
Chapter 304

Axel the grandfather looked at him for the first time and Kevin smiled at him when he saw that he had the same eyes as Axel, this so-called grandfather looked to be the same age as Axel and it was really very disturbing.

He had auburn hair and even if physically he was also very handsome and muscular, Axel looked much more like his father than this man.

He also had a black crescent moon tattooed on his right chest, which must be the symbol that he belonged to the Blue Black pack.

And while Kevin was really wondering if all the legendary creatures stopped aging or if only the strongest of them had this advantage, Mykael then asked Axel the grandfather : “You should listen to the children, Kevin is right, if you don’t know the strength of your enemies how are you going to face them ?”

Axel the grandfather clenched his fists because he wanted to tell this man that he could manage on his own and that he was the most powerful werewolf that existed, but he had felt the aura emanating from him and he knew perfectly well that he wouldn’t be a match for him, this aura was even more powerful than the ones that possessed the men who had captured him.

Mykael sighed when he saw the struggle in his eyes and so he said to him : “I can understand that you want to get back to your pack as soon as possible, I am also worried about Axel’s mother, and I promise to help you protect your pack, but first you have to answer this question, do you know who captured you and do you have any idea why they did it ?”

Axel the grandfather shook his head and told him honestly because if he could put his pack under the protection of this man it would be an undeniable advantage : “Some very powerful men who were dressed all in black came into my room in the middle of the night. They managed to overpower me very easily and they killed my wife in front of my eyes. Then they injected me with a product and I woke up in this cell.

I never knew who they were, and except for the fact that I and the other prisoners were used as guinea pigs for experiments, I have no idea what they were injecting into our bodies.

And to answer the question of why me, if it’s not pretentious to say that, the reason they captured me must be because I am the Supreme Alpha, after all, for the werewolves I am the one at the top of the food chain.”

He then told them because very few people knew of the existence of the Supreme Alpha: “The packs are led by their strongest Alpha and the ten pack leaders that were in my world before I was kidnapped had to bow to my authority. This is what it means to be a Supreme Alpha.”

Kevin smirked and he looked at Mykael before saying to him: “Look no further, Axel our dear grandfather was saved to give us military support in this war, one pack probably wouldn’t have made a difference, but if he can lead 10 packs, then this is starting to get interesting.”

Mykael then asked Axel’s grandfather: “I thought every pack had a Supreme Alpha…”

Axel’s grandfather didn’t know which war this kid was talking about, but he shook his head and said : “There is only one Supreme Alpha… For all the wolves… Only one, and there are only two ways for someone to take my place.

The first one is that I die, then a wolf of the new generation will be chosen to replace me.

The other solution is that another wolf beats me in a one-on-one fight, which is impossible because no wolf is more powerful than me.”

Kevin then said with a smirk: “Wrong, there is a wolf who is more powerful than you now.”

Kevin winked at Axel and when he saw that his grandfather was frowning, he hurriedly added: “Don’t worry, it wasn’t a threat, Axel isn’t interested in that position at all, right honey?”

Axel reassured his grandfather that as Kevin just told him he wasn’t interested of being a Supreme Alpha and he then looked at his father and said to him: “You can take him home, he will feel better if he is back in his world, and you can take this opportunity to check if they need your help or not.”

Axel the grandfather then hesitantly asked him: “Aren’t you going home with me ?”

Axel then said with a smile: “Sorry grandpa, but I grew up in a different world than yours, my husband is here.”

He pointed to Kevin who bowed his head to show his respect and he added: “And our adopted daughter was just born a few hours ago, so even though I’m delighted to meet you and I’m also very eager to meet my mother, my life is here and let’s just say it’s complicated at the moment… Dad will explain everything to you.”

Axel the grandfather then noticed that there was a tiny phoenix sleeping on a blanket and even though he didn’t understand how his grandson could consider a phoenix as his daughter, even an adopted one, he still asked him: “Are you and your family safe here ?”

Axel chuckled and he told him : “My father is the God of Destruction and my husband is the only Warrior Spirit to have reached the Stage 3 except for the God of War who is also his master and who is so powerful that even the other Gods fear him, so don’t worry about us and take care of yourself and the pack.”

Axel the grandfather then looked at this man who was Axel’s father and he frowned asking him: “How is it possible that a God and a werewolf could have had a child together, and why didn’t you stay with my daughter to protect her ?”

When he said this, silver circles appeared in his eyes and the tattoo on his chest expanded to his waist and it continued to spread to the rest of his body.

Kevin then intervened and he said to him in a threatening voice : “You’re going to scare our daughter with your murderous aura, we already told you it was a long story and that it was complicated, so listen to what Mykael has to say before judging us.”

He then looked at Mykael and said to him: “You can go, I’ll look after them don’t worry.”

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