
Chapter 56

On their way out, Cain picked a bow and a bunch of arrows from Dolrig’s shop. He wasn’t that proficient in bows but still could appreciate a ranged weapon when dealing with the goblins!

After that they passed by the alchemy shop, Cain wanted to buy some general antidote. Some might be an understatement, he bought a lot!

After a short walk, Cobra’s fang reached the farm where the goblin attacked yesterday to talk to the owner.

The farm was filled with small footprints and blood splatters. The fence seemed to have been recently broken.

The man was terrified, quickly losing his temper and screaming! He wanted to rush behind the goblins himself, only his wife was able to keep him in place.

The reason for his impatience was simple. his three children were kidnapped by the goblins, two girls and a kid, as well as some cattle!

As the man was jumping and screaming, Cain could feel his frustration.

“Calm down!” Cain shouted, putting two small bottles in front of the couple. “We will go take care of the goblins!” Cain pushed the bottles toward them.

“You two do a full-body check-up and rub this antidote on the wounds, make sure your children will still have a family to return to!”

The two girls are most likely still alive, goblins rarely kill women instantly. Believe me, that’s not a good thing! The guy has a fifty-fifty chance, if he stayed silent like cattle he would probably still be alive. On the other hand, if he fought back, he would be dead!

They needed to hurry, time was priceless! Cain and the girls quickly rushed toward the forest, following the foot trails.

“The rules are already active, I would have you follow them from now on!” Cain shouted, warning the girls that they are already in the danger zone.

Suddenly Cain lifted his hand, signally a stop. He then pointed at a nearby bush, “See the dark-brown spot in it, that’s poison! I single scratch and you won’t live more than half a year!”

It was so small, looked so natural that Sofia could swear there was nothing wrong with the bush!

It had no smell and looked like your everyday good-to-hide-in bush. If there was a fight, Selena would hide there without hesitation!

The flowers blooming on it were beautiful, Alice did want to take some to replant them at home.

Yet, death was looming from it, They have to proceed with caution! Everything was soaked in poison around them.

Walking carefully, avoiding contact with almost everything, they finally hear the cattle in the distance. Goblins’ caves were generally small so they couldn’t keep the cattle inside.

Cain took off his new bow and climbed to a tree, looking in the distance trying to count how many goblins are guarding the cattle.

He could see the den entrance in the distance, a small hole, just enough to fit a person through. Covered with a moss blanket, goblins seemed to use it as a bad camouflage attempt!

Besides the goblins’ hole, cave, whatever it’s called! There was a hurriedly built cattle pen.

With a total of seven at the entrance, Cain needs to kill them all in one swipe so they won’t call reinforcement.

Cain got down to share his plan.

“Sofia and I are going to attack first, there should be at least one surviving goblin so taking care of him is Selena’s job!”

“Alice you take care of supporting us!”

Quickly approaching their target, Cain took a deep breath.

[Scorching rays] Cain managed to take down three of the goblins. None of his rays missed.

[Scorching rays] Sofia managed to take down two, one managed to dodge as it was alerted by Cain’s magic earlier

Selena jumped from the side crushing the goblin’s skull with one strong punch, the poor thing got sent flying with a loud STAMP! noise.

Alice finished the last one who tried to run to the forest with [Cursed decay], making him fall twitching.

It’s going to start now, The real danger is when going inside the cave!

“Is this all of them?” Alice asked, causing all the corpses to start rotting with her [Cursed Decay]

“Yeah, there are still a bunch inside. Probably over fifty!” Cain burned the corpses of the goblins. Sofia wanted to help but Cain told her to preserve her MP. Even with her regeneration enchantments, it was risky to waste MP for even a couple of minutes!

“Is this the entrance?” Selena said as she approached the hole. Cain got instantly triggered at her action!

“Idiot, don’t get too close!” Cain screamed!

Click! Whoosh! Selena heard a faint click sound as she took a step, the next thing she saw was an arrow flying directly at her chest!

With her reflex, she managed to dodge. Jumping to the side! Click! Whoosh! Another arrow flew toward her, she didn’t have enough time to dodge.

[Earth Wall] Cain managed to protect her at the last moment with his magic!

Cain walked toward her with heavy steps, “SELENA! What did I say before!” She was screaming, veins popping in his forehead.

Selena covered her face, closing her eyes. She knew she messed up!

“YOU!…” Cain took a few deep breaths, trying his hardest to keep his hands to himself. ‘She is safe and that is the most important thing! Control yourself!’ Cain’s mind was working on high gears!

“Listen…” Cain seem to have managed to calm himself down and started to speak calmly again, “Look at this!” He showed Selena a small black line of her armor, on her chest a few inches under her armpit.

“Don’t touch it, It’s the trace of the first arrow, you didn’t fully dodge it! If it wasn’t for your armor deflecting it you would have gotten scratched and poisoned!”

The danger Cain talked about was apparent, if it was Sofia who isn’t wearing solid armor, she would have been taken out!

“Sorry-nya!” Selena’s ears dropped down, she was sad for both messing up and making Cain angry.

“Listen, I’m not angry, but worried! Don’t endanger yourself like that again!” Cain patted her on the head, there wasn’t any time for crying. There are people inside the cave that needs rescue!

“I understand.” Selena stood up, getting ready for work.

“You protect Sofia, we’re going into a tight space so she will need protection!” Cain said, locking at Selena.

“Alice, keep your healing magic ready at all times. Whenever we make a kill, hit it with [Cursed Decay] just to be sure! Also, I might assert control over you, so get ready!” Cain was ready to force her to run or strike when needed so she can survive, even though he wasn’t sure if the goblins’ poison would work on a devil!

It was time to get into the green goblin hole!

Cain took out one of his daggers and disable the traps he could find around the entrance, there was a total of seven! Selena had already triggered two so the total was nine!

Alice shifted to her devil form so she can see in the darkness, Cain, on the other hand, used [Darkvision] on himself and the other two! Selena as a Jaguar had a natural Nightvision, not Darkvision!

Nightvision meant that you can see with a little bit of light, as the moonlight! The same ability Cats have.

Darkvision on the other hand meant that you can see in pitch-black darkness, no light required!

The goblins’ cave was pitch-black inside so her natural night vision was useless!

The formation was simple, Cain at the front followed by the three of them clustered together!

They quickly spotted the first room, the smell was horrid!

“Goblins waste room!” Cain said closing his nose with his arm!

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