting the former."

"Compared to an item that expanded space and making it freeze with no flow of time where no living things can enter in. A dimensional shift is at a much larger scale where everyone and anything can move. The fact that it\'s also slow time means that it breaks the laws of the world itself."

As Nersan\'rah finished speaking, an awkward silence surfaces with only their steps to echo in this large place, mainly Danzel ones.

"Who would even build such a thing...?" Danzel said the only thing that was in his mind.

He did somewhat expect the treasury to be quite large with any wonders to see, but never in his immortality would he see that the treasury was in a place where it broke the laws of the world.

Danzel didn\'t wait to get Nersan to answer, and yet he still got one.

"The one responsible for building this place was my father," Nersan\'rah said, bringing in some interesting news for Danzel\'s non-existent ears to hear.

"You father you said? Built this whole place!?"

Nodding his head in confirmation, she stepped with Danzel on the circular platform at the end of the pathway.

"My father was an exceptional magic caster, one that could bring natural disasters on wimps and create miracles worthy to be called work of a God. He was a great father, but..."


A sudden shake happend to the circular platform where Danzel and Nersan\'rah were standing.


Seeing Nersan not freak out imminently, Danzel observed his surroundings, only to find out that the platform that they were standing has begun to go down slowly.

Seeing the huge gem in the middle of the platform bright up, Danzel realized that the platform itself was a magic item or rather a magical construct.

\'Do mana crystals come in such sizes?\' Danzel thoughts were shortly interrupted by Nersan continuing his speech.

"-But my father in the end was a magic caster just like me and my brother. Makings his mission to discover the secrets of magic."


As the platform stopped moving, the two walked towards a similar path where this time had 4 total huge statues.

At least that\'s what Danzel thought they were before taking a better look at them.

"Those are..."

Standing tall at the high of 15 meters, the \'statues\' had the mouth of a brown wild while the rest of their head was ripped with bandages around that the only thing that they didn\'t cover was a closed up eye.

While those parts were that of flesh, the rest of their body was made out of the same magick stone as the whole building was.

What made those \'statues\' more intimidating than the pure combination of flesh and stone was the fact that every 6 of them had a large voulge burning with an immense amount of mana.

If it weren\'t for the crystal that was I racked and fused with the weapon, then the weapon would have exploded the instance the crystal was removed.

What surprised Danzel was the fact that those \'statues\' had the aura of that of an undead similar to himself and Nersan\'rah.

Before Danzel could the many questions that were going through his head, Nersan\'rah continued.

"And those secrets didn\'t lay in only a profession of his, but also on the ones that he was less focused on. That includes forbidden magic such as necromancy."

Turning towards the stunned Danzel, Nersan gave him the most lovely smile that he could.

Doing that with him possessing Sasha\'s made him look gorgeous to the opposite sex.

Well, most of the human race it is.

Seeing the \'statues\' starting to move and not look like some random statues anymore, Danzel cursed.

"Such as the flesh golems that you are seeing right now~"

"Dammit! Tell me that sooner you useless spirit!"

Raising his sword in front of him, the 15-meter flesh golems turned their head towards the two of them.


Their breathing let the smoke out of their mouth similar to when molten magma meets with a block of ice.

Each step they made held the strength to destroy a builder their size with ease.

As the dust cover from years of end fell to the ground.

The creation\'s of Azur\'rah moved to eliminate the intruders.

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