
Chapter 1089 No Game, No See Daddy

There was no one around to stop us as we stepped past the gates to the castle and I did not feel any barrier or even any indication that would warn the little dragon of my arrival.

Omniscience explained that there was no such feature because the other \'children\' would also sometimes wander in here to play with Master so there was no need to monitor anyone coming in and out of here.

That plays perfectly into my needs so I continued to let myself be guided by Master\'s split body to where Master\'s main body was.

Right as we were nearing the throne room however, a \'child\' stepped out to block our way.

"I think that\'s far enough… Mother."

I tilted my head, "Ara? I don\'t know what you are talking about?"

"Sigh… It\'s me, Lilith, Mother… At least remember me… That\'s why I already know it\'s you so you don\'t need to pretend…"

"What do you want?" I asked, ignoring her nonsensical plea. Why should I remember someone who isn\'t Master?

"What are you planning to do with Daddy?"

"Ara, ara? To bring Him back to His senses of course. Since neither myself nor those disciples of Master were allowed to direct Master towards our ideal forms, why should the little dragon be allowed to?"

She frowned at me, "But more people like this version of Daddy than either of yours, can\'t you see that?"

"Ufufufu~ What does that have to do with anything? You are still changing Master to become someone else right? Isn\'t that hypocritical of you?"

"No, this Daddy is His current real self, we did not influence Him in any way at all. We are merely stopping you from making any more changes."

"Ara, ara? Are you not aware that I no longer have any desire to change Master?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Eh… Eh? Really? You\'re not trying to take Daddy back just so that you can change Him back to His past self?"

"Ufufu~ Did you not hear me the first time? I already said no. I\'ve come to know that my attempts would result in the End of the Universe which I believe would benefit no one."

"Oh… I see… In that case… What is Mother doing here?"

"Ara? The little dragon took Master away to a place where we could not see Him. Did you think any of us would be ok with that?"

"Ummm… But those disciples of Daddy\'s are content with what they\'re getting right? Why does Mother still need to find that dragon?"

"Ufufu~ Do you really think that I can be satisfied with simple split bodies of Master?"

She scratched her cheek, "I… I suppose not…"

"Fufu~ Are you done stalling? I have already Ended any possibility of anyone escaping out of this World with Master~ So there\'s no need for you to try and buy time for that little dragon to escape~"

"What?! But… But that shouldn\'t be possible! Wasn\'t it made such that if Mother tried to End anything in this World, then the entire World will End with us as well?!"

"Ufufufu~ That\'s why I Ended the space outside of this World~ You could bring Master out of this World but you would be hit with a wall immediately and reappear just outside of this World~"

Before I had even arrived here, I had already checked for any possibilities and futures where that little dragon could slip away with Master. It was then a simple thing for me to End every single possibility where such a thing happened to ensure she doesn\'t escape.

That was why I was not too worried when I was delayed by that \'child\' earlier, nor when our plan had to change because those disciples of Master got distracted.

Of course I would have made sure that nothing went wrong with this plan of ours, it would be foolish of me to leave anything to chance when it involved Master~

This was all simply an inevitability.

I looked at the child still blocking my way, "Would that be all? If it is, please step aside~"

She looked extremely reluctant to do so and I could see that she was thinking if it would be wise of her to try and stop me through force instead. She really thought that I was less threatening just because I was in this child form instead of my usual one.

I was just about to push her aside when the door to the throne room opened and another \'child\' stepped out.

Surprise, surprise, it was the perpetrator behind this entire incident herself~

"Ara, ara? I\'d have thought you would be trying to escape with Master right now, little dragon. What brings you out here and away from the safety of Master\'s embrace?"

"Umm… Cai Hong wants Mama to be happy with Papa… Cai Hong no want Mama to fight…"

What is this little dragon saying? Does she think that such a thing could be solved just by asking nicely?

I may not look like it but I\'m not happy with her, you know? If it wasn\'t because of Master, I would have Ended her a long time ago.

I tilted my head at her, "You took Master away from us and even tried to manipulate Him as well, what makes you think that I would listen to whatever you say?"

"Papa happy?"

"Ufufufu~ That may be so, but I would very much like Master to return back to us instead of being kept in this World just to cater to your whims~"

"Cai Hong want Papa to be happy too! Mama no make Papa sad?"

"Ufufufu~ I never intended for Master to be sad in the first place. So will you let me go see Master or do I need to remove your existence entirely?"

The little dragon started poking her fingers together, "Ummm… Papa knows Mama is coming… Papa says if Mama wants him, Mama will need to win Cai Hong in a game!"

Ara? How incomprehensible.

"A game?" I muttered.

She nodded, "Play game! Be happy!"

The first \'child\' who had blocked my way turned to look at the little dragon, "Did Daddy really say that?"

"Mnnn! Daddy want us to be happy! So play!"

Truly, truly incomprehensible… But I suppose since Master had decreed it, I will just need to obey.

It\'s a good thing I have already gained prior experience before this happened~

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