
Chapter 88

Cain was still waiting for his chance to strike back, this thing isn’t going to keep playing with him like this. He quietly observed the writhing monster as she weirdly licked her fingers, it was time for her to start doing it.

The Succubus slowly jerked on top of Cain, opening herself before pushing him inside her. She quickly pulled her tail from inside Cain and pushed it, inside herself “Ahh! It feels good!” She slowly moved with a deep moan.

Her fingers were still firmly inserted in his abdomen, any wrong move and she will easily disembowel him in the blink of an eye.

Cain found it easy to think of a plan, it was thanks to something Alice did to him before. ‘I will make sure to do it with her again!’

“I did have something in mind…” Cain said, trying his best to sound nervous, “Your feet…Can you put them on my face? Please…” For her to do that she will need to lift her hands first, Cain was waiting for that moment to strike back.

She stopped moving, staring at him down and then smiling. “Didn’t expect you to be into that little boy, lick them nicely for me then!” She grinned from ear to ear, doing some quick thrusts before starting to shift her position. The moment came, her thighs were blocked by her hands and she was forced to release her grip.

The moment her fingers left Cain’s body, his mind accelerated to unimaginable speed, even time seemed too slow for him. Utilizing the full potential of his 20 intelligence. [Thunder step] Cain thrust his hips with an explosive speed, Clap! As the spell was followed with lightning, alongside his meat, crackle! a lightning bolt got discharged directly into her inside.

The raw power of that strength sent her body flying upward, “Oof!” She was cut short of breath as the impact traveled from her crouch to her brain. Overcome with both pain and pleasure, she was that kind of monster. Her mind blanked for a second.

Cain gritted his teeth to quell the pain in his cannon, something must have been peeled off [Lesser healing]. This chance was too precious to waste, [Elemental weapon: Lightning whip] Cain conjured a lighting whip and flung it toward her at lightning speed, Crack! The whip found his rest on her smiling face. Again and again, the whip was fast enough to strike her multiple times in mid-air.

Swoosh! Her body suddenly disappeared, this time Cain didn’t wait for her to come close to him. [Haste] He sprung into motion, sending a round kick behind his body. Clench! She was there ready to catch his leg in place, her twisted face growled “You resisted my charm, 20 wisdom and you came to fight me alone?” she couldn’t understand his action, thinking that he has 20 wisdom. “Why aren’t you using holy magic? Is it your trump card?” The freak licked his foot, Cain quickly backed down with [Mist step]

She is fast, how did she move like that? Cain wasn’t able to figure that out. ‘As long as it’s not a living thing, I can enchant it with a simple magical effect.’ Cain thought back to his main magic [Enchanting: Electro stasis] His magic sense wasn’t able to catch her movement so he decided to use this.

[Enchanting: Electro stasis] had a simple principle. Every living being has a slight charge, Cain will detect her by charging the air around him with a stable pulse, detecting any change to track her movements. A short-range electric radar.

She disappeared again, thump-thump! Cain could feel her movement yet he couldn’t see her where she should be. He quickly closed his eyes, relying on them or his magic sense was the mistake he did before. Now that he only relayed on his Electro stasis spell, he could feel the shape of her body quickly passing by his side. ‘This thing…high-level sense deprivation type magic?’ Cain got an idea about what she was using, sense deprivation magic.

There were a lot of spells under that type, all of them are used to tinker with other people’s senses. For example, there are two types of invisibility spells, [Invisibility] and [Point blind] Invisibility camouflages your body, while point-blind makes your target unable to see something or someone by tinkering with their eyesight directly. The latter one is the sense deprivation type.

That type was frowned upon since it can leave permanent side effects on the target which made it hard to teach without getting someone disabled. Suddenly, Cain’s 20 intelligence brought a dreadful idea to his mind. He could feel his teeth tingle from rage.

Clench! “Agraaaa!!” She growled in pain as Cain grabbed her chest, she looked at him shocked he could notice her. Her face was full of rage, his finger dug deep into her soft bosom.

“Gracie Gray, ring a bell?” He violently pulled her closer, she twitched at the sight of his bloodshot eyes.

“That girl? Gracie come here!” She screamed, thinking that Cain was here looking for her, “Where are you?”

Hearing her response, Cain was certain. The incubus that kidnapped Gracie was the fiend standing in front of him. She must have used her as a guinea pig to test her deprivation-type magic, which explains why Gracie survived just by losing her emotions. She wasn’t used as food but as a lab rat.

Was this Cubus hibernating all those years? Why did it wake to his magic and why did Gracie’s saliva have succubus-like effects? Those questions were still not answered but Cain didn’t care.

As a mage and an enchanter, Cain stood against the use of sense deprivation magic as a whole. Another fuel to his anger was that it was used against his maid.

“You dare toy with my servant you accursed vermin!” Cain’s voice was deep, full of rage and bloodlust. Violently pulling hand, tearing a chunk of her flesh out.

“Agraa! Where is everyone?” The succubus didn’t seem to think that long years have passed since her hibernation started, she screamed for her love slaves to come but no one appeared.

“Die!” [Thunder step] [Enchanting] [Enchanting] [Enchanting]. Mana rumbled inside his body as if it was going to burst.

‘The air, this vibrating?’ The succubus questioned the weird pressure coming from Cain, what he was going to was extreme. She quickly tried to back down.

“Mimicked Sixth-tier Magic [Chain Lightning]” With The loud Rumble of lightning, the entire room was engulfed in a blinding white light. The Succubus ran as fast as she could, the fear she felt feeling her ribs shaking from the loud rumble made her empty her bladder.

KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The entire cave was shocked as Cain lunged at her, with the spell being unstable due to being mimicked, it looked even more terrifying than it should be.

“BLeh!” The succubus threw up what little was inside her stomach, her entire body was severely burned from Cain’s attack. She wondered why she was still alive, slowly looking behind her.

Cain was lying on the ground unconscious, due to his rage, he forgot to concentrate on [Sylph’s tiny hut] making him get affected by the succubus’s charm, as he got affected, the unstable spell got out of hand, backlashing at him before he could tear the Succubus in half.

The succubus couldn’t believe her luck, Cain took himself out by losing his calm. A fatal mistake for him yet a happy outcome for her. She crawled toward him as fast as she could as both her legs were burned to crisp, her wings torn apart and she lost vision in one eye due to the blinding light.

Her goal now was Cain’s carrot, as much as she wanted to kill him now, he was her only food source. Without him, she will quickly die of her wounds in minutes.

As soon as reached his crouch, without waiting she started sucking vigorously. With each load in her mouth, she could feel her wound heal. When she got healed enough, she quickly rode him and started moving violently, she didn’t care how much pain she felt in her still burned joints. With each release, she could feel better, that sense of relief was starting to get addicting.

Being engulfed in her pleasure, she quickly pushed her tail deep into Cain’s back end, using her finger to play with her own. Her body writhed as she felt the room getting hotter, she had reached her climax several times already and wanted more.

“Ah! More! More!” She started moaning loudly, completely forgetting to keep attention to her surroundings. Her body twisted as she felt a load burst inside her, enjoying the feeling she got a thirst for more.

Gently leaning forward, she wanted to suck on Cain’s lips. The only thing on her mind was doing what she does best, it healed her after all and gave her pleasure and nourishment above that.

As she closed to get that awaited kiss. Her lips struck the cold forehead of a blond devil.

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