
Chapter 802 God Father Of The Dwarves

Thud! Moradin approached the dwarf, looking at his face. "Delimane Strongaxe of the Ash Mountain." He put his hand on the dwarf, starting at the necklace in the dwarf\'s hand.

The dwarf held a necklace of Moradin, he was a cleric, and Moradin was his god. "You fought well, stand! Life still holds more for you." He tapped the dwarf\'s forehead, waking him up as if he wasn\'t injured.

Delimane sat up, gasping for air. He touched his large stomach, and it was healed. "I\'m not dead? I saw it, the forge.

"You aren\'t fit for the forge." Moradin growled, "I\'m going out,"

"Should we go with you?" Cain looked at him.

"No need," Moradin replied, "Keep the city safe."

Cain smiled, flicking his finger, "Then I will send you out. Don\'t cause too much trouble. Keeping you a lot here takes a lot of power." The gods are able to exist in the mortal realm with a massive chunk of their power thanks to Cain. He used the system to grant them that merit.

Moradin\'s body disappeared and appeared outside the city. A massive prismatic wall covered the walls protecting them.

The guards stared in shock, but couldn\'t panic, the man walking away from the city. Barely standing at five feet tall, with shoulders wider than most men.

Moradin lifted his arm up, and looked at the sky, "Come to me," With a lightning bolt, a hammer fell from the sky to his palm, crackling with flames and lightning.

The proud godfather of the dwarf walked forth, his hammer itching to fall on those who harmed his people.

All the dwarfs in the city felt their holy symbols shaking and crackling, a divine miracle was about to occur. Their godfather has helped his weapon to battle.

Moradin\'s body burst into flames, his beard and hair turning into a red-hot stream of fire. His upper body resembled red steel, while the heat radiating from his body charred the ground.


In the distance, an orc clan had tamed four hydras and was planning to raid the city. The elf and dwarf from earlier had fought them, and Moradin knew it. Each time a dwarf prays to heal or use forge something, Moradin hears and sees them.

CLANG! The orcs froze in place, hearing the heavy sound of a hammer red on the stones. They looked back, to see the short and stout dwarf glaring down at them from a charred hill.

"Who dare harms my children in my presence?" He growled. Before, he couldn\'t interfere directly with the mortal world, the best he could do to protect the dwarfs was to grant them power and holy magic. But now, he can take his wrath to battle.

"Who the fuck is that! Kill him!" The orcs growled, firing arrows and ice spear spells.

Moradin swung his hammer in the air, melting the arrows and dispersing the spells as if they were nothing.

The orcs gasped, "Those were third-level spells!" BAM! Moradin lunged at them, swinging his hammer. SWOSH! The orc evaporated before he could hit them. The sheer heat raging from his body overpowered everything else.

"Release the Hydras! This is a high-level adventurer!" The orc leader growled.

The orcs rushed to the back, jumping over the wooden walls of their camp and reaching the massive stone-encaged pens. The Hydras\' slept inside, they had just had their meal.

The orcs opened the door, they had no time to waste. That dwarf was already devastating their front lines. But even though he seemed capable of area-of-effect spells. He seemed to take his time to smash each orc and make an example of them.

The hydras\' slowly jerked to life, their long serpentine necks twisted as they looked forward. The scent of blood reached them, and their hunger started again.

The orcs cheered as they saw the Hydras slowly marsh out of the den toward Moradin. "Eat him alive!"

"No, chew the bastard! Make him taste pain."

Moradin glared at the Hydras, "Pathatic worms. Are you the monster who dared kill my devoted follower?" He pointed his hammer at the Hydras.

"I forged each dwarf on my forge, I know them inside out. I made their lives and granted them inspiration." Moradin growled. "To see my creation, my children\'s bright future shattered. Do you know how much effort I spent, how much effort their parents spent, and how much effort they spent to reach that point in their lives?"

