
Chapter 233 Is Black Rabbit Ready To Get A Name?

Wain moved on to the next card, which showed a yellow root with a glowing rind.

[Desert Earth Root (First Chronicle, Rare Rating)

This root grows in great depths, in dark places with low temperatures. A prerequisite for this plant is plenty of sand and sandstone around it. Otherwise, Desert Earth Root will have no source of energy and nutrition to grow.

Desert Earth Root can be eaten raw to raise energy levels, but this method has many side effects. The peel of the root has no health benefits and can seriously harm anybody.

After recent changes, the amount of energy in the root has increased by 1.5 times.

Desert Earth Root is best suited for use in alchemy.

*After consuming the rind, Stamina is increased by 10%, but Agility and Strength are reduced by 10%.


"Hmm, one of the effects has opened up. We need Edena and Lui Bu to take a closer look at this root. They can certainly learn more about this plant than I can."

Wain decided to look at all the Common Rating resources first, then move on to the Rare Rating and see the most interesting thing at the end. He was curious which resource had an Epic Rating.

The next resource was a new one that appeared after the two Void were merged into one. At the top, the card said Snow Desert, which showed where the resource was growing.

The card showed a crystal very similar to Energy Ice Crystal. The only differences were the amber color and that the crystal was double. Also, in the beginning, the crystal had a bluish tint.

[Energy Desert Crystal (First Chronicle, Common Rating)

This medium-sized crystal started to grow in the Snow Desert after a large burst of energy in Frost of Frozen Dreams.

Desert Crystals contain a large amount of energy and will be extremely effective for all creatures except creatures with the water attribute.

Each crystal is made up of two crystals, so the total number of crystals in an area is less than usual. This makes each crystal more valuable and effective.

Even though this crystal grows in the desert, it has a low temperature due to its special location and the influence of the nearest territories. This crystal is not harmful to creatures with the ice attribute.

*If the energy from the crystal absorbs a creature with the attribute of sand, the efficiency is 150%.

*If a creature with ice attribute absorbs energy from the crystal, the efficiency is 125%

*If a creature with any other attribute absorbs energy from the crystal, the efficiency is 100%

*Absorbing energy from Desert Crystal is contraindicated to creatures with water attribute. It can cause serious injuries and disrupt energy flows for a while]

\'This is another crystal, but it is different from Ice Crystal. Desert Crystal is larger and has variety, but it is good. I\'m sure the monsters in Snow Desert had a harder time progressing than those in Ice Caves before this.\'

The next card with the white glow was a fruit. It was yellow and round. There were several wavy lines on the fruit. This resource also grew in the Snow Desert.

[Sandy Wavy Fruit (First Chronicle, Common Rating)

This fruit grows in the Snow Desert, but it\'s pretty hard to find. Sandy Wavy Fruit grows close to the surface, about one meter deep.

The fruit is constantly hidden under the sand, staying in the shade and still getting some heat from the sun to grow.

Then, when the desert temperature drops significantly at night, the acquired resources turn into energy and infuse the fruit, making it larger. At this time, lines in the form of waves appear on the fruit. The more there are, the more saturated the fruit is.

The fruit is quite difficult to find, but you can be guided by a special and unpleasant smell similar to a decaying corpse.

Even though the fruit smells so unpleasant, the pulp has a different floral-like aroma and has a pleasant taste.

Although the fruit is juicy, its texture feels dry and crumbly like sand when you bite into it.

Sandy Wavy Fruit has a lot of energy, and all creatures can consume it and increase their energy. However, it works best when combined with other ingredients.

*After use, increases resistance to Sandy attribute by 10% for one hour.

*Increases regeneration by 30% for ten minutes.

*Creatures with the sand attribute have all stats increased by 10 for one hour].

\'Not bad, not bad at all. In fact, it\'s even better than Delicate Icefruit, at least until I know how useful they are in alchemy.\' Wain thought and moved on to the next card.

It showed a green and purple crystal. It was rectangular and perfectly flat, like a geometric figure. The crystal was growing in the Magical Forest of Azure Rivers.

[Energy Forest Crystal (First Chronicle, Common Rating).

This is a large-sized crystal that started to grow in the Magical Forest of Azure Rivers after a big energy surge.

It holds a large amount of energy, but the amount of these crystals is rather small and takes a long time to grow because of their size.

Crystals grow in caves under forests, especially where there are a lot of trees and roots. This speeds up the process and greatly increases the amount of energy in the crystals.

*If the energy from the crystal is absorbed by a creature with the attribute of nature, the efficiency is 130%.

*If a creature with any other attribute absorbs energy from the crystal, the efficiency is 100%.

*There is a small chance that after absorbing multiple Forest Crystals, a monster with nature attribute may start mutation].

"What? Monsters with a small chance can mutate if they absorb a lot of these crystals? It is unbelievable. They\'ll surely become much stronger after mutation." Wain muttered and moved on to the last card with the white glow.

It also showed a crystal, but this time a dark blue one. It was also located in the Magical Forest of Azure Rivers, not in the forest, but another part.

[Energy Water Crystal (First Chronicle, Common Rating)

This small crystal grows underwater, in Azure Rivers, and under the waterfall. Each crystal contains an average amount of energy, but there are quite a few of them, and they grow fast.

The stronger torrent and the more energy around it, the faster the crystals grow.

*If a creature with the water attribute absorbs energy from a crystal, the efficiency is 150%.

*If a creature with any other attribute absorbs energy from the crystal, the efficiency is 100%.

