
Chapter 308 Understanding The Situation Part 1

Yes, the weapon first. I had so much to do but was only one person. I do wonder why I take on so much responsibility. Why do I always see it as my responsibility to handle what is to come? But at the same time, I do not trust others to handle an issue that might just harm those I love.

But I guess after coming this far, I shouldn’t really question my own instincts. I do love the kingdom I live in. So wanting to protect it is natural. While it is not my responsibility to do so, I still will take it upon myself to protect it. I do not wish for the people of this kingdom to die. I do not wish to see any of them suffer. And now that I am in the enemy’s territory over the border into the Norian kingdom, I can only think of one thing. Destroy the enemy at the roots. Do not let those in power cause problems for my kingdom anymore. Take control of the land that has caused so much pain and suffering and killed those I cared about.

The people of Cyrilia Village did not deserve to die. They were all innocents, but the people of this kingdom or whoever it was that instigated them had actually attacked my home, the place my family worked so hard to build up. I will never let that slide. So I guess this makes this war pretty personal now that I think about it.

I wonder if this is how people felt during times of war back on Earth. The lives of their loved ones dying at the hands of an invading army. Cities and towns destroyed as the people suffered at the hands of the enemy. Lives snuffed out for no reason, even though they played no part in anything.

I do not see any of this as a means of fighting an enemy. Any military that attacks unarmed civilians are nothing more than murders. This was why I had no problem ordering millions of soldiers to kill themselves. I had already seen what they were doing to the citizens of my kingdom. There were no innocents in that army.

As I stand in the air looking at the massive cannon that is pointed at me but not firing, I couldn’t help but smile. They dared not fire in the direction their military was coming from. Yet they do nothing about the massive grand falls falling on top of their main forces. With a mana barrier surrounding me, I slowly flew over to the massive canon. And the closer I got to it, the bigger it got. It was as tall as a castle and just as wide. It was massive. And the amount of mana and strange power it took to power the thing was also enormous.

I landed in front of the massive ten thousand man force that was guarding the weapon and slowly walked towards it. On this day, this weapon will become mine. Then I will replicate it and station them at every border of my kingdom to keep those with ideas from even thinking of invading ever again.

“Demon Princess, I suggest you put your hands up!!” An old man on the back of a scaled horse yelled out as he rode towards me. I guess they think I am here to surrender. Did they think their weapon scared me into submission? Well, whatever the case, I will just let them believe what they want for now.

But something really bothers me. What is this demon princess crap? Well, I guess it is actually not all that wrong since I am also part demon, and I am officially a princess as well but still! Everyone keeps coming up with names for me! And none of them are any good!

“It’s good to see you are willing to surrender.” The old man on the scaled horse said as he arrived in front of me with a sword pointing right at me.

I tilted my head, looking at him in confusion as I asked: “What makes you think I came here to surrender?”

“Why else would you willingly land and walk towards a massive army of fifteen thousand? If you are not here to surrender, then what are you here…. Not good! Fall back!” The old man was quick. He was not as dumb as many would think. But sadly, he did not get far before his head caught on fire, and he fell off his scaled horse. Which I kindly climbed onto the back of and, before charging forward. I made sure to kindly repay the old man by kingly setting his men on fire as well.

“Stop here! She killed the general!” Wait, that was a general? Did he think he was going to gain all the glory for himself by riding out alone to meet me? Just how much of an idiot is he? But one thing I did notice was that not all these people are in the same military. It looks like the army this time is not only just a mix of monsters and soldiers but different kingdom soldiers as well.

Since this is the case, it seems more than one kingdom needs to be taken care of. It looks like I have a  big job ahead of me, but that works out just fine. I rode over and grabbed one of the men not in a Norian army uniform and asked: “What Kingdom are you from!?”

“I won tell….”

“I said, what kingdom are you from!?” This time I used dragon speak, he had no spells blocking sound, so this meant he would be vulnerable to it. His eyes dulled as he slowly spoke: “The Kingdom of Gesland.”

“How many kingdoms are involved in this war? Who instigated this?” I asked. Instead of interrogating them all one at a time, I can get this man to spit it out for me.

“The Kingdom of Geseland, The Norian Kingdom, The Kingdom of Retolne, and the Kingdom of Hearth. I do not know who instigated this. Only captains and above would know.” The man replied before I burnt him to ash.

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