
Chapter 468 Capture

\'What\'s happening to me...?\' Reine asked to herself. She was getting worse by the second.


Suddenly there was a furious roar.

The students shuddered and braced themselves for battle. Through the dense layer of mist, they could see the fierce eyes of the monsters and their silhouettes. They raced toward them like ghosts of death.

"Miss Reine!" One student ran up to her, "Are you all right?"

"Yes... I\'m fine..." Reine said with difficulty as she passed out.

"Teacher!" The student exclaimed.

He tried to bring Miss Reine to consciousness, but he was unsuccessful. It was as if she were sound asleep, though she had bee fine a moment before.

"Ron! We have a problem! Something has happened to Miss Reine!"

"What?" Ron exclaimed.

He threw the gravity spear forward and walked over to Reine.

"Did..." Ron muttered in horror as he put two fingers to her neck, "She has a pulse... She\'s alive, great, but what the fuck is going on here?"


Several monsters ran out from behind the trees and ended up next to them. Ron reacted quickly, he was about to attack, but suddenly a man in a long gray robe appeared in front of him.

Blind Sorcerer waved his hand as he created two magical circles. Energy spears flew out of them and pierced the monsters.

"Are you okay?" Blind Sorcerer turned around.

"Yes." Ron nodded confidently, "Mr. All-knowing, what\'s going on here? Mrs. Reine isn\'t feeling well. I don\'t know what to do."

"Looks like someone set us up. The intruders somehow managed to poison Miss Reine. There\'s no other way they could have disarmed such a powerful mage. Okay, we\'ll deal with that later. Follow me!" Blind Sorcerer shouted.

He picked up Reine and ran toward the rock. The students followed him, Blind Sorcerer was their only hope. If they were left without the protection of their teachers, they were doomed.

"All stand beside me!" Blind Sorcerer exclaimed as he raised his hands.

A solid white barrier appeared over the camp. It was covered with many magical circles with various symbols. No monster could break through the barrier, no matter how many times they tried.

"Mr. All-knowing, what should we do?" Ron asked.

"It\'s obvious, fight. If we hold out long enough, one of the Elders will surely come to our aid." Blind Sorcerer turned to his students, "You all need to calm down. Get ready to fight, the longer we hold out, the fewer casualties we will have."

The students nodded silently. They hadn\'t been children for a long time and understood the gravity of the situation. It was stressful for them but also an opportunity to test their abilities.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

Two massive stone Golems attacked the barrier, it trembled violently, but not a single crack appeared.

"Great, together with Mr. All-knowing, we can make it through!" The students exclaimed.

\'Huh, what idiots, though I can\'t blame them, they don\'t even understand what\'s really going on.\' Blind Sorcerer inwardly muttered, \'Where are you? Let\'s go.\'

Immediately after Blind Sorcerer\'s words, a dark silhouette with a long bloody sword emerged from the mist. It was a skeleton, he slowly headed toward the barrier, chaos and the actions of other monsters completely unaffected by it.

"What is that...?" Kaya asked.

"I don\'t know, but apparently, this Skeleton is their leader. Step aside. I need to reinforce the barrier." Blind Sorcerer sighed.

The energy currents near him intensified, and another magical circle appeared on the barrier, but it was significantly different from the others. It was red in the center, like a target.

The Skeleton smiled as he rushed forward. He thrust his sword precisely into the center of the magic circle, and cracks appeared all over the barrier.

"Damn!" Blind Sorcerer exclaimed, "He managed to find a weak spot in my barrier! Everyone retreat."


The Skeleton swung his sword. The barrier shattered into small pieces.

"I\'ll hold him off, you run away!"

Blind Sorcerer rushed toward Skeleton.

The apprentices split into several groups and went off in different directions. Because of the fog, it was hard to know where it was safe and where a dangerous monster might be waiting, so they had to hope for luck.

After thirty seconds, no one else was at the camp except Skeleton and Blind Sorcerer.

"Aren\'t you afraid these kids will be scared to death?" Skeleton grinned.

"No, they\'ll be fine. Though some of them aren\'t destined to go back today."

"When do you start?" Skeleton asked seriously, "When are you going to call for THEM?"

"Hmm... I need to check the integrity of the barrier, as well as do some work with my new prisoners. I\'ll make it quick, so I\'ll probably start the day after tomorrow, something like that." Blind Sorcerer said in a thoughtful manner.

"Okay, but if you make me wait any longer, I\'ll do it without you." The Skeleton put the tip of his sword blade on Blind Sorcerer\'s neck.

"Don\'t be silly. If you go alone, you will die. You want revenge, I want the treasure of the academy. The Chief Elder will kill you, you won\'t break the barrier, and you can\'t get THEIR attention." Blind Sorcerer pushed the sword aside.

"Okay, I hear you, but I\'ve waited a long time. This is the last part."

"Don\'t worry. I won\'t keep you any longer. Now let me do my job."

"Sure, go ahead, I\'ll go back to the cabin, I\'ll wait for your return." The Skeleton said as he turned into a dark wind.

"What a grumpy ally I have... All right, he\'s done his task." Blind Sorcerer shook his head.

The students were running away from the monsters and missing one important detail because they were too frightened. None of the students were dead yet, some were wounded, but there were no corpses.

"Lois! Follow me!" Kaya shouted.

Lois turned around, and suddenly a silhouette appeared behind Kaya. It engulfed her, and Kaya disappeared without a trace. Lois was unharmed.

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