
Chapter 148 - Lan Wu The Face-con

But now this stupid Hundun was telling him his Wei Wei ran off with a lizard, how could he not do something about it.

Livid beyond words he went all out giving this fight his best. The beast had already been tired out by Ji Yao and the wounds sustained on its body had bettered the odds for Huishe Yue but it still put up a fight.

After having gone at it for two hours Huishe Yue was so annoyed that he wished he could attain some kind of cheat to ruin this beast. Lucky for him help was on the way. Well, sure the help he got wasn\'t a cheat but it was Lan Wu who came over to the rescue.

A shard of ice sped past him and struck the Hundun on the wound on its wing which was really a sore spot for it.. That was the first cut that led to its downward spiral. If Ji Yao hadn\'t had the opportunity to slash near its wing he wouldn\'t have realised the power of his sword.

So yes, when Lan Wu attacked it there it got so angry that it launched a wave attack sending him flying like a missile. Lucky for him Huishe Yue was there otherwise he might have flown straight into a mountain.

Huishe Yue caught him and used his sturdy body to stop Lan Wu\'s momentum. Lan Wu felt so embarrassed that he pushed Huishe Yue away.

He thought he could repay the favour and level the playing field with Huishe Yue but it seemed this debt wasn\'t getting repaid any time soon.

The universe just kept telling him that he couldn\'t repay that debt at least not yet. Huishe Yue was dealing with the Hundun but he couldn\'t help screw with him. I mean who could blame him? He was like a soft dumpling that could easily peel open with a single touch. He was too easy to bully.

"Huh? Turns out you have a soft spot for me. I thought you didn\'t like me," asked Huishe Yue in a taunting tone with a smirk on his face.

Lan Wu had to admit being looked at with those eyes his mind went blank. It is indeed a curse dealing with good looking people because they can convince you to do things you normally wouldn\'t do. Like the whole cherry frizz drink, he carried around for half a day.

Huishe Yue used him as a walking talking refrigerator and the sad part was that he went along with it. Maybe it was because he was a face-con who couldn\'t handle good looking people. The problem was that he wasn\'t like that with Ji Yao, Rui Fei or even Xiaoyu only Huishe Yue.

He could label it as being bullied but it seemed he was complacent in the bullying. He just couldn\'t say no to him which he hated so much. This is why he wanted to stay furthest away from him. This debt was all thanks to Zhang Li\'s love-struck stupidity.

Huishe Yue didn\'t get an answer neither could he wait for an answer from him because the Hundun came at them like charging like a raging bull. It seemed recess was over and the battle had resumed.

It\'s a good thing that the rest of the concord and crew had survived the great sand storm because they could also come and help finish off this annoying beast. It\'s a good thing Ji Yao had knocked it off its equilibrium so it couldn\'t throw around a wave of confusion.

But despite everyone being there and putting so much effort into it the thing just wouldn\'t go down. Now Huishe Yue understood why it took all the clans in Niuq to eliminate this menace that is the Hundun clan.

While the entire crew was facing off with this resilient beast, Ji Yao had finally woken up. All he remembered was starting a chaotic storm and colliding with the beast but anything after that was a blur. He remembered a princess carry, then pulling Rui Fei into the crevice and after that it was blank.

Recalling he was hurt he felt around his abdomen pressing it down but there was no pain. He raised his head looking around only to find he was lying on something comfortable and warm. His mind muddled he felt around with his hand as he looked down to find a pair of knees that could only belong to Rui Fei.

When he looked up and saw Rui Fei looking at him with a sly smile, Ji Yao almost got a heart attack. The look of worry on Rui Fei\'s face was long gone replaced by a look of glee. Ji Yao pursed his lips with an expression as though he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

Ji Yao sat up straight as Rui Fei said, "You can touch all you want..... no need to feel bad about it," with his arms crossed on his chest. He looked like a wolf that had a little lamb backed up in a corner. This made him especially happy that he couldn\'t help but feel bubbly inside. 

\'You would love that wouldn\'t you?\' thought Ji Yao to himself as he looked around in the tiny space. He was looking for a way out besides the hole they entered through that was probably full of sand.

He might not want to discuss this but Rui Fei wasn\'t being cool about it and letting it go as he should. He prefered being a menace for once and started holding Ji Yao accountable for things he does while passed out drunk or sleeping.

"Yao-ge, you even drooled on me yet you don\'t want to talk to me," he said with a deadpan expression. If anything that got Ji Yao\'s attention. He whipped his head around all wide-eyed like a nesting doll. He lowered his gaze at Rui Fei\'s knees and there it was. Rui Fei wasn\'t lying. There was a conspicuous spot on his knees making Ji Yao so embarrassed his ears turned red.

He slowly wiped the corner of his lip wishing he had been buried in the sand instead. This was just too embarrassing.

"Like I said as long as it\'s you..... I don\'t mind. No need to feel bad," said Rui Fei being genuine but the look on his face made him seem naughty like he was up to no good.

But Ji Yao wasn\'t one to be one-upped so easily. Since Rui Fei wanted to play then Ji Yao would play along. "And why is that?" he asked as he raised a brow.

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