Moradin\'s voice kept getting deeper and deeper as the mountains quaked, the orcs\' weapons melted, and their skin started itching. "Gruumsh won\'t be getting your souls. They are mine." He swung his hammer, sending waves of head to blast one of the Hydras into dust.

The gas in the hydra\'s body combusted, exploding and setting the orc camp on flames.

When the orcs opened their eyes, they saw hell brimming before them. A titan dwarf standing beside the erupting mountain as he lifted a massive brass hammer. "I\'m the godfather of the dwarfs," He swung his mountain-sized hammer down and crushed the camp to dust.


Back in the heavens, Shamis and Kalara walked into the mansion with Mabel behind them, the maids rushed to her. "Madam Mabel, it\'s been a while," Amara said with a smile.

"I heard you wanted me to bake some bread for you. How much do we need?" She looked at the kitchen.

"As much as you can make. Take this." A voice came from the living room, when everyone looked there, it was Amaterasu. She sat on the couch with one leg on the other.

"I granted you a sigil of mine. It should give you more energy and power to make more bread." Amaterasu smiled, "And if you don\'t mind, can you teach Shamis and the other angels how to bake bread?"

"Me? Teaching angels?" Mabel gasped.

"Yeah, beat it into their bones." Amaterasu waved her hand with a teasing smile.

"You majesty," Shamis walked forward, "I have those," she pulled the loaves she \'bought\' from the inn. SWOSH! Amaterasu snatched one faster than anyone could see and started munching on it like a hamster eating for the first time.

Everyone stared at her, at that moment, she didn\'t look like a goddess. "Say, didn\'t you have to calibrate the sunlight?" Klara stared at Amaterasu.

"I..." Amaterasu was about to growl at Klara, but she remembered that Cain is pretty sensitive toward his maids. If she got Klara sad or angry, she will have a hard time going forward.

"I will go after I finish this," Amaterasu replied while munching on the bread. "Do as you like. But you will eat better at the feast after the work is done."

"The feast..." Amaterasu imagined it. The earlier she finishes her work, the earlier the feast will come. With the bread still in her mouth, she stood. "I\'m going out! Get the food ready as soon as possible." She rushed out of the door and flew away.

Several minutes later, Kossuth, Zaleria, and Morena came back. "Klara, is the bath available?"

Klara walked out of the kitchen, "Get to the bath, I will get it ready in the meantime."

As they walked toward the bath, Klara headed to the basement to light the bath.

Kossuth walked into the changing room, "I didn\'t bring any clothes."

"Don\'t worry, the maids will bring us fresh changes." Zaleria smiled.

"Yeah, they have everything ready." Morena walked after them to the changing room.

Kossuth looked at her two daughters, "I never expected to be able to be with you like this again."

"If not for Cain keeping your flames at bay, you would have burned us all." Zaleria looked at Kossuth with a smile, "How did you get so strong?"

"Nothing special, I just kept burning and burning," Kossuth replied.

"Simple like Zaleria," Morena looked at them, "You two never seem to need skill."

"You mastered Acid and Necrotic magic and even became a dracolich to keep with Zaleria." Kossuth smiled, "Albeit I don\'t agree with the undeath. I\'m proud you reached your sister\'s level by only having your father\'s blood."

Morena sighed, "Father was weaker than you, but who can blame him? Look at you now, he never stood a chance."

"You\'re right," Kossuth smiled, "Cain is stronger than him."

"He is, isn\'t he," Morena smiled.

"Cain\'s power is special. He told me that I was the one to teach him witchcraft in one of his previous lives." Zaleria rested her fists on her hips as she stood with only her underwear.

"The same life I killed you in. I was stronger than you." Morena glared at her with a grin and crossed arms.

Kossuth giggled, "I\'m proud of both of you now. There is no need to ponder about past lives, what matter is now."

Zaleria smiled, "But isn\'t it weird? For the three of us to have slept with Cain?"

Kossuth looked at her, "It doesn\'t matter to us." She smiled. "Cain is strong enough to drag the three of us to bed. And that is what matters."

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