
Chapter 441 Unique FC Vs Frono FC: Match day Twenty

"There\'s the whistle and we are on the way."

Unique FC weren\'t trying to be hasty here and were just linking up nicely with each other while trying to find those holes that Frono FC failed to cover, finding a big one would surely make something happen.

Roland received the ball from Adolf after it was sent to him by Mateo, and just before Seth could get to him he pushed the ball back to Dave who quickly sent it flying over to Minino on the right.

"It\'s Minino\'s ball."

Minino brought the ball down with his chest and quickly got past the midfielder right beside him with some neat dribbling, but just before Ahmed could get to him, he pushed the ball to Ferran with his left foot.

Ferran quickly cut past the player right in front of him before quickly pushing it forward toward Mateo on the left.

"Nice work from Ferran they\'re pushing forward here."

Mateo had some space to cover down the wing, but now that he was getting close to the box, his path was suddenly blocked.

He knew it wasn\'t a good idea to try and take them on or at least he just wasn\'t in that state of mind at the moment.

He found Fredinho calling for the ball down the middle as he quickly made his way into the box, but instead of sending the ball to the striker, he pushed it to Ferran who quickly lobbed it in for the striker with his first touch.

However, Fredinho didn\'t get the chance to make good use of that as one of the defenders got his head on the ball and softly nodded it toward the goalkeeper.

"Nice defending from Frono FC, they may be looking to start a counterattack here."

The goalkeeper quickly threw the ball out toward Darwin to start that counterattack just like Dave said, but that didn\'t work out quite well for them.

Martinez quickly rushed toward the striker at that time to contest for the ball in the air, and he ended up winning it with a header which he used to send the ball flying toward Roland.

The midfielder in that area quickly slid toward Roland to take the ball off his feet at that time, but the left-back was fast enough to chip the ball over him before he quickly sent it flying over to Merino on the other side.

"And Unique FC are back with the ball, they\'re not letting Frono touch it for too long."

Perhaps sending the ball over to Merino with two opposing players close to him wasn\'t the brightest idea from Roland, but the winger was able to get out of that situation by nodding the ball back toward Minino before the players around him could attempt to take it from him.

"Nice way to get out of that situation."

"Hmm," Minino muttered as soon as he got his foot on the ball.

It was quite odd but he just stood there with the ball trapped under his foot.

Ahmed quickly rushed toward the midfielder at that time to try and take the ball off his feet but just as he got close enough, Minino just get the ball a little nudge with the tip of his boot and sent it rolling past his opponent from in between his legs.

Now that the ball was through, the midfielder quickly moved past him and kept moving forward with the ball.

"Woooah, that\'s some sleekness from Minino there."

Ahmed didn\'t back down, just as Minino got past him, he quickly turned around and kept on chasing him.

He was quickly catching up to him now, but just before that could happen, the midfielder sent the ball flying over to Mateo on the left side of the pitch near the box.

"Frono FC should be wary now, Unique FC have been causing problems for them since the start of the match, and it doesn\'t look like they\'re slowing down."

Mateo tried to confuse the right back blocking with some strange leg movements, and when that didn\'t shake the defender he quickly pointed toward Ferran near the edge of the box before he sent the ball rolling to Roland who was close up toward the edge of the box at that time.

Both of the players felt a sense of Deja vu as soon Roland got his foot on the ball and struck it with his left foot with his target being the goalpost.


The goalkeeper dived toward the left side of the goalpost to get his hand on the ball but unfortunately, he failed to do that.

However, that didn\'t really matter as the ball ended up bouncing right on the crossbar before flying over the bar for a goal kick.

"Oh, that was such a nice link-up between Mateo and Roland, too bad the wing-back failed to make it count.

Roland didn\'t let that get him down, he quickly turned and began to make his way back to his position before Frono FC could send the ball out.

The match played out till the twenty-fifth minute with the scoreline still the same.

Frono FC were trying their chance with almost every opportunity they got firing a total of eight shots so far with just two being on target.

Both of the shots that were on target came from Darwin but none of them was a threat to Dave.

The first one was a shot that flew directly toward the goalkeeper and into his hands while the second one was a bit tricky as it was placed a little to the top right side of the goalpost, but Dave was still able to stop it pretty easily.

Unique FC on the other hand were more on the conservative side just as always and because of that they had way more ball possession than Frono FC at the moment, seventy-three to twenty-seven.

Their shots were also on the lower side obviously, but the accuracy percentage was better with four shots fired and two being on target.

Of course, all these things didn\'t matter as long as there was no goals from them because after all, what would be brought up at the end of the day was the match\'s final score, not the statistics of how exactly the match went.

Unique FC were the ones with the ball now after Norman skillfully took it off Torres down the right wing and now they were slowly pushing forward with it.

Well, it was supposed to be slowly until Martinez got hold of it and immediately sent it flying over to Fredinho down the middle.

Fredinho quickly brought the ball down with his chest, and just before the player from behind could attempt anything, he pushed the ball to Mateo who avoided the right back immediately and tried to get into the box from the center.

His path was immediately blocked by one of the center forwards so he quickly pushed the ball back to Ferran with a backheel pass before making his way into the box.

Ferran pushed the ball to Fredinho and without hesitation, he lobbed it over to Merino down the right.

"I can smell something cooking here."

Merino feigned racing down the wing with the ball before he quickly drilled it into the box low.

Mateo was still closing up toward the goalkeeper when the ball got to his feet, and without hesitation, he put it past the goalie from the top before he was swept off his feet by him.

"And it\'s in! That\'s what you call teamwork!" Jim exclaimed as the winger took off to the side.

He fell flat on his body halfway and just slid all the way there.

Their fans were going wild as the stadium was immediately covered with Mateo chants.

"He just keeps getting better." Dave smiled as he raised both of his hands.

"I\'m going to say it once more. Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s the wonder kid once again, that was some mad teamwork and understanding and he did fabulously to put it away."


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