
Chapter 109 109

Chapter 109 Chapter 109

"This place is horrible!" This was the first thing that everyone thought after they were transported by the mystical formation.

There were mangled flesh and rotting bodies around them which in turn caused some with weaker stomachs to vomit upon the terrible welcome that awaited them.



"HAK!" Lian Li and Lian Ah could not help but show the natural response of any mortal like them but Old Peng resisted such simple urges.

He was made from tougher stuff and was alive for more than a century already. Grotesque events like this one were nothing unnatural in the dark suburbs of the slum.

Clark, Wan Fei, and Ning Xi were faring better than anyone else in the party.

Since they were cultivators who prided complete mastery of their body at the Mortal Shedding Realm, it was only natural for them to have better control of their physical urges.

They won\'t easily throw up in ugly scenes like this one.

\'What kind of animal could have done this inhumane act?\' Clark shivered inside. Although he loved to act cool and badass outside but the same could not be said to his real feelings at all.

He might appear merciless and crude to his enemies but he would always grant a quick death to them all. It was his way of showing benevolence upon his victims.

No matter how undeserving those evil NPCs were but our good protagonist always adhered to what little deeds of kindness that he could afford.

\'But not this. Not in this cruel and sadistic form of death.\' Clark shook his head and could not help but close his eyes for a moment in order to escape the reality that beset his vision.

The sorry broken bodies were so pitiful indeed and it was so obvious that every single soul that passed away in these corridors of slaughter experienced a gruesome taste of hell in myriad forms of torture before they left this world for the next.

In the end, the arrival of death was akin to the sweetest of release from the misery that they were forced to bear.

\'May your souls rest in peace.\' Clark offered a silent prayer to the unfathomable number of people that were carelessly thrown aside in this dump.

"Let\'s go!" Clark said in a voice much colder than he intended. This reflected rather plainly what he felt at this very moment.

He led the group deep into the silent wide hallways that greeted them. The ceiling was as high as the sky and it was tailored in pure white color. Unblemished by any kind of stain and mark.

There was an unnatural source of light inside and it has not at all came from mundane sources like lamps and lanterns.

If one did not know any better, it would be so easy to conclude that the party was in some kind of holy ground or something.

There were large tall buildings of antiquity and the space provided in this secret realm was perhaps even comparable to that of a booming city.

In one glance, it could be seen that this inner sanctum could provide shelter to at least tens of millions of people.

Alas, cultivators in this desolated continent were much fewer in comparison to the ones located near the central part of this xianxia world.

As it was, only 500,000 more or less souls resided within these antique legacies left behind by an unsung Senior of the past.

\'This place is good for cultivation.\'

\'At least six times spiritual essence concentrated in the air compared to the one inside the city of Nexus.\'

Clark mused as he chose to just take a walk on these grounds teeming with filth and decay.

This was not part of this place\'s design to begin with but of mortal intervention and human inability to take care of its surroundings.

Pieces of shredded clothes, miscellaneous garbage and blotches of blood desecrated the otherwise pristine silvery glint of the floors.

\'The more I go closer in that direction, the better the purity of the spiritual energy in the surrounding. I guess that\'s the direction we need to take.\'

Clark concluded after three minutes of easy walk.

After having acquired the Chaos Physique for his use, he could not have been better equipped at determining the elements of nature and all its minute changes than the present.

"I think i know the general path of where we should go. Lai Peng, you go ride along with me. Wan Fei, can you please take the girls with you at this time?"

Clark asked towards one of the most beautiful women he had his eyes on. It did not take even a single breath for him to experience another hardening down south of his body.

\'FUCK ME! I need to get laid soon!\' Our bored gamer clenched his teeth and sported an awkward smile on his face.

He was very lucky that the cultivator\'s robe he got on him wasn\'t that tightly clasp on his body.

If not, then his exceptional condition at this very moment could not have been more obvious to everybody else around him.

"Leave that to me, Clark. Come on, girls." Wan Fei nodded and immediately summoned her flying sword into motion.

Clark did the same and it did not take long for Princess Ning Xi also to follow suit.

The party hopped on towards their respective rides and flew at maximum speed towards the intended distance way further than where they were now.

"BOOM!" a thick ray of lightning zigzagged from up above and down unto one of three three floating crafts in the air.


"BOOM!" Almost instantaneously, two other ruthless amalgamation of destructive energies fell down from the high ceiling and threatened to devour its unsuspecting victims in a punishing lash.

"BANG!" Several figures were dropped from the sky and if this was any other place, a crater would have long assailed the point of impact.

Luckily enough, the entirety of this domain was cultivated to perfection by a World Traveler Realm Expert.

An attack of this magnitude alone could not even put a single mark or scratch an inch on this reinforced ancient artifact.

"Is everyone okay?" Clark asked and his handsome face wrinkled in irritation.

He totally did not expect that an attack would have landed upon them when they attempted to soar the skyline using their flying swords.

The experience did not bade to him well and there was an extreme want to explode right then and there.

He would have loved to do so but when he remembered why he was there in the first place, Clark could not help but calm his volcanic temper once again.


\'The things I do for a woman.\' Our good gamer sighed and took deep breaths to hold his anger deep within him. Hidden and stale towards anyone else but him.

"We\'re okay, Clark." Wan Fei answered and her mind began to quickly reenact what had happened earlier.

They were flying up in the air and just when the seventh second struck, it looked like the heavens above them were all eaten by a blinding light and nothing more.

The Queen of Haran witnessed a dark orb that hugged both her flying sword and her body within it also and the next thing she knew, she had already safely landed on the ground.

"But what was that thing? Was that a Heavenly Tribulation, mother? I read it in the books on Father\'s collection. A Heavenly Tribulation is described exactly like we have seen earlier!"

Ning Xi\'s natural passive behavior finally changed at this moment. She could not help but gazed high and above as she looked at the lofty ceiling with fear and trepidation in her eyes.

Even her voice was merely above a whisper right now.

"It is not, Xi\'er. Heavenly Tribulation only happens when one wants to break through to at least The World Traveler Realm.

After that, it is recorded that this phenomenon shall happen to every succeeding realms also.

The one we just witnessed happen upon us was more akin to a restrictive formation than anything else that resembles that of a Heavenly Tribulation."

Wan Fei said her guesses on the matter in just a few trifling seconds of contemplation. It could be seen from this fact alone on how strangely gifted this woman was indeed.

It also did not hurt that she was extremely intelligent and well read.

"Keep your flying swords away. I think that we will have some company soon." Clark interrupted and his eyes looked up front.

Nothing could have escaped his senses in a 70 meter radius and as of this very moment, he could already feel the rushing figures of men and women alike that were akin to vultures in search of fresh corpses in the field.

Eighteen breaths later and almost 50 people surrounded the newly arrived party of our good gamer.

And if truth be told, Clark was not at all impressed by the appearance of this miscreant lot. Instead, he had only one thing in his mind right this instance.

"DAMN! Have i finally found the first ugly cultivators in this world?!"

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