
Chapter 453 Go ahead, show them !

Axel then activated his 2 bloodlines and golden tattoos appeared all over his skin, his eyes became entirely golden and the pressure of his aura made some Shapeshifters tremble with fear.

Seeing this he immediately adjusted his aura so that it would not affect anyone, as Kevin had reminded him, the Shapeshifters should not fear them and instead they should have confidence in them.

Then he looked at Kevin who said through their link, \'Go ahead, show them !\'

Axel nodded and as he was far enough away from them and Kevin he instantly transformed into his Divine Wolf form.

The Wolf that appeared in front of the Shapeshifters was very different from the one they have been used to see.

Axel was known for his all-black fur, his piercing blue eyes and the size of his wolf didn\'t exceed 2.50 meters, but there, his wolf was more than 4 meters tall, and on his black fur ran the same golden symbols that had appeared on his human body.

His eyes were entirely golden and an aura of the same color surrounded his whole body.

When Kevin saw that some of the Shapeshifters had even backed away even though Axel was careful to control his aura so as not to affect them, he approached him and Axel the Wolf lowered his head so that Kevin could caress him.

Axel the Wolf then contact him through their link, his voice was rockier and deeper than the one of Axel human form, and he said rubbing his muzzle against his hand, \'My mate, if you want I can get in touch with them all at once, do you want me to deliver a message to them ?\'

Kevin was stunned for a moment after hearing this... Was Axel the Wolf really capable of doing such a thing ?

He looked into his golden eyes and he could feel that he just wanted to please him so he asked him instead, \'Can you make them all feel safe with your protective aura... I just want them to understand that everything will be fine if they want to come back and live with us.\'

Axel the Wolf then looked at the thousands of Shapeshifters standing in front of him and he let his aura spread towards them as his mate wished.

He could feel that the Shapeshifters feared his aura as if they were afraid he would hurt them with it and he finally understood why his mate wanted him to reassure all those Shapeshifters.

As his aura enveloped them, he felt them relax and he could feel all their emotions.

The mistrust they felt towards the humans who had stripped them of their possessions and forced them to live on the border of their territory, the younger ones who were enthusiastic and full of hope, and the elders who simply wanted to be recognized, live in peace, and share they knowledge with everyone else.

When Axel had finished enveloping them all in his aura, he used the connection he felt with them to contact them all at once and he told them, \'I can feel all your emotions and the hardships you have been through.

I feel very lucky to have been protected by the Sun Sect and guided by Master Liam, I have not experienced the same difficulties as you and I have some truly amazing friends among humans, I even consider them my brothers.

With Kevin we want to offer you the same security that I had thanks to the Sun Sect, and all the families who lost their homes or their stores will be fully compensated for their losses.

Let the elders of your clans make a list of what was taken from you by force, and trust us we will take care of everything.\'

Kevin then said to him, because he too had heard his message : "Axel, don\'t used too much this connection, all this can be discussed without using your link with them, I\'m afraid you\'ll exhaust yourself mentally if you continue like this."

He then buried his head in the fur of his neck and he said to him finally happy to have settled this issue : "Thank you, my beloved Wolf, you helped me a lot, I think they understood now that they can count on you, on us."

Kevin felt that Axel the Wolf was delighted with the affection he had just shown him in public and his aura gradually dissipated.

And then something completely unexpected happened.

All the Shapeshifters, one after the other, knelt down and lowered their heads in submission, even Raven and the elders did so.

Because if Kevin was the King of the humans then Axel was undoubtedly theirs.

Such power... Never had a Shapeshifter been able to communicate with another Shapeshifter by thought, only soul mates sometimes received this privilege and even then this telepathic link was extremely rare.

But Axel had just enveloped them all in his powerful aura and they had all felt his benevolence and his desire to protect them all.

And when they had heard him in their heads, after having exchanged a stunned look with those who were next to them, they had understood that Axel was really a being apart and their animal instincts had made them understand that he was the one at the top of the food chain and that they had to obey him and put themselves under his protection.

Axel\'s eyes then returned to their natural deep blue color with only golden circles around his pupils and when Kevin who was still stroking his neck fur saw them kneeling, he asked Axel why they were all kneeling again and Axel just told him that they were all following their animal instincts and that they had just somehow recognized his supremacy.

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