*Energy from Water Crystal has a detrimental effect on creatures with fire attribute and can cause serious harm to their body].

Wain nodded. This crystal was not much different from the previous ones. They were all Common Rating resources growing in the Forest of Frozen Dreams.

There were still two Rare Rating resources and one Epic Rating.

"Okay, it\'s time to move on to something more interesting." Wain muttered, and a card with a blue glow flew up to him.

The card depicted a mushroom. It was small, blue, with a sharp cap and lots of small, icy crystals on it. The mushroom was growing in Ice Caves.

[Frosty Mushroom (First Chronicle, Rare Rating)

This mushroom began to grow in the Ice Caves after a powerful burst of energy.

The Frosty Mushroom contains a large amount of energy and has many properties. Frosty Mushroom is best suited for monsters with the ice attribute.

Mushrooms grow fast, and their rate of growth increases over time. As long as the temperature remains the same, the Frosty Mushroom will grow.

Frosty Mushrooms can be consumed raw, but it is best to prepare them by an experienced chef or used by an alchemist to create some potion or reagent.


"Huh, the effects are again unknown, but it sounds interesting. Mushrooms haven\'t been in my area yet." Wain uttered and looked at the next and final Rare Rating card.

It showed a yellow flower. It was tall, with a large, lush bud looking toward the sun. The flower was growing in the Magical Forest of Azure Rivers.

[Sunbloom (Frist Chronicle, Rare Rating)

This flower grows only during sunny times of the day. It has a wonderful fragrance and is ideal for creating various potions and decoctions. Sunbloom is full of energy, and each petal is as valuable as a few energy crystals.

Sunbloom grows best where there is no shade, and the flower is exposed to sunlight all day long. When the sun is in the zenith, Sunbloom is rapidly saturated with the sun\'s energy, which is very important for the whole process.

*After application, increases the strength of all attacks with the attribute of light by 10% for three hours. At least three petals must be eaten for this.


"Flower... It\'s the most common plant, but it\'s something unique in this case. All Rare Rating resources are different in that I can\'t see all of their properties. They are also more suitable for alchemy than others."

Wain waved his hand, and the last card with the pink glow flew up to him. It showed a bunch of grapes. It was dark purple with a golden hue.

[Royal Grape (First Chronicle, Epic Rating)

It is a grape grown in the Magical Forest of Azure Rivers, in a special area that appeared after a burst of energy. This place is full of vines, but most of them are empty.

The vines absorb energy from the earth and the environment. The energy is channeled into the grapes, gradually creating a royal-quality berry.

Each berry of Royal Grape contains a huge amount of energy and unimaginable taste. However, it is a rare and valuable resource. It takes a lot of time, space, and energy to grow even a single bunch.

This resource is equally good for all creatures regardless of their attribute, but not everyone can eat this grape and get only bonuses.

If the creature is unprepared and quickly intoxicated, the process of intoxication and alcohol poisoning will begin.

Royal Grape can also be used to create potions and decoctions, but best of all, this berry is suitable for creating a wine of incredible quality and with amazing effects.

*After consumption, all stats are increased by 30 points for half an hour.

*Regeneration is accelerated by 15%. The speed of reflexes and reactions increases significantly.

*If you eat a bunch of Royal Grape completely, there is a small chance of entering a special state. You will be drunk, but your movements will be smoother and stronger than ever before].

Wain nodded satisfactorily. Something like this is what he expected from an Epic Rating resource.

When he read the effects of Royal Grape, he realized that even untreated or uncooked resources could be useful.

\'Before I go to the island, I will have to stock up on grapes, sunblooms, and other resources that are useful to me. It will be a great event, and I need to prepare for it thoroughly. Also, Lui Bu and Edena may have time to create something.\'

There wasn\'t much time before the island would appear, just two weeks. Wain wasn\'t sure if that was enough time for Lui Bu and Edena to brew a potion, decoction, or make a pill.

The Seal of Darkness glowed brightly, and Wain returned to the ice cave. Not far from himself, he saw a small mushroom growing on the ceiling.

"Wow, it looks like the process is progressing faster than I could have imagined. Though that\'s not surprising considering all the resources are growing 30% faster now."

Wain thought about heading into the woods and talking to Reto. He wanted to learn more about the Dark Elves and their relationship with the other Elves.

Likewise, Wain wanted to consult Reto about the division of responsibilities in the territories.

Wain understood that Reto had more experience in wielding the Void, and he should take advantage of that. However, before that, Wain had another, more important task.

He could appoint a second knight, and he knew who it would be. Wain opened the map and found Black Rabbit on it.

Mimic was in the ice-tree garden as before. After a few minutes, he got to the right place and approached Mimic.

"Oh! Wain, good to see you! Your battle was incredible!"

"Yes, we suffered losses, but we gained just as much. Black Rabbit, you weren\'t involved in the war, but you were busy protecting our alchemists. Also, you did a great job before that, so I nominate you as my second knight!" Wain exclaimed, and a lot of dark energy erupted from his body.

It was like a real hurricane that flowed into one stream and rushed toward the monster\'s chest. A seal appeared there in the form of a dark crown with a silhouette of a creepy mouth around it.

Black Rabbit\'s aura began to intensify. He smiled quite a bit and said, "Thanks, I\'m really glad we met back then, in that golden temple."

"Yes, me too." Wain nodded, and suddenly a large amount of energy burst out of Black Rabbit.

Wain was as surprised as the monster, but Black Rabbit realized what was happening the next moment.

"Wain looks like I\'m almost ready for Awareness, and I need to make one last move. You have to help me!"

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