
Chapter 66 - Trouble

"Wow, this thing is so fun to use." Danzel said while seeing the keys being hold by some ethereal blue arms.


Locking the door of the workshop, I imminently canceled the spell [Mana Arms] with an internal command.

"The spell works as it was written in the scroll. The flexibility and speed are good, but the weight limit is kind of annoying."

Putting the cloak that was given to me by Gerak around me. I went out to finally take a break from those four walls surrounding me the whole time.

Gerak has already left since the morning and by now it was already evening. My decision to come out now was the current time has the less amount of people walking outside. That, and the fact that I wanted to get those badly [Mana Arms] to pla- I mean to train with them!

And for the penniless me who had no XP to show, I decided to work just enough to buy my second actually spell. Surprisingly though, the spell cost even less than [Curse of Vigot] had!

By just making two runes I managed to learn and buy the skill directly for the total price of 1500 XP!

Compared to [Curse of Vigot] that was 3500 XP, it was cheap.

As for the reason why I had some guesses, but no definitive answer in hand.

One of them was that the spell was simply inferior to another.

The stronger the better, right?

Well if we consider this status of my it would more likely be `the stronger the more expensive\'.

Another guess was that the quality of the scroll was better with better quality ink is written and paper.

Nonetheless, I could try to figure the reason why. Doing that though would be too bothersome...

Finding a mage to make a bad and a good quality scroll of the same spell sounds too much work even for me.

Maybe if I somehow get an opportunity in the future, but for now that idea is scratched out from my to-do list-.

`Crap, here I am trying to take a break while thinking of working again.´

"I even caught a bad habit..." Saying that, Danzel came to a sudden halt.

"Hmm, what´s going?"

Looking in front of him, many people were standing there looking at two guys arguing.

"Hey, hey. You know what´s going on?" a nearby man of the crowd said.

"Did you just came? A merchant from the union and a foreigner had their carriages crashed together and now is blocking the road." Replied another man beside him.

Upon hearing from the nearby people about what seemed to happend, I frowned slightly.

"Sigh...I guess I will have to find another path..."

Turning this head behind, Danzel saw more and more people standing in the crow. Looking left and right he was a small opening between two houses.

"If I remember right beyond that path should be the slums that Oliver bought me..."

After giving it a thought, I decided to go on that path.

`I might as well take my break and see the beautiful walls there.´

The houses between this path blocked all sunlight which made the whole path be engulfed by darkness.

Of course, for me, such a thing didn´t even bother me. Heck, since my race itself has perfect night vision, sometimes recognizing how dark a room is proving to be a challenge.

*Splash, Splash~

The previous road made out of cut stone was no more, instead, this path seemed to abandon fully made of dirt. Every step that I made left marks of my boots on the dirt.

"Ugh...cleaning this will be a bothe-" Before Dantel was even able to finish this sentence, a sudden feeling of danger came directly from behind me.

"What!?" Danzel turned around with hastening while pulling Veren from this sheath.


A small blade dug through my armor directly to my right ribs and breaking two of them.

"Heh, you quite the resilient aren´t you?" Said a cloaked figure with a mocking grin on this face.

Although him breaking some of my few ribs made me lose around 600 HP, that didn´t stop me at all.


With Danzel drawing this Veren out, he turned around and used this new skill [Gale Mana Blade] towards this attacker.

"Oh~" Seeing that, the cloaked figure half body was engulfed in shadows which made him move like a snake and slip right to my other side before the Air blade was about to cut him in half.

The upgrade air blade carved the sides of the buildings like a sharp blade cutting tofu. The cut in itself wasn\'t that deep inside the walls, but if you consider that the walls are made out of stones it´s already lethal enough.

With me being wide open, the cloaked man of course didn´t let this opportunity go and aimed this dagger in hand directly at my shoulder bone.

That´s at least what he thought.

As I realized early that my air blade wouldn´t get him through this weird movement ability. I raised my foot early to kick him at this stomach.

Surprised at my kick, the cloaked man put this attack on hold and blocked my kick with this dagger that was supported by both these hands.

Seeing that he was pushed back by around a half meter, the cloaked man\'s grin disappeared with a frown to replace this grin.

"You are quite strong and flexible..."

`How was he able to move this body so well without feeling any pain` The cloaked man thought internally.

Usually, when you add lots of strength into your muscle to either run faster or swing something with more strength and then suddenly halting that process the muscles in one\'s body will receive extreme burden.

Worst case the burden can be enough to break someone\'s.

Being with no muscles and a strengthened body from these attributes. Such a problem didn´t exist for the undead Danzel.

Physical pain?

What´s that?

Looking at the cloaked figure, Danzel with this cold voice asked.

"Who are you?"

Gripping Veren with both these hands and taking this posture towards the guy in front of him. Danzel started to realize mana into Veren, ready to send another [Gale Mana Blade] towards this cloaked man.

"So annoying! Hey, Kerres! Can´t we already kill this guy?"

`Who is he talking to..?´ Asked Danzel himself.

But this question soon got answered.

"Of course not you idiot. This guy might know where the runesmith might be!" Coming literally out of the shadows, a much older man with a cloak around him appeared behind me.

What surprised Danzel though was, that those guys were searching for a runesmith! aka me!

´Based on what the guy just said they don´t know that I am the one runesmith.´

"What are you guys talking about!? What runesmith?"

`Let´s play the fool and see. Messing with those guys that use what looks like dark magic isn´t would be more than a pain in the #s that it was worth. And I can´t feel any pain!´

"There is no point in playing dumb. We have already seen you guys leave with the money of the auction from the runed weapons. As long you tell us where the dwarf runesmith had gone, we might let you live."

`Ah, crap...´ Danzel cursed internally.

"Hey, Kerres! You promised me that I was allowed to kill him after we got our information out of him!"

"..." Danzel.

"..." Kerres.

`I guess there is no other option than fighting...´

Bringing to an end upon the awkward silence between us three, I imminently turned around and pointed my finger at the cloaked man who was apparently named Kerres.

Recognizing the biggest threat being Kerres with going into the shadows. I imminently cast [Curse of Exhaustion] on him.

A dark green ethereal mist came out of Danzel\'s hands and flew directly as Kerres with immense speed.

"Wha-!" Without being able to respond, the curses successfully hit the old man.

I didn\'t him just because I felt he was the more dangerous one, but because of me being able to sense the people under my curse spell!

Danzel hoped that when he goes into the shadows, he would be able to track him down!

"T-That\'s... a curse!?" Kerres exclaimed out loud while looking horrified.

"You dare to ignore me!" Seeing their target facing this back towards him, made him feel like he was looked down upon...

The younger cloaked man dashed in my direction to take a piece out of me.

Moving a step to the left, the dagger hit my armor and slide to the side while creating some sparks.

Raising Veren up high, Danzel swung the longsword directly aimed at this head.

Unfortunately for Danzrl though, the young man slipped just about he was to be hit with the same shadow technique.

"Tch, I can\'t use Veren at this best with so small space to work with." Denzel mumbled to himself.

Being surrounded with stone walls by each side required me to put much more care to not hit the walls while swinging a sword by the length of Veren.

"Dammit, I should even asked Gerak to make me a shield..."

Regrets stayed regrets of the past.

And into the now current present.

The fight between me and the two cloaked men begun.

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