
Chapter 806 Fire And Ice II

As Kossuth and Burnhill returned to the mansion, a new fight was heating up on the cold front of the world.


Inside an igloo, a little girl sat with fish beside her, looking at a fishing hole on the side of a large melon. "So, you know," She smiled, "The white bear carried the ant away from the snow. Down to the warm eastern forests." She said, splashing at the water with her feet.


A deep rumbling came from beneath the water, and she grabbed the fish that was beside her and threw it in the water.

"Hehe!" She giggled, "You want another story?"


BOOM! GAIA blasted with a jet of flames from her legs, flying close to the snowy opal grounds. The snow behind her melted and evaporated, creating a cloud of vapor.

Her eyes flashed with a golden light mixed with lightning. They spazzed around as she located every nearby human. ^Targed locked on, deploying the heavy spells.^

^Seventy armed soldiers, and eighty-nine civilians, thirty of which can\'t run, including the elderly and children. Calibrating weapons.^

Magic seals opened on GAIA\'s back, sending beams of compressed magic the same [Magic Missiles]

^ALPHA, secure the target.^...^ROGER^

BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! The beams carefully avoided the soldiers and civilians, exploding beside them but not enough to deal significant damage.

On the other hand, while she aimed at the ground or structures, GAIA used her full power to deal as much damage. Making the situation seem as dire as possible.

^Orders are to bring the crystals. The main mission is to protect the world from Lilia. Calculating, the optimal route is getting Lilia what she wants with as little living damage as possible.^

GAIA rushed across the city, ravaging the streets while making sure no one is harmed. She then blasted through the walls and headed to the snow lands. A vast open plain above a massive frozen lake.

There was a small igloo hut there, but it seemed empty.

She looked behind her and saw the army chasing her. It was what she wanted. Everyone needs to focus on her while ALPHA steals the crystals.

When GAIA approached the hut, she saw a little girl rush from the back, running away.

^A little human kid. I should throw it with the other people. The place here is about to turn into a battlefield.^ She extended her hand, attempting to snatch the little girl mid-flight.

As the girl ran away, she looked back and saw GAIA blasting toward her. She screamed, "SONYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

CRACK! The ground shattered, as they were above a frozen lack. A massive white claw emerged in front of the little girl and swung at GAIA.

GAIA lifted her arms and blocked the claw. Her body flew back from the impact as she landed on her legs.

The claw snatched the little girl and pulled her into the frozen lake. When GAIA looked down using an enchanted vision, she could see massive shadow racing beneath the ice.

BAM! GAIA flew to the sky, the ice layer above the lake shattered, and a massive white dragon flew out. The little girl riding his back.

^White dragons are the dumbest of the true dragons. They are so stupid you can consider them animals. But there is a catch. They have deeper emotions than, any other creatures. And just like the snow, they are a white sheet.^

ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The dragon was pissed, flying toward GAIA at an extreme speed.

^The little girl might have tamed it by either offering food or just speaking with it. In either case, this is unexpected.^

GAIA dodged the dragon\'s two claw strikes, but she couldn\'t fly away in time to avoid the breath and was blasted away.

^ALPHA, an expected situation happened. A white dragon attacked, and I don\'t have enough weapons to deal with it. Hurry.^

^Hold it for five minutes,^ ALPHA replied.

^Three minutes max, make it happen!^ GAIA flew around the dragon. ^I didn\'t bring a strong body.^

GAIA is a golem, and her consciousness is stored elsewhere. She usually uses different bodies for different uses. A high power one to fight a god for example, but now, she brought one of her weakest as she didn\'t want to hurt anyone.

Her plan was to only cause a distraction not fight with a dragon. Looking at the dragon\'s size and scale condition, this was at least an ancient, if not a wyrm dragon. And she could barely take on an adult dragon now.

GAIA tried to fly away, but the dragon is faster than her. Her attack power can\'t scratch his scales and neither could she predict his fast attacks.

^Call to the assembly, I request an instant remodeling.^

[The request is getting treated: Remodeling your current body can result in a 30% Power increase, but you lose 10% durability and function time.]

^I don\'t care! Do it^

[It will take ten minutes to finish, please remain still for the process to start.]

GAIA dodged the dragon\'s breath but she got smacked away, her body rolled on the snow as she stood and flew to the sky. ^Is this the third rate line? Send a direct request to Primos.^

[Request denied: Primos is busy.]

^Request again, this is a mission from Lilia.^

[Request denied. Primos is occupied with another task of higher importance.]

No matter how much she called, her request to have Primos instantly remodel her body for a boost in power got rejected.

BAM! GAIA landed on her legs, looking up at the dragon diving at her head first. She jumped back, dodging the attack.

The moment the dragon hit the ground, it shattered the ground and sent the snow back to the sky. From the freshly build mountain, a claw raced toward GAIA.

GAIA dodged to the side, and she got smacked with a massive tail that sent her flying. Before she could regain her balance, the dragon blasted her to the mountains with frost breath.

BAM! GAIA hit the mountain, and her head quickly looked at the ground. The dragon is as white as the snow. She can\'t see him.

SWOSH! She suddenly saw a claw racing at her head. The dragon had flown after her the moment he hit her with his tail.

BAM! She got hit but managed to block the strike with her arms.

GAIA clenched her fist, swinging at the dragon\'s guts. CRACK! The steel in her arm cracked, and the dragon recoiled back.

"SONNY! Be careful!" The little girl on the dragon\'s back shouted, and he flew back, observing GAIA as she glared at him. "STORM!" As the little girls shouted, the dragon opened his jaw and blasted at GAIA with a breath.

GAIA jumped to the side, dodging the frigid breath.

"JUMP!" The little girl shouted again, and the dragon lunged forward, "PAW! PAW! PAW! TAIL!" The dragon swung his claws at GAIA, following the little girl\'s orders.

After the tail swing, the girls shouted, "JUMP! STORM!" The dragon jumped to the sky and breathed at the ground. The freezing cone of violent snowy winds spread in every direction upon contacting the ground.

GAIA flew to the sky, glaring down at the dragon. She can\'t even calibrate her fighting to the dragon since it\'s the girl moving it around, it isn\'t acting like a white dragon.

The little girl looked back at the lake, the ice layer is shattered. "Sonny, let\'s finish this quickly so we can close that hole." She patted the dragon\'s neck.


Four years ago, she was out with her father and mother hunting on a small boat on the lake. It was frozen, but not to the point it can\'t be broken by a boat.

The girl\'s father was the one hunting, while her mother cared for her, who was still small. But due to their bad luck, her father caught a big fish, that dragged him into the water. When her mother stared down, she toppled the boat and all of them started drowning in the ice-cold water.

At that time, the dragon was hunting beneath the water, and he saw the family sinking to the bottom of the lake. It could sense that the parents have already died, but the little girl miraculously was still alive.

The dragon put the girl in its mouth and carried her outside the lake and dropped her by the city.

After that, each week the little girl returned to the lake, and the dragon was there. She kept telling him stories, and eventually, they managed to understand each other.

With a request from the little girl, the dragon froze the entire lake, covering it with a thick layer of ice so no one can drown in it ever again.

"That thing opened the lake, we need to get rid of her before she destroys the city," The little girl said and the dragon growled.


BAM! GAIA landed on her legs, looking at the dragon hovering in the sky. "A natural-born dragon knight," She lifted her hand, "I don\'t have enough power to take you down, without killing the little girl, sorry"

Her arms flashed with a bright light.

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