
Chapter 122 A Night In A Tent

"Tell me, cousin." Noah really looked curious, which was a good sign for Klaus.

"Listen carefully. You\'re going to love this."

Klaus began to lay out his plan in detail, and his cousin nodded along. Noah furrowed his brow several times every time Klaus mentioned Vincent. For some reason, the number one man at Morning Star scared Noah.

After about thirty minutes of discussion under the floodlights, their conspiracy plan was finalized.

"Are you sure it will work, Klaus?"

"Yes, it is. You don\'t need to worry. Everything will be fine as long as you don\'t change your mind halfway through."

"What if the plan fails? Vincent will definitely kill me."

Klaus raised his eyebrows. He had not expected to hear that from Noah. The most arrogant person he had ever admitted to being afraid of. Vincent must have done something to his cousin.

Taking a deep breath, Klaus tried to look convincing in front of Noah, and he said, "If our plans fall through and things go awry, let me take responsibility. You can wash your hands and dump everything on me. I will accept everything gracefully."

Noah crossed his arms and leaned back. This guy was really considering Klaus\' plan. Not long after, he took a breath and said, "Alright. I don\'t think this is a bad deal."

A wide grin bloomed on Klaus\' face. He then extended his hand, and the two tightly shook hands.

"Let\'s make them realize not to mess with the Lee Family."

"Yeah, cousin. We\'ll kick their asses," Noah replied with a grin.

This guy thought he was in the clear but he had no idea that he was walking into Klaus\' devious trap.

Of all the predictable people, Noah was one of them. Klaus read his cousin\'s thoughts like scanning a newspaper. This man could not hide his intentions. Everything was clearly written all over his face.

Klaus might not like Noah but he disliked the guild masters of the Five Pillars even more. He did not mind If had to cooperate with his rival in the battle for inheritance. No one was forever enemy or friend when it came to achieving a goal.

"Get some rest. Sleep well tonight. You need energy for tomorrow, cousin."

"You too," Klaus replied simply.

He then left the tent.

As Klaus stepped outside, Gavin was waiting for him in front of the tent flap with skeptical eyes. Klaus glanced at the two guards next to him, checking if they had similar expressions, but they did not. He wondered if Gavin was eavesdropping on his conversation with Noah.

The way Gavin looked at him was as if the man knew something. But Klaus would act normal.

"Why are you waiting outside? You miss me already?" Klaus quipped.

Gavin sighed. "I\'m here to drop off your tent. Noah had the place ready before you came here. Come with me."

Along the way to his tent, Klaus saw the astonishing condition of the camp.

A euphoric atmosphere pervaded this camp. The awakeners were drunk, singing, dancing, or laughing while telling jokes. They didn\'t seem worried if monsters attacked at any time.

Seeing their behavior made Klaus shake his head. These people were truly hopeless. He didn\'t understand how people like them could join the raid in this deadly dungeon. It\'s no surprise that Vincent left them.

"This is your tent. Make yourself comfortable. And I hope you like it."

They arrived in front of a tent in a neglected condition. The height of the tent was low and the area was only enough for two or three people. Klaus could see small holes in the roof which indicated that this tent was poorly maintained.

Naturally, Klaus protested.

"It\'s more of a shit hole than a tent. Even a horse stable is better than this. Are you playing a game on me?"

The pigtailed man shook his head. "I have no power over that. If you want to protest, tell that to Noah. But I\'m sure he\'ll still give you this tent because there\'s nothing else left."

Klaus squinted. "So you\'re just going to give me this broken tent. Think of another solution."

Stroking his chin, Noah was in deep thought. A solution popped into his head in less than two blinks of an eye. "Ah, I think there is one more empty tent. But you\'ll have to share the space with your men. Are you okay with it?"

"Okay, cool."

Gavin took Klaus to another tent located a little closer to the outskirts of the camp. It was away from the other camps and the noise of the undisciplined crew members.

Scanning the tent from top to bottom, Klaus made sure the condition of the place that sheltered his head when he slept was habitable.

"It\'s good. You can go."

"Good night then," Gavin said before he left.

When Klaus walked into the tent, the first thing he saw was an almost naked woman wiping her body with nap. The two massive breasts hanging from her chest jiggled like chocolate pudding.

