
Chapter 493 493 A Horde of Wizards

Chapter 493 Chapter 493 A Horde of Wizards

"We\'re finally here." Wizard Ulric whispered upon the first sighting of land that he saw after months on the seas.

He and his wizard brethren could have flown into the barbarian continent but it would have been a wet and ugly journey indeed.

Thus, the large ship that they rode saved them the hassle for such a tedious way to go.

"Do you remember the way towards the Astronian camp?" The old wizard asked his personal slave girl.

"Yes, Master Ulric. To the south." The slave girl answered as she pointed a hand in one direction.

"Very well. I can\'t wait to see if their weapons are as mighty as you have depicted." Wizard Ulric nodded and before long, he joined his friends into the sky.

He had of course taken the slave girl with him and both of them traversed the epic heights without apparent difficulty.

Some raced fast while others like this old man Ulric maintained a chill speed all throughout.

About 10 minutes into the flight, everyone could see a green field and the evidence of a community in the farthest recesses of the land.

A river and a great forest marked the end of the picture but almost all of their attention was pulled by the mass gathering of people and traders in the outskirts of this unique residential area.

"LOOK! WIZARDS AND MAGICIANS!" The traders were shocked at what they saw. The flying people in the sky have brought fear and awe into their hearts.

"You honor our humble abode, great ones!"

"How can we be of service for you today?" The smart lot in the group bowed their heads and spoke of flowery words towards these newcomers.

With almost a thousand wizards before them, this was truly a rare scene in this barbarian continent.

One should know that kingdoms in this land could only hire one or two wizards and magicians into their fold.

"We have no interest in you, dumb peons. We are here to discuss business with a people called The Astronians." A handsome wizard spoke for the majority.

It was easy to see that he was quite respected in the group. This was of course well expected when one has the strongest cultivation base in the lot of these powerful men and women.

This handsome man was already in the peak of a level 8 wizard. No mortal tried to make a noise at this time since they knew that it was not their place to speak.

Nevertheless, they stole some glances towards the peaceful and grand community a few steps away from their market stalls.

A beat passed and then another but upon the third breath, a familiar beautiful figure of a woman was seen to walk slowly to address her unwanted visitors.

This woman was of course the android Amira Walker.

"What kind of business are you offering?" Amira asked bluntly.

"I hear that you are in the possession of a weapon that could equal and even surpass the might of our wizard\'s magic."

"Tell me the price of such a weapon and I will gladly consider you as a friend of our White Tower. We do not treat unkindly those that would help us learn the absolute power of all.

To seek tirelessly for this quest is a wizard\'s most precious obsession." The handsome man said in length. Alas, his words got a sad head shake from our very own unbending android.

"Our Astronian weapons are not for sale."

"Please go back. You will gain nothing today." Amira Walker replied. She had already scanned this more or less 2 thousand people who arrived here from afar.

Half of them were wizards while the other half were young beautiful girls who were mere mortals in this scene.


"Dangerous energy signature detected."

"Threat level 8."

"Recommended course of action: Eliminate all threats at once!" A computer generated voice echoed on the ears of Miss Amira Walker. She was content with what she heard though.

A level 8 wizard was certainly not a match for their current Astronian technology.

Even this handsome man who was at the peak level 8 wizard would only prove harder to kill than the rest of his kin. In the end, he too shall ultimately fall should a conflict arise today.

"Be careful! She\'s examining our bodies for weaknesses!" A lady\'s voice shouted in alarm but alas, it was already too late since the task was done and over.

Every wizard in the scene blossomed in unnatural light. This kind of technique would shield them from harm and other curses.

Unfortunately, Miss Amira Walker has already gotten the information about their true strength.

"Is this how you treat your guests?!" The handsome wizard on the lead made an ugly face in reply.

A sudden maniacal cruelty appeared on the surface that displayed well enough of a wizard\'s incomparable pride.

"Please go back. You will gain nothing today." Amira Walker repeated her words at this time.

Since there was nothing more to say, she did not waste her precious time and calculating power in her system to provide another better response than the last.

To be practical in all things was an android\'s first doctrine.

"If you cannot find reason with words alone then let me convince you with my power." The handsome wizard uttered and the momentum on his person rose to yet another peak.

The pressure he exuded was suffocating to say the least. It was obvious that he was about to make some violent action any moment from now.

"Wizard Eronin! Remember the Wizard King\'s mandate! The White Tower does not promote mindless violence in any way!"

A lady wizard had the guts to confront the madness of the strongest wizard amongst them. She was indeed admirable and brave for a wizard.

"You can\'t stop me, Althea. And besides, the Wizard King is not here."

The handsome man called Wizard Eronin replied and in a breath\'s time, he was already unleashing hell unto the seemingly defenseless camp of the Astronians.

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