
Chapter 1108 I Just Want To Relax


I managed to calm the current Empress and the former Matriarch from another Plane after a while.

"Husband! It\'s been so long! I heard that you\'re letting your disciples ascend to Godhood to follow you is that right? Do you think I can become one too? When are we actually going to get married for real? I\'m always ready to do it, you know? I know husband is always busy so I hold myself back but even I want to receive love from husband from time to time too! Maybe we can go somewhere after this and reaffirm our love for each other? Or maybe we should just go now? What does husband think?"

I coughed, "Umm… We\'re in the middle of an event, Luna…"

"My turn, my turn!" Guiying cut in. "Masterrrrr!! I missed you! You don\'t come and visit me anymore so I came to visit you instead! This is fine right? Pamper meeeee!"

You know… The two of you are monarchs in your own right… Is this actually fine?

Oh whatever… I can adapt.

I reached out and patted both of their heads which instantly settled them down, the two of them purring in content at the contact.

I cleared my throat, "Now, now. There\'s outsiders here so let\'s leave this to later, alright? Behave yourselves."

The two girls made some more purring noises so I assume they understood what I said.

"Can I at least get a kiss first?" Luna asked, which prompted Guiying\'s eyes to sparkle as well.

In response, I simply pulled the two monarchs in and kissed the two of them on the lips, the both of them leaning into the kiss and even putting in their tongues for a deep one.

"Ahhhnn~ I need to do this more often with Husband~" Luna moaned, a line of drool escaping her lips.

Guiying giggled, "Ehehe~ I agree~ Save a spot for me in the orgy later, ok? I definitely want to join in~"

She didn\'t even wait for my response before skipping back to where her retainers were waiting for her, none of them even showing any reaction to what their Empress did as though it was the most normal thing in the world.

Luna gave me another kiss on the cheek before allowing Rina to take her away to where the other members of the Sect will be seated at, leaving me with my disciples again.

And of course, each of them wanted a kiss of their own as well so I had to give one to each of them in turn, including Iris as well.

Right then, a group of people dressed in clothes we have never seen before came into the Courtyard, all of them looking around the place with a curious air.

Out of all the people who have arrived so far, they were the only ones to not even look at my direction when they arrived, suggesting that they must be people from either the country of Mei or the country of Han.

One of the Sect members came forward and greeted them before bringing them to a designated area set aside for the visitors from Han.

Right behind them, another group of people came in and I guessed these must be the people from the country of Mei since they were brought to another seating location on the opposite side of Han\'s.

You could clearly see the difference between the two groups of people since the people from Mei wore clothes that showed off their muscles and the people looked more like bodybuilders than Practitioners. On the other hand, the people from the country of Han had a scholarly appearance and wore robes that covered their entire body.

And I certainly won\'t mistake the people from the country of Sun who just came in either. Especially since they were led by High Maiden Tatiana who immediately made a beeline towards me like how Guiying did.

"My dearest and most benevolent God!" She cried out before prostrating herself in front of me, prompting her congregation to do the same.

I cleared my throat, "Umm… Please get up, Tatiana. Over here I am just a normal Master and not some god or whatever."

Honestly, it\'s not really a lie considering I\'m not actually a god. The real gods are my disciples who were, for some reason, nodding at Tatiana with a proud look on their faces right now.

Stop encouraging her…

Tatiana\'s face lit up, "Ah! Of course! Founding God wishes to keep your real position secret! I understand!"

I mean… Even if I did, you basically already told everyone about it already…

I decided to ask her the question that had been on my mind.

"Could I ask what made you come all the way here to attend this event?"

"Eh? Since this event was personally blessed by Founding God, it would be sacrilegious if we don\'t show up, right?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Who said that this was blessed by me?"

"Eh? All the flyers did!"

She pulled out said flyer from inside her robes and showed it to me and I narrowed my eyes at the words written on it.

\'Come join the Sect Showcase Festival personally blessed by the Divine Master Lin of Heaven Sect!\'

What the heck? Why is it advertising for people to come?! If this was being sent around then it\'s no wonder that even people from the other countries were coming here since it looks like an open invitation!

Who\'s responsible for this?!

Sect Master Qing?!! Why were you surprised that other people decided to join us then?! This whole thing was set up by you from the start! What the heck?!

Ugh… Whatever… It\'s not really a big deal anyway…

Oh well, here\'s a headpat for you, you can go sit down now, Tatiana…

Of course, that triggered the rest of my disciples who also wanted a headpat for themselves, so I had to give them one each as well.

At least I have Cai Hong sitting on my lap who I gave a cookie to nibble on. Yep, she\'s definitely the cutest.

While I was doing that, Sect Master Qing finally returned and announced that everyone was here and the Festival would soon begin.

"I welcome everyone to this year\'s Sect Showcase Festival! All participants, please report to the Elders outside the courtyard to register yourselves, we shall be starting shortly!"

Several members from each of the Sect stood up and made their way towards said Elders.

Xun Guan also managed to slip off my body while leaving a clone behind before reforming into the identity I prepared for her, allowing her to participate in the Festival too.

I really want to go and start skiing Sect Master Qing why he did that flyer thing but I\'ll allow myself to cheat and ask omniscience instead.

What does it mean by \'everyone wants my glory to be spread far and wide\'?! I never asked for this! All I wanted was to just sit here and relax damnit!

Urgh, whatever, I\'m just going to sit here and pat Cai Hong while watching the show. Don\'t bother me…

You\'re not going to take my easy life away from me!

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