Her milky coffee-skinned face flushed and her eyes bulged as she saw Klaus stood in front of the tent flap.

At that very moment, Klaus felt dejavu.

"Olivia, why are you here?"

"You bastard! That\'s what I should have said! Get out!"

Klaus snorted. "This is my tent. You—"


Klaus sighed. He then quickly got out of the tent before the woman got even more hysterical.

Standing outside, Klaus waited for the daughter of his mother\'s friend to get dressed. Occasionally, he asked if she was done, but Olivia always replied with "shut up".

When he heard nothing more from inside the tent, he decided to go inside. Olivia sat cross-legged with her arms in the center of the room, staring at him with throbbing veins. At least, she was no longer using [Telekinesis] to throw him with various objects.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Olivia snorted. "Shut up. Hearing you talk makes me sick. My guess wasn\'t wrong. You are a pervert. A shameless, thick-faced pervert. How can you still behave like that after entering a woman\'s private space."

"You don\'t need to act like that. I\'ve seen it all. It can\'t turn me on."

Naturally, Olivia grabbed whatever was around and threw a sword at him.

But he caught it.

"Yo, this is dangerous."

"Shut the fuck up."

Klaus sighed. He didn\'t understand why every time he tried to keep the problem from escalating it always ended up making Olivia angry.

He then explained everything to Olivia why he ended in this tent. He told her that thought Gavin gave him a tent that shared a room with a man.

However, Olivia dwas still angry. She didn\'t believe a single word that escaped his mouth.

"You think I\'m going to buy that nonsense? What a dumb excuse."

"Whatever if you don\'t believe it. I\'m also tired of explaining to woman who overstimated herself."

"What you say—!"

Klaus ignored her and walked over to one of the mattresses lying on the left side of the tent. After removing his shoes and the clothes wrapped around his body, Klaus lay down, immersing himself in the soft foam.

"Hey! Don\'t sleep there! It\'s not your bed!"

Closing his eyes, Klaus ignored the ramblings of the woman beside him. "Never mind, Olivia. I want to rest. Tomorrow will be a long day."

"What the hell are you saying! You think I\'m mad like crazywoman!?"

"Yes, you are."


As Olvia was fuming at Klaus, a red-haired woman walked into the tent. She was surprised to find Klaus sleeping on the mattress, as well as him.

"Klaus? Why are you here? Where is your tent?" Sylvia frowned as she asked so.

Klaus opened his eyes wide. "Sylvia? You sleep here too?"

"Yeah. That mattress is mine."

"HA! What did I tell you!" Olivia snapped at Klaus.

Realizing he was in the wrong position, Klaus buried his face in his hands. He didn\'t understand that the situation would turn out like this. If it was Olivia, he would probably ignore her even if he had to sleep in the same room.

But Sylvia was different. This woman was sane in his eyes.

"Ah, I\'m sorry."

Klaus then got up from Sylvia\'s bed. He picked up his things and was going back to the broken tent earlier. He did not want to face unnecessary conflicts or listen to Olivia\'s ramblings. Tonight, he wanted to sleep immediately.

On the other hand, Olivia smirked as she saw Klaus about to leave the tent.

"Yeah, go away. You finally understand this room isn\'t for you," Olivia taunted.

Klaus ignored her.

As he opened the flap, Sylvia called out to him, holding Klaus back from exiting.

"Klaus, you can sleep here. You\'re the party leader after all. If you are out of shape tomorrow due to lack of sleep, it will be a problem for us." Sylvia said sincerely.

Naturally, Olvia was surprised by her roommate\'s words. "What the heck!? You allowed this pervert to be with us!" She was furious.

The red-haired woman squinted. "Why would you say that? Klaus is not who you think he is."

Deep down, Klaus was annoyed to hear Olivia loudly call him a pervert. Luckily the location of the tent was on the outskirts of the camp, few people were around.

"Of course I said that!" Olivia said in a surprised tone. "Are you okay sleeping in the same tent with him? Come on, use your common sense!"

Olivia squinted in exasperation. "Well, I don\'t mind. I\'ve slept under the same roof as Klaus before anyway."

Naturally, Olivia gasped. She was silent for a long time as her mouth dropped open. This woman did not move and her gaze was blank. She saw Klaus and Sylvia in turn. Wild imagination popped out in her head.

And then, a loud scream echoed in this small tent.

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