
Chapter 395 - Expert At Dealing With Love Rivals

Chapter 395 – Expert At Dealing With Love Rivals

The other man got up from the ground as he replied, "You heard what he said. He doesn\'t consider himself a part of the clan so why would his majesty care?"

That was indeed a good question. Why would Qilin San care about Ji Yao when he wasn\'t a threat in any way shape or form. Unfortunately for him, he won\'t find out how much of a threat his grandson was until it\'s too late.


Another less obvious threat was in the middle of an arena holding a double blade sword in his hand as he wiped away the sweat from his forehead.

Rui Fei looked down at the weapon in his hand with a thoughtful expression. When his grandfather gave this to him he had thought that it was just an accessory for show as he had never needed a weapon when he was fighting.

But the moment he injected his seraphic energy into the weapon he felt heavy like he was working much harder than before.

Ever since then he learnt the moment he achieves oneness with this weapon and his seraphic energy flows with ease his strength would have improved drastically.

Night and day he practised with this double-bladed sword and slowly but surely he was reaching his goal. Because he would practice every day in this arena when he wasn\'t out with his uncle hunting down the keystones he had unwittingly gained an audience.

Today his practice session was a little different. His grandfather had unleashed high level beasts that he had caught on one of his expeditions for Rui Fei to fight. One by one they were released from the cage and Rui Fei had to fight.

He wanted to make sure that this time when he confronts Qilin Hao he would be able to defeat her and run away with Ji Yao. This time he won\'t let anyone keep him and Ji Yao apart any longer.

At the thought of Ji Yao, the storm lying docile at the pit of his stomach stirred up again as his pupils turned black with a sinister aura surrounding his body. His eyes became sharper as he tightened his hold on the double-bladed sword.

The pain of his nails digging into his skin woke him up just as the cage slowly opened. This time instead of a single beast they were two staring at him with an air of hostility.

The corner of Rui Fei\'s lips rose as he glowered at the beasts. He wouldn\'t shy away from a challenge even when he was mentally and physically exhausted. He took on a sturdy stance ready to fight when the beasts charged forward.

Rui Fei leapt forward as though to stab at one of the beasts but instead of thrusting the blade into the beast Rui Fei suddenly swung his sword fiercely. A strong force pushed the beasts back with one of them striking the wall and dying on the spot.

Before the still breathing beast could get up on its feet Rui Fei appeared before it like a fiend in the night. With a mighty swing he decapitated the head of the beast before it disintegrated mid-air into dust.

Rui Fei hadn\'t even used a lot of strength to achieve this task but his heart was rapidly beating as the darkness spread from his aether to his aetherial veins stirring up a massive outburst.

With one of his feet stepping on the corpse of one of the beasts he inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm his emotions. From within his lapel, he took out a pendant whose string was around his neck. A strong fragrance he was familiar with surrounded him and he took a long deep inhale.

The fragrance instantly soothed the fervent emotions stirring up within him. The darkness in his aetherial veins was quickly suppressed as he calmed down considerably. After calming down he stretched out his hand and disintegrated the bodies of the beasts cleaning up after himself.

Because he was concentrated on what he was doing he ignored the crowd of onlookers who were watching him with keen interest. Something was different about this group of onlookers today because among them was someone who was considered too important to appear in such a place.

At the centre of the crowd of females was Huishe Yingtao, the same female who was sent to Rui Fei but was ruthlessly rejected. Her family had already been compensated considerably after the incident and at the time she was happy.

But as the years went by people couldn\'t get the name Rui Fei out of their mouths. The young man was famous throughout the clan not only because he was handsome but because of his strength and combat skills. Overnight this cub had become hot commodity with every female giving him a second glance each time he passed by.

Because she was instructed never to show her face in front of Rui Fei again she hadn\'t gotten to see what everyone was rambling on about. Now that she had seen him she was enchanted once more forgetting the fear she felt that night.

She regretted it now. She regretted accepting that compensation. If she had known he would make her heart flutter like this with one glance she would have insisted on pursuing him till she won his heart.

With her hand on her chest, she heard the other females saying, "You should just give up. I heard he has a white moonlight in his heart and the reason why he is working this hard it\'s to get back to that person."

"They aren\'t here now so why can\'t I brush up good feelings and who knows maybe by the time he gets to that person they would have moved on and I will be there to comfort his poor broken heart."

"Ha Hahahaha, with sister Yingtao around you stand no chance. She is the only one among us who has a shot."

Huishe Yingtao who had been listening in recalled that no one knew about the whole incident that she was rejected by Rui Fei. To protect her reputation they suppressed the news making sure no one outside the main parties involved knows about it.

Back then she was happy that no one found out about this as it would affect her future prospects but now she kind of wanted these girls to know so they won\'t have any designs on him. If anyone was to soothe his broken heart it would have to be her.

Without thinking much she blurted out, "What sister Lee said isn\'t exactly true. I am undeserving as well but my parents have met with the clan leader before to discuss it," as she lightly played with the pendant in her hand.

Everyone, "….."

After saying this she turned around to leave as Rui Fei approached his uncle and grandfather who had been observing him outside the grounds. Huishe Yingtao naturally walked over like she was familiar with the three men making the other females die of envy.

When it comes to eliminating the competition she was an expert.. Unfortunately, her true love rival was not to be fucked with.

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