
Chapter 420: Quarter finals

Chapter 420: Quarter finals

"No, the problem is they know I am the strongest and they planned for that," Eldrian said, stopping the argument before it could develop anymore. Though the point they had bough up was valid. "Their plan almost worked due to how weak we are against range, luckily you guys reacted."

"Of course, when no more arrows came at us we realized something must have happened," Elizabeth said, before contemplating for a moment.

"The following matches are going to become harder and harder. We will need to start formulating plans for each team in the top 8."

"Agreed!" The others quickly chimed in, and Eldrian was the only one who felt it was too much work.

Of course he would think so. The rewards weren\'t that appealing to him anymore. Heck, he had gotten even better rewards from his current quest, and if he could complete it he would receive even more amazing rewards.

So, while the group started discussing who was going to observe which group, Eldrian said goodbye and logged back into the game after going for a run and getting something to eat.

Waking in the middle of the night in ANW, he immediately started practicing again. Focusing on Frost Needle as he tried to understand how everything worked for this spell of his.

Constantly using mana sense and following how his mana changed, how the elements formed, how the spell was moved around. Even the entire night was not enough to get the answers, but he felt another step closer.

\'It is just how spells move that stays a mystery. The rest I understand...\' Eldrian thought as he headed to the left side of the forest and started clearing the trees he passed. By now nearly two hundred meters of the forest had been cleared.

The army was effective at their job, while each separate group wasn\'t amazing, together the results were undeniable. \'Part 1 will likely be finished by the end of the week, unless the undead do something.\' Eldrian realized as he rode past a horde and killed four of the thirty in passing.

He didn\'t stop to clear the entire group, as that was just a waste of time. But killing a few would help those who ran into the group and were unable to retreat safely.

The day passed quickly and so did the next one, Eldrian managing to clear another 40 areas. The undead were tightening up their border and Eldrian also heard from the soldiers he passed that The Unwilling were being pushed to the front to slow them down.

\'I guess when we enter Part 2 of the quest then the higher undead will also join the fighting. Things are going to become crazy, but my plan stays the same.\' Eldrian had a simple plan, be quick. His Agima was constantly galloping, never slowing.

It made it impossible for any of the lower undead to catch up to them, and made the quest a breeze. So, finally, Eldrian logged out and joined the others in Elizabeth\'s virtual home to discuss strategy.

Naturally, he was willing to come an hour earlier for this. While the rewards seemed meager to him now, he knew it was truly great for his friends. And it wasn\'t like it was useless to him.

Everyone, but Eldrian, shared what they had managed to learn about their possible competition. Everyone far more serious as this would determine if they made it to the semi\'s or not.

Their opponents ended up being the team who had been fifth in the rankings, Dragons. An intimidating name and with a team to back it up. Unlike Pure Warriors and Elven Bows, this team was more balanced and all evenly well equipped.

They had two rangers, three melee experts, and three mages. But everyone had decent armor and everyone also had the ability to fight at close range. They also knew to be wary of Eldrian and as such the three melees decided to keep him busy.

This shouldn\'t have worked, but it did. Judith had tried to pressure them, but just one of the archers kept her easily at bay while the other kept Zyviss busy.

This left Therdul, Ilmadia, Elizabeth, Erik, and Nikki. Surely one would think three mages couldn\'t keep them busy, but that was just what happened.

Erik, while he had learned as many offensive spells as he could, he didn\'t have many down yet. Elizabeth was also nearly no use in combat, leaving Therdul who was too slow, Nikki who was just Tier 2, and Ilmadia.

To their credit, they managed to actually not be wiped.

Eldrian immediately realized their plan when their three best-geared players focused on him. Forming a triangle and not pressing to kill him. Instead, they were just trying to contain him while they dealt with his team.

Naturally, he wouldn\'t let them have it easy.

Pushing forward to the one blocking the path to the mages, Eldrian sent two icicles flying at the mages behind while his spear aimed for the opening between the man\'s breastplate and helmet.

As if he had expected it, the man threw his head down. Causing Aoidos to slip over the helmet, leaving a deep groove. At the same time, the man had switched his greatsword with two shields. Using them to block the icicles.

Eldrian cursed as he jumped to the side to avoid the blade coming for his tight. The few places that his armor didn\'t cover were a few too many. Forcing him onto the defensive as the three players kept him contained.

When the first message of a teammate dying echoed in Eldrian\'s ears, he knew that he was on a thin piece of ice. So he decided to go for his hail merry. Using Shield he charged forward and ignored their attacks, when his target focused on defense, Eldrian suddenly turned around.

Eldrian used Kyma\'s ability to send the furthest players stumbling back while he used Stama to block the strike from the other. Dropping Aoidos and pressing his hand against the man\'s chest.

Using Efthygram to shift his center of gravity, not for balance but rather to add more momentum to his throw. At the same time, Eldrina used Aristera\'s ability to boost his strength. Throwing the many into the air, where he was defenseless to the following spell.

Floga flew at the man, expanding and swallowing him whole. Yet the spell did little damage. That was until Mifotia exploded on his chest, the added fire elements massively increasing the explosion. So much that the shockwave sent Eldrian and the other two flying.

"The hell-" Everyone lost focus as they turned to look at the pieces of armor that were falling out of the air. The sight making no sense, and Eldrian\'s spells flying to their targets in their confusion. Two of the mages fell to the ground grasping their necks.

They weren\'t dead, but they were close to it. Eldrian also jumped up first and charged the remaining mage who panicked and tried to throw a spell at Eldrian. Yet, Shield was still active and his spell simply glanced of Eldrian\'s exposed skin, leaving the mage with his mouth open in confusion as Eldrian thrust his spear into the soft side of his armor.

From there the match turned into cleanup as Eldrian killed his target and the other two mages were unable to heal each other. The icicle\'s blocking their ability to talk, and hence to cast spells. While players had it easier to learn spells, they had to say the words of power.

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