
Chapter 137 135. New Unknown Bloom Of Feelings

Karna in the royal treasury shit open his eyes as he huffed for air, He was actually traumatised by his own power, He knows that the power Star-Child has is strong but he never expected it to that degree even when it was restricted to 98%.

Just imagine what would have happened when he used 100% of its power. Forget about his opponents, He doubt whether he can even survive a blast of that degree with his protection.

Yeah the most of the power comes from the unrestricted astral now but that makes it more terrifying, If one of the moves alone is capable of destroying the worl-No, The universe to singularity just imagine the combo of two can cause.

"Hey, You wake up Mitra, You make me worried a lot."

It was Duryodhana seeing his friend wake up from his deep medication state run to him and check on him worriedly. He didn\'t show his panic in front of his little sister but he was extremely anxious for Karna.

He never experienced this but his grandfather said that sometimes a weapon can reject its new master if the weapon feels that the new master is not worthy to wield it.

He says that every weapon has a soul. If one tries to communicate with them heart to heart, That weapon becomes best for the said master if not even the legendary weapon becomes worse than a broken sword.

That is the reason why warriors also pray and worship their swords and weapons. They are the first thing that comes into man\'s life. There is even a saying that for a warrior his first wife is the sword hanging on his waist.

Hence why Duryodhna was very worried that this legendary weapon rejected Karna seeing he is just a kid, and not worthy for it. It might harm Karna as these weapons, especially these types of it also have their own pride.

Plus he just now feels the terrifying feeling, Though that feeling just vanished but he never forgot the feeling of dread, the helplessness he felt just a moment ago, He was not sure even with his Vajra body he can survive in front of such an absolute force of destruction.

"I am fine, I just awakened some talent I think. No big deal, just do me a favour Duryodhan, If you ever see me angry and was about to do something foolish with a bow, Punch some sense into me, Can you do that for me?"

Karna stood up and picked up the very unhappy white fox refusing to talk to him. She could not believe he did something like that without thinking about it. She was scared for her life.

But Karna knows she is just acting dramatic for the treats, Didn\'t after "dying" they just come out of the mental realm of his? There was no real threat of life there at all.

So Kaena does not cater to her much, He answers Duryodhana and also gives him a job to stop him from doing something stupid.


Duryodhana did not understand what his dear friend was talking about. Why did he want him to punch him? And second of all can he even punch him? The speed Karna showed yesterday make him doubt it.

"Don\'t think much. Just remember with great power comes great responsibility, I \'m just afraid I might tread on the wrong path in my journey and make huge mistakes, So it\'s your job to make sure I don\'t do that."

Karna patted on the shoulder of Duryodhana and walked away without even a hint of shame of stealing the legendary line of improvement to use it for his own benefit, And just walked out.

"Shushala comes, He might need a moment."

Karna walked to stunned and terrified Sushala and held her hand to take her out.

Sushala didn\'t react until she felt the warm hand grabbing her palm and gently leading her towards the exit. She didn\'t understand what she was feeling right now.

She just a moment ago felt the terrifying force, That scared her so much that she stopped in a place not knowing what to do. All she wanted was someone to come and help her with it.

Normally this done by her dear 100 brothers, They always are there when she needs them. When they hold her hand she feels safe because she knows they will not let any harm fall on her.

But now it\'s different, This is the same feeling of comfort but somehow it is different, it\'s an emotion she never felt before. The moment he held her hand she felt like a current passed through her.

But she liked that feeling. It\'s hard to put into words as even she did not know about what she was feeling but one thing was certain that she had the same trust in the boy who was holding her hand right now as much she has in her brothers that they will always protect her.

Her two twin eyes stared at the half of his face for no reason as they came out of the royal treasury. Her eyes were refusing to let him go out of her sight, which she assumed was because of the shock she just felt.

The trance of Sushala didn\'t last that long though as when they got out they were greeted by the array of people. There was a sage couple who came yesterday. There was respected Rishi Durvasa and most importantly there was her parents waiting at the entrance.

The moment she saw her parents she quickly drag her hands from Karna out of unknown guilt, she did not even dare to meet eyes with others but good for her that everyone\'s eyes were focused on the culprit behind all these events which unfolded.

"So it is you who caused this big commotion?"

Rishi Durvasa was the first to speak, After all others not here have the guts to speak ahead of him.

He moved forward seeing Karna come out of the treasury holding the Astral Ascendance Bow Of Star-child, In short the bow of Star-Child or Star bow, The bow which was releasing the aura of invincibility.

So it was not hard to put 2 and 2 together and come to the conclusion that his student is way more broken than he estimated. Yesterday he got Eyes of Chaos, the element that did not appear in the world nearly from the start of it.

chance that Karna can learn things no matter how hard those things are.


"Pranam Gurudev and Good morning, Also about this, In my defence I just wanted to find Eklavya a And today the same guy not only got a bow which he can feel held tremendous power but also he awakened the talent related to the bow, which was also not weak either at all.

\'Did I make a mistake by promising to teach him whatever he can learn?\'

For the first time, Rishi Durvasa doubted his decision. If Karna gets this thing out of nowhere, Then his luck and talent should be high to be treated by the world differently, which means there is a high chance that Karna can learn things no matter how hard those things are.

"Pranam Gurudev and Good morning, Also about this, In my defence I just wanted to find Eklavya a bow seeing he was using the makeshift one, Who knows what kinda problem the Kosala kingdom has with Hastinapur that they leave weapon like this here.

It\'s good that it was I who got this weapon or someone might have gotten seriously hurt."

Karna directly went on defence mode, He didn\'t know what kinda commotion Rishi Durvasa was talking about but he was sure it was not a good thing at all.

He quickly put the bow into his inventory which in the eyes of others looked like it just vanished out of thin air without leaving any trace behind.

But Karna not care about that for the time being, He needs to know how big a commotion he causes and most importantly if his mother knows this or not, That would change the whole thing making him have to.think of different ways to handle it.

"Oh yes, Kosala has a problem with Hastinapur and because they were given that powerful legendary weapon to them right? Because they have enmity with this kingdom?

Come on it does not work on me, Now tell me is this bow strong? How strong? Is the talent you awakened is also strong like that? Can you show it to me? Look at that mountain and use it on it.

I am here, So don\'t worry about the aftermath of it, I can fix the destroyed mountain after it."

Rishi Durvasa does not buy his excuse at all, Which Karna already knows, He is just shooting his shot in the dark but who knows other than being angry he was excited wanting to know about it.

After all, he does not need to worry about anything. He is Rishi Durvasa, The trouble/commotion is caused by his student, who in their right mind would do anything to them?

He just want to know how powerful Karna become now, He was already shocked by the skill of the bow to vanish out of thin air without leaving the tace behind.

Even he can\'t sense the existence of the bow anymore, As if the bow never existed at all This only make his curiosity even stronger.

"About tha- *Thud*"

Karna is never going to use his power here until he learns how to control it. It\'s just that when he was about to say it, Suddenly everything became dark in front of his eyes and he blacked out, falling to the ground with a thud.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)


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