
Chapter 402 The battle of the Royal Palace part 2

Iris immediately told them : “Well done ! Now use only fine arrows and shoot them only when you see men with a black mark on their foreheads, Kevin said that otherwise we should avoid killing too much soldiers.”

Ashton nodded and Julian felt 2 powerful auras again, and when he looked, he realized that it was Liam who also had a golden aura around him and Ian who had turned into a dragon… No, it wasn’t a dragon…

He then exclaimed : “A Drakonit ? Ian became a Drakonit… And what are those black tattoos on his skin ?”

Iris frowned and she finally asked him : “Julian, where were you the last few days ? How come you don’t know anything about your own freinds… Because they are your friends, aren’t they ?”

Julian then laughed uncomfortably and he admitted to her : “Well, I was busy teaching and then I was in meditation, I completely forgot to attend the meeting but Liam told me that it didn’t matter and that everything will be fine.”

Yelena then said to Iris : “I’ve seen our teacher participate in spell fights before I joined the Sun Sect and his spells are really powerful, so whether he knows what happened or not doesn’t really matter, the only thing that matters is that he can fight…”

Yelena then stopped and said this time while looking at Julian, just to avoid any misunderstanding : “Teacher Julian, Ian has become the new King of the demons and there are about fifty demons that came to fight with us tonight…”

When she saw Julian frown and look towards where Ian had just destroyed the last generator, she said a little disappointed by his behavior : “The demons that are fighting with us tonight are our allies not our enemies… And Ian is still the same, he just evolved.”

Julian nodded then and he thanked her before muttering : “Simply evolved… Damn, I really missed such an event…”

Julian had frowned not because it bothered him that Ian had become the demon King but because he hadn’t been able to help his friend.

He mumbled again thinking aloud while looking for black symbols among the soldiers : “So that’s why he couldn’t control the fire particles, it’s because something was probably preventing him from using his true powers and blocking his evolution… If only I’d known… He was in this state for so long, his evolution must have been really painful for him.”

Yelena smiled then, she was relieved that finally Julian was not prejudiced and he was just mad at himself for not being there for his friend, so she said to him : “Teacher Julian, don’t worry, he’s fine, and it’s now that we need you, the true battle is about to start.”

Julian nodded and he smirked before saying : “You’re right Yelena, it’s time to fight…”

Julian had just spotted a man with a black symbol on his forehead and so he used the water and wind particles around this man and started by freezing his feet, and then, before he could even react he was covered in ice from head to toe.

Ashton already had a water arrow charged with Yelena’s chakra ready to shoot so he sent it straight at the man that Julian had turned into an ice statue and it shattered into a thousand pieces.

Iris smiled then, she had done well to come because it was really refreshing to see the new generation fighting and she said to encourage them : “Not bad !”


As soon as Ian had finished destroying the last generator he immediately told Kevin and Axel that it was done and that they had entered the Royal Palace courtyard.

And Axel then contacted his father and told him that he could remove the shield he had placed around them, because after all Mykael was more powerful than Caleb, and he was the one who had cloaked everyone before the battle start.

Axel then said to Lucas : “Uncle Lucas, you can destroy this barrier now.”

Lucas smiled at him, delighted to hear him call him like that… During the few days he had spent on Kevin’s home world hunting Cassandra’s men, a lot had changed here.

Mykael had gotten closer to his son and son-in-law and the bodyguard he had planned for the boys had even become his granddaughter… And he had also finally accepted the feelings he had for Colin, which by the way really surprised no one.

He then stepped forward and pulled out the sword of the God of Destruction that Mykael had entrusted to him to destroy that barrier made by another God.

It was not the first time that Mykael left him his sword and he knew that it was not only to destroy this barrier that he had entrusted it to him but also to watch over his son.

He then told them before piercing the barrier with this sword : “Be ready, we have no idea what is behind this barrier.”

Axel immediately activated his two bloodlines and Caleb activated his Stage 2, if he had to fight against Titans he had no choice and as Kelan and the men he had personally trained were there he was out of question of taking the slightest risk.

As soon as the sword pierced the barrier it cracked, and as Lucas exerted more and more pressure, it finally gave way blinding them momentarily.

And as the light intensity diminished, Axel swore and said to everyone : “The core of this world just warned me that it couldn’t see through the barrier before, and that there are 4 other Titans inside the palace basement.”

Caleb then immediately said to his men : “Remember, you have to avoid confrontation with the men with the black symbol on their foreheads as much as possible, and always move in groups.”

After that he approached Axel and Lucas and he asked them : “What do you see ?”

Lucas frowned and he said : “I can only see traces of 3 Titans and 13 humans.”

Axel confirmed what Lucas had just said and he told them : “The core just confirmed to me again that there are 4 Titans… That’s strange, why can’t we find the fourth one.”

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